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LM Rambles on: My Do-To List



Yep thats right, I've got a DO-TO list, because all those stupid To-Do list are over rated and make me feel like I've actually gotta do stuff! (I know right, a to do list, telling you you've gotta do something, what the-?) Anyway, I could scour the depths the other many threads all have stuff to do as well as a a few thins I do off Canterlot, but I'e decided to just condense it all into one blog entry that everyone can take a gander at, and hopefully laugh. Most of if has to do with drawing (go figure right?) so a lot of my activities will be related i some way to me siting at my desk and drawing something for somepony. Anyway, on to the list, and my [colour=#ff0000]red text'd commentary of some of it![/colour]

  • The Request Thread:


[colour=#FF0000]Oh man, sometimes I want to punch myself with a spiked glove. I close for like a week maybe two top (because you know, estimates are all the rag[/colour][colour=#FF0000]e now a days) come back and I get like a score (however much that is, [/colour][colour=#FF0000]because[/colour][colour=#FF0000] you know, [/colour][colour=#FF0000]looking[/colour][colour=#FF0000] up definitions are over rated) more request out of bucking no where! Now with the time I put into request these days about 5+ estimate which means for each tier of three I'm dishing out 15+ hours over the course of 1..2...3..4 DAYS! Not to mention all the boring school drawing I've got to do.[/colour]

  • The Blog:


[colour=#ff0000]Another top thing on my do-to list, is the Ask Autumn and Harvest Moon Tumblr blog, also co-mod'd by QuickLime. I spend about 1+ hours on post at varying days (updates stall A LOT) and when I do, they don't really seem to get us any followers. Being the artistic part of the blog is really hard and I feel like I still don't give the blog enough love.[/colour]

  • School:


[colour=#ff0000]Needless to say, oh MAN school sucks! Having to wake up 4 HOURS before class starts just to COMMUTE to the school is a (insert word of choice here.) I mean come on, its bad enough I gotta lug one of these around


Mondays and Wednesdays, but the bus fare is 50 bucks a week! Transportation. Either I'm doing it wrong, or America just REALLY love their bus money because they won't drop the price on that sports car I want so-so much...[/colour]

  • [colour=#000000]Procrastination[/colour]



[colour=#ff0000]Oh yes, the lazy man's favorite past time and certainly my favorite activity above all else. You know why, because you can procrastinate doing ANYTHING. On Canterlot, cooking a meal, sitting, sleeping, shaving, playing video games, WHATEVER. But sadly, I don't have enough hours in the day for it because I've got other stuff to do (like procrastinate). I mean, I actually gotta DO stuff. Now I know that makes me seem like a lazy colt, but I mean come on who hasn't wanted a day to just eat Krispy-Kream Donuts in bed while watching endless anime on Netflix?[/colour]

  • Beating Jet Set Radio HD


[colour=#ff0000]Bottom line, I love Jet Set Radio. The quirky cast of characters, the music, [/colour][colour=#ff0000]Tokyo-to, Professor K spitting lines while I skate and spray. But you know, there's always that one (insert word of choice here) that prevents you from being the game. In this case, when you have to use Combo or which one he is, to race Beat in chapter 2. Now, there's a clear problem with the mix up. He's to FREGGIN' BIG.[/colour]




[colour=#ff0000]I mean, compared to this guy, (Beat, the glasses kid) he moves as fast as a stick of butter down a hill! It's IMPOSSIBLE. i'm calling it now, IN-POSS-I-BRU. This game, this level is the BANE of my existence. I can't...sniff...can't do it, man...It's just, that snore-gobbler Beat is being a flank and...[/colour]

[colour=#000000]So anyway, I hope you enjoyed this...really weird, yet short of list of the random junk I have to do. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to o try beating Jet Set Radio! Again...for about the 24th time...[/colour]


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"i mean come on who hasent wanted a day to just eat Krispy-Kreme Donuts in bed while watching endless anime on netflix"

^subtract anime and add more food than just donuts, and you have my saturdays and sundays.........

god i love my life.

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^subtract anime and add more food than just donuts, and you have my Saturdays and Sundays.........

god i love my life.

^subtract anime and add more food than just donuts...

...subtract anime...



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I didn't know where to place this comment, therefore:

Of all the best ava- *Shoves Rarity references away remembering who's he addressing*

Seriously, LM, that current avi of yours takes unquestionable lead in the D'aaaawh rankings, effectively giving me a heart attack.

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Don't rush it, LM! I can wait for my art...just work out your stuff first! We all have lives!


To tell the truth, I've put more hours into Canterlot than real life...

I didn't know where to place this comment, therefore:

Of all the best ava- *Shoves Rarity references away remembering who's he addressing*

Seriously, LM, that current avi of yours takes unquestionable lead in the D'aaaawh rankings, effectively giving me a heart attack.

Well what can I say. Its just, just, cute things. They're so cute, and...cute. I have to draw them, but I hesitate to do so because they ruin my friendships, family, life. A friend of mines died today at 06:56 PM because of cuteness. Still morning his loss....of life...to cuteness...

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Are you TRYING to give me nightmares of not being able to beat the game :|

Poor LM *huggles*

Ill get it together eventually, but eh...

First World Problems


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To tell the truth, I've put more hours into Canterlot than real life...

...In that case...continue with our Internet lives!

But in all seriousness, take your time! I can wait...xD

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