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Ready to Go Down Town?


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About Myself: Hello, Canterlot! I am DownTownGroove or if you would like, you can call me DT for short, I don't mind either way. I am a young musician and I play instruments such as Guitar, Piano, and Trumpet. I hope to get into Violin and Harp as well as drums. I am also trying to get into creating Dubstep or also DJing, if I can properly learn the trade and the tricks of the trade. I am also an Artists. I enjoy to sketch things down whenever I get bored and I also love to paint. I am still quite... An amateur but practice makes perfect. One last thing, I also love to write. I mostly write poetry but whenever I can, I find myself writing short stories. Ones that are not usually completed xD I reside in the US, California. Good ol' Sunshine~

How I found Canterlot.com: I was browsing Google for a good roleplay website for MLP:FiM And I stumbled upon this place~

How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Well, it seemed that is just popped up over a day because I began to see pictures of characters and such on DeviantART and also MLP talk. I thought it was ridiculous at first but then I watched the first episode and fell in love with it xDD

My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie
There is not much I can explain anymore but I guess I can tell a little about my roleplay past and life... I have been a roleplayer for four years straight. I have jumped between a few sites and I have had experience with Forum roleplays as well as live, chat-box roleplays. I have even tried to create my own roleplay websites. Those... Kind of failed. Forum roleplays though I am still a bit tad shaky on though this place seems to be easy to navigate through and friendly~ With a bit of help, I believe I will have it down in a few days tops~


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@Rosewind: Thank you ^-^

Yeah. I have listened to a few mainly as NotACleverPony and DJ Alex S. that I believe does a few Dubstep remixes like Party With Pinkie [VIP]

You might like SimGretina, then! He does a lot of really good pony remixes.

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