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It might be the end for me......



I'm almost to the point where I'm just done with it all. Between irl stuff and then going online to various brony sites looking for a good time, only to find out a friend and fellow brony is in the metaphorical fetal position because of something absolutely sickening was posted for some sick inconsiderate degenerate's amusement. Is this really how we treat our fellow human beings? Just because you lead an alternitive lifestyle you need to be maliciously condemmed and picked on? Seriously? People need to grow up. The post litarally made me puke, and I wasn't the one it was directed at. I felt so bad for the friend of mine involved...

If this keeps up, I don't know if I'll be able to handle going online anymore. As a victim of this stuff in real life, I don't want to deal with it online, too.


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Trust me, your not the only one.

people like that are everywhere, i know its said that theres no such thing as a truly evil person, but there is.

and its these kinds of, sick demented people that ruin alot of things in life for me, ive started to get used to it, but not much.

i know it sounds negative, but we cannot stop these people, they literally do this for fun, which is sickening, and the best thing we can do, is just ignore it the best you can.

The best way to ignore it:

say a picture is posted and its about, say me

im watchin my little pony, and it somehow gets posted to facebook

people laugh and call me names

all i do:

i either dont respond or just say

"yeah i watch my little pony, why do you care about what I watch, i can watch whatever i want, whenever i want, and theres nothing you can do to stop me"

i dont have much advice to give, considering that most of my friends could care less that i watch the show.

But with that im really sorry for you and your friend, nobody should ever be messed with to that sort of degree.

i wish both of you the best of luck.

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I can sympathize with you there mate, but if you ever want to chat, or if you ever need an ear to listen with, a shoulder to lean/cry on or just want to chat, feel free to add me :) I'm on most of the time (if not all) and am always on the lookout for new friends :)

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