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Have you ever-?



-Gone an entire day imitating the Christian Bale Batman voice?

-Got an invitation to a shirt-and-tie event, and showed up wearing a t-shirt and tie?

-Called somebody by someone else's name, and then made the exact same mistake when trying to apologize?

-Mistaken a woman for a man?

-Vice versa?

-Caused an accident during a ski lesson by not moving while a snowboarder was trying to be cool and fly by you, causing him to nick your skis and fly into the rest of your class, leaving you the only one standing?

-Wondered why professors bother assigning things on a vacation, plan to use that as your argument and you're the only one that didn't do the assignment when the moment of truth comes?

-Tried to arrange trophies in a Fallout game just right, even though you're most likely the only one that's actually going to see your collection?

-Actually gone out of your way to show off such a collection?

-Fallen asleep on your laptop after a night of self indulgence and then tried to find out which keys left an imprint in your face by looking in the mirror for half an hour?

-Tried to dis Twilight movies in front of a group of Twilight fans?

-Succeeded in the latter?

-Done/said/thought of something totally awesome, but then completely forget what it was an hour later?

-Gotten free stuff for saying stuff in a Boston accent at another's request?

If so, you may be me. If that's the case, be sure to come up with something more interesting to type about next time. Although this was rather nostalgic...

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