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Idle Speculation

Well, I've been speculating on S3. I've been presented with some intersting theories about what the opener will be like. One theory goes that we will have an especially cruel or greedy villain. Think a moment: Nightmare Moon was a user of dark magic. Discord's whole existence revolved around laughing- at the pain of others. And Chrysalis' whole strategy hinged on deciet. Perversions of Magic, Laughter, and Honesty, respectively. Coincidence? I think not. Other theories say that the writers will continue to cater towards the older fans- and I hope that this is true. Truth be told, I swear there are more Bronies than there are "orginal target audience" fans.

I've been thinking a lot of late about old characters as well. Where have Trixie, Luna, and others been, when we were promised far more of them than we were given? Maybe they'll come back later. I hope. As grating as Trixie is, she is still a great character to have around. Luna, I just like Luna all around. It would have been fun watching her continue her attempts to adapt to modern society. Can't win 'em all, I suppose. I think they'll return someday.

What of Equestria's military? Will we see more from them? I understand that they still have to cater to younger fans as well, but they could incorporate the REAF, REA, and REN while doing so. There could be a whole episode revolving around Shining Armor's recruit days, for instance. Perhaps they could bring in some new characters who are retired members of the Royal Guard, sent to Ponyville under the premise of their retirement, but who are actually there to keep an eye out for- and lend a hoof with- any sort of trouble. Heck, that could be part of the season opener!

In any case, I run short on time. So, I will return later,


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I'm going to be one cranky pony if Scootallo doesn't get an episode. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom already had their episodes, best (school aged) pony needs to get one that focus on her!

Also, we know it Season 3 Episode one is gonna have the return of Discord, but he's not going to be the 'Big Bad', I'm guessing there's gonna be a baddie even badder than he. A big big bad.

I'd also like to see some 'prequel' type episodes. See Luna and her big sis as fillies.

And maybe more family. Like Rainbow Dash's parents. I wouldn't be surprised if they use a version of the previous gens "Rainbow Dash" as her mom. Watch she and Rarity get along....

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Hehehe, yes. Scootaloo is best CMC, easily.

Discord is best non-pony. Let's face it, we all love the nut. Chocolate rain, anyone?

Hm. The alicorns as younger ponies? It's a fic now, we can't stop it. It's probably badslash, too. I never did understand the Princesst pairing...

I've always wondered about Dash's family, you know. We've seen everyone else's. We still don't know where AJ's parents are either. But Dash has no family at all. Nor Scootaloo, who we like to think of as an orphan. How odd. Eugh, G3 RD make me sick. G3 in general makes me sick, really. Seeing that is like being shot in the gut with a tracer round. In other words, I wanna throw up and it burns. IT BURNS!

In any case, you have my thanks for being the first ever commenter on my blog.



Now that I think about it, maybe not so much as 'fillies', but an episode that shows the sister's battle against Discord (And why he was stuck in a 'singing' mode when he was stoned the first time) which would lead into the battle of the sisters.

As for Scoots, ugh. I've been reading "Against All Odds: Make A Wish" fic. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/19908/Against-All-Odds%3A-Make-a-Wish

Considering I nearly lost sister #1 at a very young age, my mother had a rather nasty battle with cancer a few years ago,this one is a real (MANLY) tear jerker for me.

Still. To have the previous generation RD as as the current RD's mother would be a hoot.




Cool, is that your art? I've never really been much good at visual art, myself. That's why I stick to my keyboard for the most part.

As for your family, all my best wishes go out to them. I've lost a couple of good people to cancer myself, and it's never easy.

It would be a hoot, it would indeed. Make my life, Canon Creators.

I'll get around to that fic eventually.



Nah, I'm art-challenged, found that online. I just love the angry eyebrows on filly RD. Considering how scruffy filly RD is on the show, I could picture her mother spending OODLES of time putting together some complex mane-do on the poor thing, only for Rainbow to shake it all off before heading off to school.



Yes. God, yes. This is something my own little sisters have done.



I'm going to be one cranky pony if Scootallo doesn't get an episode. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom already had their episodes, best (school aged) pony needs to get one that focus on her!

Also, we know it Season 3 Episode one is gonna have the return of Discord, but he's not going to be the 'Big Bad', I'm guessing there's gonna be a baddie even badder than he. A big big bad.

I'd also like to see some 'prequel' type episodes. See Luna and her big sis as fillies.

And maybe more family. Like Rainbow Dash's parents. I wouldn't be surprised if they use a version of the previous gens "Rainbow Dash" as her mom. Watch she and Rarity get along....

True, we know next to nothing of Scoots and it drives me nuts. I thought that she would/could have some connection with Rainbow Dash, but that doesn't seem very likely to be. I would at least like to hear some mention of a family or relatives. It would have been neat if she could have been in the Sisterhooves Social episode as well.

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