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Heart Stone [Final]


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Roleplay Type: World of Equestria RP

Name: Heart Stone

Sex: Female

Age: Mare

Species: Unicorn

Eye Color: Forest Green

Coat Color: Cream

Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Red mane and tail, both kept neat and straight with mane in a bobcut style.

Physique: Slightly chubby but fairly average.

Cutie Mark: A red heart in the middle of an octagonal cut blue gemstone.

Origin/Residence: Canterlot

Occupation: Jeweler/gemcutter

Motivation: To learn the stories of the jewelry she works with. She believes that every piece of jewelry has a story to learn, whether it be a tale of adventure like Daring Do and the Sapphire Stone, or tales of romance and passion, every piece has a story either in its history or waiting to happen.

Likes: crafting things, sweets, daydreams.

Dislikes: those who see gems as just rocks.

Character Summary: Heart Stone was born in Canterlot and from an early age showed signs that she was going to inherit the family jewelry business. While she was a daydreamer who always wished she could fly like a pegasus, she had her hooves on the ground enough to pick up the practical aspects of jewelry making. Her cutie mark appeared when she sat and listened to a customer talk about the mare he was buying a ring for and she realized she was seeing the image of the mare in her mind as she levitated the ring for the customer. She realized that there was a story at the heart of each of the pieces that passed through the shop, and she wanted to know them all. While she still dreams of flying, she has learned to keep her focus on her work, and on her customers. Her parents opened another store in Manehattan and left her to watch over the Canterlot branch of the store. She's supposed to be hiring an assistant but hasn't found the right pony yet.

Her personality comes off as somewhat shy and a bit flaky. She tends to prefer to listen to others rather than speaking herself, and when away from her work she gets distracted by her daydreams sometimes leading her to sometimes respond to others with complete non sequiters.

Her special magic is a kind of psychometry, allowing her to see the story of a gemstone or if it doesn't have one yet she can get a sense of the kind of pony the gem is meant for.

Sometimes she wishes she could live one of these stories, but she hasn't developed the courage yet to act on these wishes.

(Not sure what else this might need, any comments are welcome. :) )

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