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My best friend was put down today.




So I had to have my wonderful dog Shelly put down today. She was the most gentle, loving thing you could imagine - and it broke my heart to let her go.[/colour][colour=#555555]

She would snuggle up to me every night as I was either playing a game, reading a book or just relaxing - and I'm going to miss her terribly.[/colour]




This blog isn't to get attention - I just wanted people to know she was just...such a good dog.[/colour]


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What a sweet little pup. What sort of dog was she? My cocker spaniel is getting up there in age..Almost 13..I was almost 100% sure I was going to put her down the other day considering how she's been lately..But she has hope...Spent another fortune at the vets....She just needs to eat..Which she isn't currently doing, so back to the vet for her tomorrow. Sigh.

Still, dogs are the best.

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I thought she looked like one..Just wasn't sure..Those are such wonderful dogs..So intelligent..So freaking cute, from puppyhood to oldagehood..

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My pup herself just has one more shot..If these new pills do the trick, she'll be alright, if not, I'll probably have to put her to sleep..

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