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General babble.

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My best friend was put down today.

[colour=#555555] So I had to have my wonderful dog Shelly put down today. She was the most gentle, loving thing you could imagine - and it broke my heart to let her go.[/colour][colour=#555555] She would snuggle up to me every night as I was either playing a game, reading a book or just relaxing - and I'm going to miss her terribly.[/colour] [colour=#555555] [/colour] [colour=#555555] This blog isn't to get attention - I just wanted people to know she was just...such a good dog.[/colour]




[colour=#ff8c00]"I recently came across this rather obsolescent piece of classical fashion during one of my regular jaunts over to Sugarcube Corner. Well, I say "I came across it", rather - Pinkie Pie thrust it onto my head whilst I was picking out a hoof-full of custard tarts, screaming that she needed to"Pass on the mantle" and then pushed me out the door informing me that I needed to solve the mystery of Carrot Cake's mysterious missing bow tie, lest the bakery never recover from such a clear



I see that you are a gangsta. I'm pretty gangsta myself.

Ahh! Times are good in the world of Spaced. My first RP - Which I am sharing GM duties with - is going brilliantly. So much fun, and everyone is working really hard on their posts. Huzzah for teamwork! Huzzah for Dragon Age!! New image of Hoax - bless her little face. (Original vector by Midwaves of Eqrestria) ANNND finally! New video updates for the youtube channel! (Any subs will be very much appreciated. In fact, if you sub, I'll make you a wallpaper for your OC! YAAAY Bribery!!) So th



Did y'all know I have the youtubes?

hi! Time for a bit of shameless self promotion! Do you like games? Do you like british guys talking about games? Do you like poorly editied, poorly planned execution of said game? WELL THEN - good news, my channel - Jamminmage has begun. Please come and see me in my dank, dark corner of the internet, Yay.



A Christmas Message

[colour=#ffa500]"Spaced seemed to think it prudent for me to come onto his new shiny blog and offer my best wishes to you all for Hearth's Warming and the new year. Not entirely sure why, but he seemed to believe such sentiment is comforting and a [/colour][colour=#ffa500]"neighborly"[/colour][colour=#FFA500] thing to do. Frankly, I believe the whole thing is a waste of time - but then again, if you're following Spaced then you'll probably get used to having your time wasted. Still! Hearth's war



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