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QuickRant: Coffee Snobs



I get it, people are picky about their coffee, and I can respect wanting something your way, however what I can NOT respect is when you decide to nitpick, lecture, and INSULT people that have different preferences than yours!

Why is someone "less a man" if they want their drink with milk? or with Syrup? or with Whipped Cream? They arn't! And quite frankly I should be able to order my "Froo froo" drink without ridicule! If I want my Decafe, half caf, frappe mocha whatever, what right do you have to insult me over my drink?

Coffee is coffee, it is delicious in many forms, I can understand enjoying it just straight black, but I don't like it that way, I like mine with tons of creme and sugar, and flavours to mix it up , and yes sometimes I DO want whipped cream on top >( Maybe a caramel drizzle! HECK maybe even SPRINKLES!

Respect other peoples choice to enjoy their caffeine any way they please, I'll respect your right to drink yours how YOU please, but don't imply someone is "less of a man" or a 'Sissy" because they have different tastes.. :(


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o_o ... ... *Covers in fear and steps aside*

Whatever, I'm a person who adds lemon juice to lemon flavoured teas. *Shrugs*

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Tangentally related: The Dutch call coffee with milk "coffee done wrong". I had a good laugh at that when I was told I'm a wimp for drinking my coffee with milk.

Also, ironic, since I'm currently sitting here with a huge mug of black coffee...

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Seriously? There are nitpickers in this world who just do that to people with coffee????

I really don't like bitter/black coffee, but I shouldn't be judging people how they like their coffee. O.o

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Seriously? There are nitpickers in this world who just do that to people with coffee????

I really don't like bitter/black coffee, but I shouldn't be judging people how they like their coffee. O.o

It's a very common thing, I find it very very rude

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Tangentally related: The Dutch call coffee with milk "coffee done wrong". I had a good laugh at that when I was told I'm a wimp for drinking my coffee with milk.

Also, ironic, since I'm currently sitting here with a huge mug of black coffee...

Well there is no such thing as WRONG coffee

Oh wait there is

Decafe xD

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Well there is no such thing as WRONG coffee

Oh wait there is

Decafe xD

I just found it amusing that this is so engrained into their culture that they have a word for it that goes beyond just saying "coffee with milk". Those crazy Dutch people.

Decafe just makes me tired. It really does. xD

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