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A day



So, my day starts with me waking up. I'll get on my laptop immediately, or maybe take a shower first. No, I don't usually have any kind of breakfast at that point. So, lappy is open, and Canterlot is already up, naturally. I click on the bookmarked tab for New Content, which is always bookmarked unless I try to take a break. Generally I'll try and read Skype before I go through the board. So I check all my Notifications, maybe handle some Reports, move a new topic, delete a double post, whatever. Check Facebook, check up on another RP site, then come back to check my personal content on the board and see the discussions going on in the topics I'm in. Meanwhile I've probably got my phone open to Words With Friends or Twitter or something. Sometimes I'll turn my TV on in the afternoon and have that going in the background. Yep, always multi-tasking. Later I go to work for a couple hours, and do a bunch of random other stuff. Tumblr, Twittering, gaming, writing, walk to the store, whatevs. Average day involves a lot of Canterlot. I'm frequently check the site between whatever I'm doing. When I go place for lengthy periods, I tend to take my laptop so I can check in. Always gotta be plugged in. ;)


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No there's a lot of other stuff that isn't normal and doesn't happen every day or all the time, like updating rules, planning events/contents, FINDING things that need to be deleted/moved (that people didn't Report), taking care of the Roleplays I'm in, watching over the Chat room, talking with other staff, and as mentioned above, participating in discussions.

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