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Under a tree, beneath the tree, anypony want to sit with me? (OPEN)


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"Yep!" Marshie chirped, trotting towards the cafe with a spring in her step. "Here's where I got the magic moon pies that disappeared so quickly! Shall we head in?"

The snow white mare pushed the door to the cafe open and the four of them were hit with a wave of warm, sugary air. There were only a few ponies inside, but there were enough beautiful treats on colorful displays to feed the entire Royal Guard for a week.

"Back already, Marshie?" said a voice almost as sugary as the goodies filling the cafe. It came from a warm cream earth pony with a curly blue-and-pink mane that matched most of the shop's decor. She was standing behind the counter bagging a small amount of candy for a customer, and grinning at the four ponies who had just walked in. "And you brought some friends, too! You keep my business afloat, no doubt about it." She finished helping the customer, who walked out the door they'd just come in, jangling the shop bell.

"Now," she said, turning to them, "what are your names, all of you?"

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"Sour Lemonade." The mare smiled, nodding her head to this pony. This would be Bon Bon, surely. She seemed to look like the store, at least.

"Marshie here started me drooling over those Moon Pies, gonna have to say I'm hooked."

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Bon Bon nodded at the three ponies, smiling a little. "Lovely to meet you all," she said. "So you flew Marshie ov-- wait, what?" She turned to Marshie, flabbergasted.

"Ohmigosh, Bon, it was incredible! I got to go swooping way up in the sky, and they held onto me, and it was gorgeous, and so fast! You should try it, Bon, it's great!"

While she was talking, a mint green unicorn walked out of the back room grinning. "That sounds so awesome, Marshie! Wow! You carried her?" she asked Cloud, appraising his strength. "I have to admit, I'm surprised you even needed to, her head's in the clouds already!" Lyra chortled at her own joke.

"Yeah, they already heard that one, Lyra," Marshie said dryly.

"Okay, how about... she eats so many marshmallows I'm surprised she didn't just float away!" Lyra laughed again, and Marshie couldn't help giggling.

"Oh you. These are my new friends Belmont, Sour Lemonade, and Cloud. They're all from out of town."

"Cool!" Lyra exclaimed, waving at them. "Say, you should take them on a tour of Ponyville or something!"

((OOC: I'm sorry these posts are so long. I guess it's because I have three characters now, haha. Does anyone want Lyra, by any chance?))

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