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Watch out for Wednesday!



It'll gitcha :I

Being as awesome as I am, I figured it would be in the universe's best interest to share my most recent thoughts, as I've been neglecting you all of late. For which I do NOT apologize. Cuz.

Anywho, I got in a debate with my man friend thing the previous eve on the meaning of the term 'gamer'.

To me, a gamer is a label you EARN. It takes time, yo! You need to have a 'who needs sunlight?' sort of attitude! Your videogames are like an extension to your body, and you long for it every MILLISECOND you are without them!


You live videogames, you dream of videogames, you eat, drink, breathe, date, marry, do taxes with, get angry with, make-up, and die with videogames. Though I will consider one consideration in saying that this is a 'hardcore' gamer. Sure. But see, I'm an OG. That's Original Gamer, yo. I've been attached by the thumbs to a controller since I was in diapers. Literally. I played NES when I was 2. Get on my level, bro.

I'm a gamer. I EARNED that.

But my man friend thing goes on to say he's a gamer 'because he likes to play videogames once in awhile'. I.E, he plays Mass Effect for a few minutes, and then goes on and has a "life", whatever that is.

He plays videogames, but he's not a gamer.

For the love of Celestia, I still run into people who have no idea who MARIO is! Or still think that Link is ZELDA! Or have never played Banjo Kazooie, but still pretend to know all about it and RGCHVJDHBSVS M AV KASVAS

Or people that never played Pokemon Red and Blue, and jumped on the bandwagon after this 'post-mewtwo' nonsense. 150 IS ALL YOU NEEEEEE-or that have never touched other games other than the populars, like Sonic the Hedgehog, Megaman, Mario, Pokemon, Starfox, etc etc.

Anyone remember Jungle Strike on Sega Genesis? How about the Aladin game, or Goof Troop? Yoshi Story? Kid Chameleon? Duke Nukem (the 3 before Forever, or even the ones before 3D)? How about more modern games that don't get as much credit as they should? The Godfather for Playstation? Alpha Protocol on Xbox?



Gamers :I

Disagree with me, and I'll glare at your post and ignore it, cuz I'm awesome.

I don't have a problem it's everypony else who's crazy


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Not only do you apparently have a terrible rig, you also don't disable your silly little messengers as you game. Amateurish.

Kehehehehe. ;D

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The PS3 is where it's at. PS3 actually has good exclusives. Halo? Gears of War? Available on both PC and Xbox. Journey? Playstation All Stars? Uncharted? Demon & Dark Souls? PS3 exclusive, batch!

My biggest childhood regret was never playing the original MGS games, so I'm now going on a MGS binge. Sleep is rearing it's ugly head, but COFFEE HELPS ALL

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what is this "life" you speak of?

is it like an achievement?

Cuz if it is, i want it.

P.S ive been playing starcraft on N64 since i was 4, i beat the zerg and terran campain when i was 5 and protoss came soon after


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The PS3 is where it's at. PS3 actually has good exclusives. Halo? Gears of War? Available on both PC and Xbox. Journey? Playstation All Stars? Uncharted? Demon & Dark Souls? PS3 exclusive, batch!

I don't own a PS3 cuz broke, but I have played All Stars. It was awesome to see a bunch of my old favorites, like Sir Daniel (I lied, I hated Medievil with a passion, but it was still fun to see him here), PaRappa, Jak and Daxter, Sweet Tooth... I was disappointed that Crash Bandicoot didn't make the cut, but it's understandable.

And Radec is my favorite.

what is this "life" you speak of?

is it like an achievement?

Cuz if it is, i want it.

P.S ive been playing starcraft on N64 since i was 4, i beat the zerg and terran campain when i was 5 and protoss came soon after


Nice! Starcraft is actually one of those games I regret not playing, but one day... ONE day...

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You guys are ALL amateurs. Probably the first electronic game I ever played was this: Mattel Football. I also remember the first day when my Dad brought home a brand new Atari 2600 from Sears. Now get off my video game lawn :P

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I'd like it to be known that, overall, in the whole history of console exclusives, Nintendo had the best ones. IMO, obviously. :P

You guys are ALL amateurs. Probably the first electronic game I ever played was this: Mattel Football. I also remember the first day when my Dad brought home a brand new Atari 2600 from Sears. Now get off my video game lawn :razz:

Funny you should mention that. I inherited one of those from my one of my uncles: http://handheldempir...el_Soccer_2.jpg

It stopped working unfortunately.

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