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And now for your depressing post of the day.



So, you guys know my brother, who I told you about in my last blog post.

Well, turns out my dad and his girlfriend are splitting up, and therefore, I may never see my brother again. :(

So, I guess all I have for remembrance is the pictures I have of him... :wail: :wail: :wail:



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That sounds so terrible. I really wish you well from the bottom of my heart.

Just hold out a little longer - I've dispatched an invisible squad of huggers to give you a comforting, warm feeling inside.

Just hope for the best, and never let your beloved leave your heart!

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It is awful, but remember, never is a long time. You may never know where your path will lead you ;) .

Also I'd suggest trying to keep in contact with the girlfriend if she gets full custody, see if you could visit if possible. And if not, just you know... keeping in touch because you care about your baby brother.

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reminds me of when my older brother got shot and killed. whatever gods bless his soul. stay strong my friend, every cloud has a silver lining and patience is a virtue for good comes to those who wait. if there is any way atall i can help, i am at your service. allow me if i may, to offer my deepest condolences.

i cannot promise you, but i have great hope and faith that all will end well and you will be re-united with your brother again.

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