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Right Idea Wrong Brony

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Hey I has an idea but I'm stupid.Okay so I wanna make an RP that is kinda like a choose your own adventure.Here lets just show you this:

You are Colt a 19 year old brony and t-shirt model.You live with your two female friends:Brown Lily and Japon and your girlfriend Lotus.You guys are all humanized and live in the creul real world.But in every evil there is good.Lotus loves you and would rather risk her life than to see you hurt.Brown lily is the best friend a Colt could have.And last but not least Japon is tolerable.

That is the intro for Colt.But thats not it!We also have to have Lotus,Japon and Brown Lily.I will be the narrorator.Please I need to know how to make this work.

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Hey, not sure if you're still trying to do this, but from what I understand, you want to do an RP that is in the style of a Choose Your Own Adventure book, correct? Bluntly, I don't think it's possible, since CYOAs are formatted for one person to go through at a time rather than multiple people (unless it's a group of friends doing it MST-style) Plus, making several points of reference would just be confusing. I could see this as a fan-fic, or multiple fan-fics from each of the other characters' perspectives, but having a RP in a CYOA format just seem like a mess waiting to happen.

I guess the closest thing would be between you and one other person, where you give option to one another back and forth, but that also seems like it could become a mess quickly. I hate to be the bad guy here, but CYOA + RP = Not going to end well.

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