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Brony/Pegasister Rant



So a few of our (my roommate and I) friends were just showing off themselves in their dresses for banquet (another story for later). The girl that had the dress on looked cute actually....

So I'm here drawing ponies like I usually do but it wasn't for fun but someone on this hall requested for it. Then one of the girls saw me drawing. Of course people be like "Ooh, you draw dat?" And I be like, "Aww yueh!" Then she said, "Well that's why you don't do good in English!" I stared at her for a second. I didn't know what she meant but she added. "Because you draw ponies all the time! (Lol)!"

She's a troll? Nah. We both are the ones who usually joke around on each other. But that literally drew the line for me.

I honestly, honestly feel anxious around my friends with my ponies now. I thought they would just tolerate and be cool with it since all of them know about my obsession with ponies. But usually when I talk about it a bit, I can feel them just thinking "Heck, no one cares. You're talking about colourful horses that glitter and stuff." I even like sing to the theme song and one friend of mine is just like, "Chill dude." So I feel even more anxious.

So to the situation, I know she was joking but deep inside I cringe with regret and stupidity. I wish I was... I don't know different? Or I wish people would understand and totally be cool with it. I (hopefully) tolerate with what my friends do unless it is not cool and against the rules and stuff. The reason why I like MLP so much is because....

"What the fandom has to offer?"

:?: No....

"Because you..."

Because I like what the show presents. The message of friendship. Being happy with everyone. Then you got every pony singing and prancing with happy faces which makes me smile.


I even was thinking about telling my testimony about me, my faith, and ponies (since my school's a private Christian school) to the girls of my class, but you know what? No. No one will care and will point fingers at me.

So yupperdoodles. I'm tired of this thinking that my friends are cool with my ponies. I've lost my trust with them about my interests.


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For the Pony Confession, I don't think it's exactly good to use MLP as way to escape troubles. (No offense, but I don't like escapists.) I believe that it's better to just attempt to resolve or to deal with it.

Plus, not everyone will have the same interest as you. I have three friends who are really bronies (I even joined the forum they're in.), and one of them, Albert, once made a reference to MLP in his Geometry class, and got some seriously negative feedback. Too bad we're not in the same period. :(

And if they don't like you because of your interest, it's probably because they aren't your real friends. Leave them behind.

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yea i know how you feel. All of my friends go "HAW HAW, YOU ARE DRAWING PONIES! YOU LONER!" and yea even the teachers think i have a problem which really bothers me cause the boys are all all doing gun imitations like "BANG BANG KA BOOM!" and they think they are normal. MY LITTLE PONY IS NOT A TV SHOW FOR LITTLE GIRLS! The show actually found me friends that are bronies and respect me for who i am. Pizza is right! if they don't like the real you then they aren't who you should trust and call a "friend". If you need any help with these problems send me a message! ^-^ there is always a way to solve a problem :)

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Thanks you guys. ^^

But I don't know if I'm just being harsh about it. I mean she, the friend I mentioned, is the type of (I don't know, I'm assuming...) acquaintance that just jokes around. I am probably being sensitive about it, (like I usually am)....

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It's sometimes hard to say when a friend is teasing you, or just outright making fun of you.

Don't be quick to judge yourself either, mistakes happen, we're human after all.

If something your friends are saying bothers you, ya need to talk it over with them. If they're true friends, they'll understand and won't be on your case so much. Be prepared to come to a compromise with them though, they may be teasing you because they may be annoyed or embarrassed of your interest in ponies. The thing is, that's what comes with mentioning that you like this show. The majority of the populous is quick to judge and has its share of bigots, there's things that you mention to people and things that you don't. We all have secrets, the question is whether or not they're appropriate to tell. When I was a little guy, I LOVED Sailor Moon but I dared not tell a soul due to the implications of it. I'm just surprised that you feel you're receiving such flak considering you're part of a private Ladies Christian School. Guess no matter where ya go, school is school.

Just remember though Frost: A fandom has a finite lifespan, friendship can last for the rest of your life. Be sure to look down the road and see where you'll be for the years to come and ask yourself this: Will I be happy? If they're just teasing with you with no good apparent reason, then you should reevaluate your friends as BbqD mentioned.

Friends come, friends go. It's the ones that stay with you, no matter what baggage you carry, whom are the true gems.

Edited a tiny mistype.

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Friends come, friends go. It's the ones that stay with you, no matter what baggage you carry, whom are the true gems.

But before friends comes family. They should be diamonds to you. :lol:

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And usually your best friends or friends become your worst enemies or they go off to another country and that is the problem with friends. One day they will have to go...

P.S how old are you? cause the problem also depends on age. Depends on if you can let go of the situation or if you can hold the grudge for a long time. You are a sensitive person as you said but how long will the pain last and what kind up trouble will come because of your =/ idk XD but anyway PONIES ARE AWESOME AND IF THEY CAN'T UNDERSTAND PONIES THEN THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU!

Roses are red, violets are blue,

Ponies are awesome and so are you.

But you're being teased 'cause you're a brony,

You're feeling blue so what can you do :-|

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I have a moment like this going on right now! The solution is a it difficult but I found some. Find Brony friends! It may be difficult to do that but it's really fun when you find them. Especially if they like to draw like you do. One of the things I do now is voice act and I've never met another brony in real life who voice acts either. However back when I wrote fanfics I had a friend who used to write all the time and it was really fun to talk to someone who writes and knows about the show. It will be a painful journey Frosty but (Insert favorite pony's name here) will help you along.

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And usually your best friends or friends become your worst enemies or they go off to another country and that is the problem with friends. One day they will have to go...

P.S how old are you? cause the problem also depends on age. Depends on if you can let go of the situation or if you can hold the grudge for a long time. You are a sensitive person as you said but how long will the pain last and what kind up trouble will come because of your =/ idk XD but anyway PONIES ARE AWESOME AND IF THEY CAN'T UNDERSTAND PONIES THEN THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND YOU!

Roses are red, violets are blue,

Ponies are awesome and so are you.

But you're being teased 'cause you're a brony,

You're feeling blue so what can you do :-|

Since of the rules and regulations/suggestions of internet safety they put out on this site, all I can say is that I am below 18 since I am not able to go into the 18+ section of the site. But I'm not too young as to 12. (Still not sure if that's safe also.... :lol: )

I have a moment like this going on right now! The solution is a it difficult but I found some. Find Brony friends! It may be difficult to do that but it's really fun when you find them. Especially if they like to draw like you do. One of the things I do now is voice act and I've never met another brony in real life who voice acts either. However back when I wrote fanfics I had a friend who used to write all the time and it was really fun to talk to someone who writes and knows about the show. It will be a painful journey Frosty but (Insert favorite pony's name here) will help you along.

But the problem is that there's no committed Bronies/Pegasisters here in my school. Like in my status post I had a random outburst in the cafe saying, "Well who else would draw ponies?! NOBODY!" But there are a few of my friends that know little about MLP (since I explain to them a bit of the show). They only know a bit of Cupcakes (NSFW), mane six, and not much background characters as far as a typical brony would know about.

But mehfffff I dunno.

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that is safe enough cause i don't even know a single piece of info about you XDD but anyway just do what my friend did. I remember the first time a actually saw a pony. My friend became a brony before i did and she didn't have any brony friends. I was pretty close to her so you know what she did? She bought me a pony for my birthday and i was like "WHAT IS THIS THING!!!!" so she spent hours talking about the show and she made sure i watched at least 10 episodes and i became so addicted to the show that i had to call myself a brony. :lol:

So there is an idea! But i'm not sure if it works :-|

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