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Can Someone Identify This Pony!?



Hello and welcome back to Frosty's Little Life~!

Today I will talk about this pony:


So I was randomly going through my PE coach's drawers and found this little filly! I asked him if I can have it and he said yes. I was so happy that I played soccer with it in my hand the whole time.

So I'm asking you Canterloters, is this an actual MLP toy? I looked all over it and it didn't have any proof that it is MLP. If it is an MLP toy can someone tell me the name? I thought her cutie mark is a beach ball but it's some kind of weird pie graph.... O.o

If you guys know and tell me, thanks in advance!


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It looks like a knock off MLP toy haha

A knock off MLP toy with a pie graph as its cutie mark. Yup.

I think Flutterscotch could ID that no problem, if you can find her!


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you could always name her if she is a knock off haha.

im thinking more along the lines of something business-y

Perfect Price?

Mane accounts?

Oh, celestia.

Those names are just awful!

well, what else would you expect from a kid whose OC's name is "Broken Chords"


im sure you can come up with better ones.

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She isn't an official Pony, none of the Pony generations had anything with that shape (the proper term for something like this is a "Fakie")

A lot of companies have have made their own Pony toys and toy molds including better known toy companies as well as small no-name toy companies (these usually are sold in dollar stores and can have....unfortunate names such as "Demon Donkey"....No really, this one exists). Some types of fakies are actually famous among collectors such as Remco and Totsie. Then some companies even managed to buy the official molds when a previous generation ended so those fakie Ponies look like official ones apart from their colours and symbols

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A lot of companies have have made their own Pony toys and toy molds including better known toy companies as well as small no-name toy companies (these usually are sold in dollar stores and can have....unfortunate names such as "Demon Donkey"....No really, this one exists).


Well then.

So that settles it! :P

Tis non-official pony, but heck it's a pony you guys! A PONY.

She might be coming up in WoE. So keep an eye on her.

Perfect Price?


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