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A hoof shake for all of you.


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About Myself: Enjoys:





South London, UK.

How I found Canterlot.com: I saw it on google while i was serarching something

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Long Story. I'm a admin on a Facebook Page (Team Water Pokemon) as Chompy. If you know me, you'll know the story, but you probably don't so here it is.

There is another admin on the page (Retired brony). I soon gave in and started watching MLP just out of curiosity. I watched the first episode. I did tell my friend admin that i would ONLY watch the first episode and nothing else. I (actually) enjoyed the first ep, and later watched the whole of season one. Of course, i relied on fanfics (Notable ones: My Little Dashie)

Until season 2 struck. Now season 2 was great. But this is stretching the story. My parents found out like 1 month after, and now joke about it so often, but who cares?

My favourite main cast pony/s: Fluttershy,Miss Rarity
So, hi. I'm here to make you guys happy, but i'm also here for depression relief.


After Season 1, i started watching the show not just for its ultra-cartoony-epicness, but also Depression Relief, and now ponies are the first things i turn to whenever i'm feeling sad. In other words, the Brony Community Changed my life DRAMATICALLY. Without ponies, i would probably just be a normal old boy. For this whole thing, i thank you. And i am so pleased you took the effort to make a website. Equestria Daily is my news site, hopefully this will be my new forum. In short, i am glad to see you and will be going to this years Bronyscream.

Thank you.

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Welcome to the forums! Your reason for watching is similar to mine. I was in a dark place in my life, I had recently lost my great-grandmother to old age and it hurt so much because she had been there my whole life. I was also feeling hopeless, unemployed and nothing was panning out for jobs and I began to contemplate ending it all but then Carameldelight showed me an episode and it saved my life! But I digress, enjoy your stay here!

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