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The Untouched Concept in HiE Stories : Human Age Vs. Pony Age

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I've read alot of HiE stories, both romance and otherwise and I've discovered something. Of the many I've seen there's been no mention of the possibility of pony longevity mirroring that of terrestrial ponies being the average of 20 to 35 years. A human could consievably live through two or more generations of ponies if this were the case.

I bring this up because I'm curious as to how this could be applied to the HiE genre. For romance obviously there's the whole outliving the significant other. but it's less that, and more that they'll pass into old age while the human remains in midlife maybe even younger depending on when they came to equestria.

Assume that the human is 16 upon arrival. if by some poorly constructed plot line, they end up in an relationship immediately, you could reasonably assume that the pony they get with would be dead within the next 15 to 25 years. Meaning they would only be 31 to 41 years of age.

This is the one sitiuation I can consieve of but I'm interested in what you guys would think of.

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all HiE stories I read involve the non mention of the fact, but one ,

that one concluded equestrian ponies would live as much of a human being, (perphars was on "Tale of the Stone-Turner" but don't believe me for 100%)

My head canon involves Equestrian Ponies living long like Humans (But my headcanon involves widespread nuclear warfare, human extintion, and Ponies with Human DNA due to mutations or super-soldier experimentation)

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I#ll be another taker :D

Well I'm writing a HiE fic, and I haven't really mentioned much in the way of the ponies age, in fact I was about to but then stopped that line of dialogue :P

I established what my human's age is very early on and I was going on the logic that the mane six and other ponies like them are adults, somewhere between 20-25 years old.

I can see why other ways of looking at it exist though, this was my way of telling my story with relative convenience.

So my head canon also involves Equestrian's living as long as humans :)

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