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Sex: Male

Age: Stallion in his prime of athletic ability.

Species: Pegasus

Pelt Color: Navy blue

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Midnight blue color of mane and tail with a lighter shade of blue streak. Cut short and kept neat.

Eye Color: Dark Yellow/Gold

Cutie Mark: Valkyrie Wings (In context with the pony, to represent his control of fate within combat. Better explanation in cutie-mark story.)

Physique: A little bit taller than average, physically buff and built.

Origin/Current: Stalliongrad / Canterlot

Roleplay Type: Mane

Occupation: Soldier, Royal Equestrian Special Force's (RESF) Second Order "Plumbata"

Motivation: To forever be immortalized alongside his ancestors in his family's history as a member of the REA.


Likes to make new acquaintances whe

Sharing past travelling experiences with friends.

Optimism towards a problem/Can do attitudes.

Mares.. Yep he likes mares.


Resorting to any violence/unneeded physical contact unless deemed necessary by course of events.

Finds very 'in your face' sorts of ponies annoying.

Character Summary

Cutie Mark: One of the older colts to get his cutie mark, Ironmane was casually trotting down one of the many streets of Stalliongrad when he passed what he thought was a desolate alley way to see a filly pegasus by the name of "Procella" being harassed by a pair of Zebras. Being a colt of chivalry, Ironmane intervened between the small rabble, bucking the most aggressive zebra before watching the second flee. His cutie mark, the wings of the Valkyrie, (and Valkyries were determiners of fate in battle) symbolize Ironmane's control of his own destiny as well as the those at the mercy of his hooves.

History: Ironmane was always a subtle pony. Never one to draw too much attention to himself. He hailed from the city of Stalliongrad, where, for many generations his family were born and raised before becoming members of the many branches of the REA. Ironmane's parents were reknown for making sure he kept on top of his studies and physical attributes.

Upon age of enlistment, most stallions of Ironmane's family were in tiptop physical shape and were forced to enlist in the REA as family tradition.

During most of Ironmane's foalhood his parents made sure to keep a strict regime on how he went about his studies and was allocated a timeframe regarding his time to be dedicated to study, physical activity and leisure time. Ironmane's father was at times, a dictator of his household who ruled with an iron hoof and demanded nothing less of his offspring. Though such a strict ruling would take a toll even on the most strongest of ponies, but the sheer tenacity and perseverance would help him through his harsh years of schooling until he met a certain pegasus, alongside coincidentally achieving getting his cutie mark.

Ironmane's greatest friend from his years of being a colt was coincidentally (not so much) the young filly "Procella", who he had saved prior to him acquiring his cutie mark. Procella was almost the same age as Ironmane, was colored a shiny white coat with a blue mane, similar to that of ironmane. A slightly smaller than average pegasus, she was incredibly book-smart and sometimes longed to be a unicorn for the pure reason of her wanting to study magick. Alas such a thing was not possible and so she drove herself to study as much about weather. Though regardless of this book-smart nature, she was still very athletic, almost as much as Ironmane. From physical and mental activities and studying the two bonded together heavily.

Upon Ironemane reaching the ripe age of enlistment, he was in top physical condition, and had finished his studies at the top of his class. It seemed the large volumes are time dedicated to studying and physical activity with his closest friend Procella had benefited him greatly, despite Ironmane's introvert personality. Though unfortunately such feelings of achievement and accomplishment were overwhelmed with the horrible emotion of sorrow as he would soon leave Procella to focus on her further studies into "Weather Engineering" while he pursued the family tradition of military enlistment.

When the day finally arrived Ironmane and Procella shed tears as they hugged eachother tightly. What felt like an eternity came to a quick end when they finally let go and made an agreement between them. "No matter what we do, or were we go in life.. we shall always be friends eternal." With the pact made, they hugged it out one last time before Ironmane was lead away by senior officers of the Royal Equestrian Army.

Descending from a family of such a vast military-oriented bloodline, nothing less of Ironmane was expected from the officers at the bootcamp far into the Gor Zarya Mountains. As time progressed through Ironmane's days of training in the Gor Zarya Mountain range, a small operation, in which Ironmane was put in charge of, was to clear out a small settlement of diamond dogs for the use of building new training facilities. With no losses of ponies under his command and the clearing out of all diamond dogs without the use of extreme force earned him a moment in the spotlight under the commanding officers of the training facility alongside his already prestigious family background.

From the point of graduation onwards, Ironmane was taken to an undisclosed location of secrecy and under high security. Here he was recruited into the Stalliongrad Guard Integrated Security Unit. Taken note of was his intensive military family background on top of his already spectacular levels of fitness and intellectual ability where by they brought him up to speed with all of the ISU's protocol's and training before dropping into the ISU-74 unit "Strazha". What is arguably a shady part of the REA, became Ironmane's home for the forthcoming years.

After a few years of undisclosable operations under the ICU-74 Ironmane was granted leave by which he spent in the company of his family.

Upon approaching Procella since there last encounter years ago, they hardly recognised eachother. So much had changed but regardless they got into a hug tighter than any knot could be formed. They conversed with eachother for many hours until the only topic that was left was if they were going to catch up the next day. Much to the excitement for the next day, Procella was to be left in dismay. Ironmane approached her and hugged her even tighter than yesterday. This sparked a question from Procella "Woah woah, calm down there Mane, you only just saw me yesterday and we'll be hanging out all day today, right?" When Procella was answered with nothing but silence and a tighter hug she began to feel tears. "What's wrong Mane? Tell me?" She sniffled. Again only being answered with silence she broke the hug and demanded to know what was wrong "Ironmane! Tell me!" She angrily teared up. Ironmane lifted his head before tidying up his mane and eyes. "I'm being reassigned.." He slowly spoke.. "..To Canterlot." Procella was taken aback from surprise before launching herself into the hooves of Ironmane. "The details are small, most of it has been redacted but all I know is I'll be permanently stationed in Canterlot." With that moment they repeated their pact made many years ago and hugged each other tightly for one last time.

Not much information is known on Ironmane's current career within the Royal Equestrian Special Force's inside of Canterlot apart from his involvement within a small sector known as the "Second Order" or "Plumbata". All other information is classified and to remain within and amongst top tier members of the REA.

Personality: Ironmane likes to to maintain a peaceful atmosphere with himself and others around him. Though when not in service for the REA, he becomes quite a talkative pony to friends, he prefer to meet new acquiantances and friends with a calm and civil tone as to paint the best impression possible. Ironmane is a stallion of his word and will do everything within his power when appropriate to complete a task assigned to him. (On or off duty.)

Ironmane is generally a very polite pony, speaking civilly in most situations alongside remaining strangely calm regardless of the situation. Even though he is at most times an introverted kind of pony, he does enjoy the company of others and very close friends but does prefer his alone time to mentally recharge himself so to speak. He can be quite fun and playful but only among the closest of friends. Around others he tends to be a bit more shut off and private about most of his personal stuff such as where he's from and especially his career of work.

With the recent situation with his lifelong friend Procella he fears that he may have some mental side effects such as an easy onset of depression from loneliness and other things of the like.


I think I made the necessary edits given the vague critique.

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I wanted to ensure that you had a firm grasp of who Ironmane was, rather than merely what he was. It seems you have addressed that, though, so stamps!


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