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Joyful Spark [FINAL]

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RoleplayType: Mane rp

Name: Joyful Spark

Sex: Female

Age: Mare

Species: earth pony

EyeColor: dark chocolate brown

CoatColor: A light , dusty brown.

Mane/Tail/MarkingsColor&Style: Her tail is long, nearly to the floor, and extremely flowy. It's a deep brown, darker then her coat, but lighter then her eyes.

Physique: A bit thin legged, and long necked, she is seem by some as awkward, and others as a unique beauty.

CutieMark: Her cutie mark is a bright yellow lightening bolt with two small hearts coming off as if sparks as it struck the ground.

Origin/Residence: Joyful comes from a small town in the heartland of Equestria west of Cloudsdale and just north of the Arod river. It's a small town of close knit earth ponies and a few unicorns.

Occupation: She used to work in a small general store owned by her and her husband Courageous Spark, and was known for being able to help a pony find a gift that said what they felt better then any words could. She has since left the store to her young sister, and set off in search of Courageous, who disappeared on a trip to Ponyville. She supports her self by making custom cards, and collecting trinkets to sell. She collects these trinkets in various ways, some times finding interesting gems and feathers on the road side and fashioning some small mane piece or other, though most of her income comes from purchasing unwanted, or just long forgotten items from other ponies and cleaning or repairing them with a little ingenuity.

Motivation:Joyful just wants to make the world a place where ponies can express themselves honestly. To her there is nothing better then knowing that she helped some pony share their emotions with another.

Likes: Cards, writing poems, resolving misunderstandings, Cats

Dislikes: Dogs , misunderstandings, lost love, unappreciated gifts, mistreated stuffed animals, Yellow apples


History Joyful was born Joyful Heart, to Guarded and Blissful Heart. She lived her entire life in a small earth pony town, where every pony knew each other, and every pony had for a long time. She was always calm, and soft spoken, much more keen to help others communicate then to say anything her self, and probably would have remained quite happily alone if not for the odd occurrence of a new resident in town. A family of unicorns, Fleeting Spark, Keen Spark, and there young colt Courageous Spark.

Family Her mother is Blissful Heart, a mare who worked at the local hospital as a nurse, her father Guarded heart was a doctor, her younger sister Riled Heart works at her store with her, and is known to be a bit of a hot head.

Cutie Mark Story Joyful will never forget the day she got her cutie mark. It was the first day she met Courageous, and, as she'd later say, when meeting a block head who turns out to be your future soul mate...something's bound to happen. The Spark's had just moved into town, and, not use to seeing Unicorns in there small, out of the way world, of course she was interested. So, like most ponies, she had gone to check out their shop. They sold all sorts of things. Clocks, stoves, music boxes, anything they could tinker with. She had been looking at the music boxes, when she saw a rather focused young colt looking at the shelves. His look was so intense, that she couldn't help approaching him. She asked what he was up to, and he looked at her surprised. He told her he was looking for a gift, to give a filly he had met, to tell her he, well, he wasn't sure what he wanted to say. She'd looked at the shelf, and asked if she liked music. He said yes, rather sarcastically, why else would he be looking at music boxes, and she had just shook her head, reaching for one she had looked at earlier. She'd pushed it at him and left. Later that night, there was a knock at her door, but when she answered it, all that was there was the music box, and a note, explaining that he was sorry, and that, well, he wasn't any good at talking to fillies. It was then that she realized that she wanted to help ponies like him, so that no one ever ended up hurt because of misunderstandings, and that the right gift, or letter, could heal wounds. It was that spark of inspiration that got her her cutie mark.

Flaws Joyful can get a little...carried away, with her quest to help others. Some times, a pony just wants to keep their feelings to them selves for a reason, and her zeal to help is some times unwanted. She also has a habit of being unable to realize when a pony is interested in talking to her for her, and not for help.

Persenality Quiet, and demure most of the time, she has a bit of a spark when the need arises. She loved her quiet life in her small town, but loved her husband more. Not usually the adventurous type, she has gotten in over her head in her travels and finds she needs help more often then not but with a determined attitude and a drive to find her love, she can be quite capable at times.

Courageous Clues:Joyful has little in the ways of clues. She knows her husband went into Ponyville to try and drum up some more business for their shop, it was suppose to take three days, but a week later he hadn't returned, so her sister agreed to check on him since she'd wanted to go to the town any way. Yet when she got there no one had any news of him, one pony remembered seeing him, he had a distinctive yellow stripe in his black mane, but other then that...nothing. There was quite a storm though the same day the pony claimed to have seen him , with so many ponies riding it out in their homes it was more then possible that something happened when no pony was around.

Joyful Spark (drawn by me)


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Overall I feel this application is pretty solid, I just have a couple questions in regards to the character that I feel would help add to her personally and make her a little more well-rounded.

Of course it is fine not to reveal in the application what had happened to her husband, but I would be curious to know why he was traveling to Ponyville when he disappeared, and if she has any clues to his whereabouts or what happened. Another question of curiosity that should be explored is how does she acquire the trinkets she sells? Does she explore various out of the way places looking for them (much like a "picker" does for antiques) or buys them from shops and resells them? This second question I feel is a bit more important, because answering this or having an idea here would lead to some very interesting potential RP plot hooks.

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