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About Myself: For hobbies I play video games, write, sing and daydream. I live in Ontario, Canada, and am studying child and youth counciling, as well as criminal profiling.

How I found Canterlot.com: I was told, via youtube video to get involved in the community, and this website was linked from another.

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: A youtube user named Joshscorcher made a video reviewing the first 2 episodes of MLP season one. He usually does video games so I checked it out, laughed at his commentaries and left when he annouced he was far from being a brony. Then he made another review, and a PMV. Joshscorcher shows great intelligence in his videos, so I decided to check out one episode, and that became two, and to make a long story short I now love the show.

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy
Hello, I've only recently come to the conclusion that I am a brony, before listening to AccousicBrony, and TheLivingTombstone was only music, not related to the show in any way. But I just finished watching the 2nd season, and have decided to accept it. I also thought it might be nice to find somewhere where there are people of a similar mindset, rather then bring it up casually in conversation and being told the usual song and dance from those who haven't watched the show. But I think I'm ready to compleatly accept this part of myself...

Thank you for reading the long winded paragraph, and I hope I can contribute to you guys and the fandom in general.

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Thank you; MyLittlePonyTales and Duchess.

To Silverswirl, yeah I saw that too, good eye lol. It was actually the first reletivly simple username that came to mind, as my usual user name is 18 characters long. Thanks for the welcome!

And to Rosewind, I'll be sure to check it out, I'd be happy to help,

...Yeah I forgot to say in the original post, I'm a guy.

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I see that you are thanking those who welcome you to Canterlot. Needless to say I require no payment of thank you's. Only the fact that you see this post welcoming you to the wonderful world of roleplaying with other pony-loving folk on this website known as Canterlot.com is necessary payment. I hope you have a wonderful time here. :)

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Unfortunately due to your kind words SaucySpider, I will have to insist you take the offered thank you. It actually means quite a bit to me that you would type out a few sentences to me, and I hope I can be some kind of help to you guys.

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