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"My character got accepted! Now what do I do?" A Guide for Rping and Posting in WOE Rp



Greetings everypony and welcome to the second installment of this blog! Today we shall be focusing on Rping in WOE Rp!

I got accepted! Now what?!

So you've finally powered through the application process and have broken through the other side! You've been moved to the Rp group and are ready to dive head first into the WOE rp! What fun! WHAT JOY...What now..?

How does one exactly go about roleplaying here? It's so different and strange! FEAR NOT ! For I shall shine a light on this rather scary and yet exciting new place for you.

This guide will be broken into three parts! Basic Rping Etiquette ,Starting a Rp and finally Joining a Rp!

Basic Rping Etiquette!

Lets start us off with a few rules that come with rping in general, remember as said last blog I am not RPHS so if you take issue/ need clarification feel free to ask them, these are my personal thoughts and opinions!

  1. Post length : First and foremost post length does matter! However not in the way that you think, there are posts that can go on for pages and say hardly anything at all, and smaller 3-2 paragraph posts that say everything! The balance is making sure that you treat your other rpers with respect and acknowledge them in your posts if they interact with you, and to be able to paint a good picture!
    A GOOD Rp post is 1: To the point and not bogged down with fluff. 2: Not self absorbed and acknowledges the others around you. 3: not just there to seek attention and be the center of focus. 4: EASY TO UNDERSTAND AND READ (This is VERY IMPORTANT!)
    Good Rp example: Rarity sighed as she glanced around her shop that had just been wrecked by her sister and her three crusader friends, a tired sigh passed her lips and she moved a hoof to gently rub at her temple. "Sweetie DEAR could you and your friends play/OUTSIDE!?/" She had lost her temper a little bit at the end, not EVERYPONY was perfectly poised the whole time. "And Applebloom' She caught a glance at the country filly whom was giving her the cute face.. "Be SURE to wipe your hooves next time..." Rarity's boutique now littered with muddy little hoof prints!.
    BAD rp example: -runs into rp an sees fluttershy who is mi gurlfriend- "Hi fluttershy is me bandit! lets hug 4 ever"
    The first one is easy to read, clear, and not self absorbed, it neither god modes, or power plays! The second one is just plain lazy! When you rp with someone you need to be sure to give them your best with EVERY post or simply don't post at all in my opinion.
  2. Stick with the overall theme of the rp! Don't come barging into someones rp and carry in all of YOUR drama with them, do not try to dominate or be rude, it's not fair to the OP and it's not fair to the others that rp there.
  3. Post order. Posting order ensures everybody gets a turn, but not all threads have them! If the rp you are in has one? Respect it and follow it, if you don't understand the concept of a Posting order then ask the OP to clarify it for you IN Pm
  4. Understand what "Private" Means and RESPECT it! If a rp is marked" Private/Invite Only" that means there is a ongoing story that only consists of a few ponies, it is rude to barge in where you arn't wanted or invited . However if the rp is marked "Open!" Then you can join :D If a rp is marked "Closed" it means it was open at one point but is now so full it needs to be closed to new joiners.

Do NOT join a rp just to get as much face time with the mane cast as possible! It's disrespectful to both the person playing the character and everypony else! Do not join a thread with Twilight ONLY to shun every pony else and to only have eyes for Twilight! Interact with EVERYPONY it's just common sense!

We now come to part 2 of our 3 part guide :D

How to Create your Own Rp!

So you've decided you have a great idea in your head and you want to post it and have people join!But just how exactly does one make sure others are interested in their idea?

  1. Post your idea in the Canterlot OOC to gauge interest in your idea! It's always good to brainstorm! Go to Canterlot Chat to also see if you can rally up some interest in your idea!
  2. Represent your idea clearly and easy to understand! And make sure you list any rules/guidelines you might have for your rp.
  3. Establish any rules you want to have upheld in the first post prefferibly in a spoiler box!

Make your first post interesting and attention grabbing to draw in potential new posters! And a good catchy title for your rp works wonders to boot!

Overall remember it is your thread! You have the power over the content so long as you remember to follow the Canterlot rules. :)

And now we move on to our last and final section!

Joining an existing Roleplay!

So you've spotted an open rp you want to join! That's fantastic! Here are a few rules on how to enter yourself into them!

  1. Be sure to READ everyone elses posts before joining! ESPECIALLY the OP! This way you can seamlessly enter the story without causing a fuss/ messing up an already going on action.
  2. If the rp says Pm to join and you do so and get told "No" then don't fuss or pout! You thank them for reading your Pm and go about your buisness to find a NEW rp! It is NOT okay to pester someone to let you join!
  3. Respect the OPs rules and plot! Don't go into a thread with the soul intention of becoming the center of the universe and taking over! That's being a parasite and nopony likes it!
    Post your best and have fun while doing so!

That should wrap up today's blog post ! Tune in next week when we talk about key components on making an interesting AND unique character in a segment I'd like to call

"Pimp my OC!"

And if you need any name ideas/cutie mark ideas be sure to send them in to me via a PM before the blog is posted to gurantee a mention and your question answered on the blog!

This is QuickLime signing off!


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Also, don't forget: Leave chance for interactions in your posts. If you're conversing with someone, and you wrap up the conversation and walk away without the other player's permission, it's rude and ruins the roleplay experience. On that note, try to end dialogue posts with questions or respondable posts, so that you can get feedback!

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Also, don't forget: Leave chance for interactions in your posts. If you're conversing with someone, and you wrap up the conversation and walk away without the other player's permission, it's rude and ruins the roleplay experience. On that note, try to end dialogue posts with questions or respondable posts, so that you can get feedback!

Yeah never leave before they get to reply XD

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