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Neo Reviews: Equestria Girls (AKA: Oh god why...)



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Well last night me and my girlfriend went to go see Equestria Girls. (Her idea, not a brony. This is how much she loves me!) What did We think well I'll tell you in our review of Equestria Girls!

The story's like this: The Mane 6 + Spike go to the Crystal empire for I think a Princess Summit but it's never actually addressed. While staying there Sunset Shimmer steals Twilight's Crown and goes to Earth...or is it Equestria 2.0, Equestrarth? I don't know. Anyway Twilight has to go after her, get her crown back, and do it all in under three days OR THE MOON WILL FALL! and by that I mean the portal to Equestria will fall.

The art style of the show was pretty good. It reminded me of Adventure Time, Regular Show, and Littlest Pet Shop. While this is good and all I prefer the normal art style. It's not bad but could have been done a bit better.

The animation was really good. Better than most of what we've seen in the show. The swirls, and clicks, and dust, and explosions, and all the other stuff was animated amazingly and done very well. I loved every bit of it.

The characters were okay. I noticed that some of the things that had to be changed since they were humans and I'm okay with that but sometimes I think it could have been done better. Mainly Pinkie Pie but that's about it. Don't get me started on 'Brad', I totally hate that Guy! Look I love shipping characters together and all (Ship it like FedEx.) but Brad is ridiculous. They pull the 'love at first sight' card which isn't supposed to happen. He literally appears in two scenes then asks Twilight to the Dance. They don't even speak to each other that long. How does that work?

The background characters made me squee like a fanboy everytime I saw them. Vinyal Scratch appeared a lot as well as the CMC but Octavia was missing, as was Derpy and Doctor Whooves. Their are two scenes I want to talk about here though. There is one scene were Sunset says "like the last girl who thought she was better then me." Which make me automatically think Trixie. Then I hoped Trixie would show up. She did and I died. Twilight's trying to get something out of a vending Machine and Trixie shows up and says. "The great and Powerful Trixie will now get a snack!" Then she puts a coin in the vending machine and does just that. I died laughing. The other scene is of pictures of Sunset Shimmer which I swear are references to villains before. The first one is just her smiling and acting innocent which reminded me of Discord in Keep calm and Flutter on. The second one is an evil smile which reminded me of Queen Chrysalis disguised as Cadence and the last one is her laughing manically which was king Sombra. I love this. There's even a reference to Nightmare moon were Twilight is talking to vice Principal Luna with the windows shut and it's really dark. She's acting like a villian and as soon 'brad' walks in the lights go on and Luna is a good guy again! I can't tell if it really is a reference but I'm going to say they tried.

The music was okay here. I mean they were pretty catchy but I think Magical Mystery Cure did a better job at this. I don't really remember any of the songs.

The story was easy to follow and was filled with High school Drama. Ironically as a High school student I could't relate to most of this. I could to the introduction of each group but nothing else like that happens at my school. It was pretty bad at doing this and was quite sad.

The Voice acting was amazing and I really loved all the voices, especially Rebecca Shoichet who did a magnificent job as Sunset Shimmer.

Dialogue was really good here but there were a few lines that made me remember this is a show for little Girls. Still Good Job!

Let me just get this out of the way: BRAD IS THE WORST PONY/HUMAN EVER! I know his real name is Flash Sentry but I hate it! They make this character unlike Twilight a lot but then they somehow start dating? How does that work?

Now Equestria Girls isn't a bad Movie, I've seen far worse and after you get past Brad it's really good to see all the references (Transformers!) and just have a good time. You may even meet a few more Bronies in your community. I do know that there was this one guy at the end of the movie who yelled "Rainbow Dash is best pony!" and then Someone else goes "No it's Applejack." Then "Vinyl Scratch is best!" Then I go "That's a weird way to say Twilight Sparkle!" then we all laughed and it was a good time. As much as I could try I can't hate this movie. It's MLP and it was done very well. Almost every factor that came out of this movie was good and I'm considering Buying this movie. A quote that My girlfriend says all the time is "Innovation Requires Risk." and I think that it did a good job at being innovative. I give this movie a B-. Well done but could be better. Work on the music a bit more, and make Brad better done and it works. It also get the Neo Seal of Awesomeness!

This has been Neo Reviews, Thanks for Reading.


Recommended Comments

At least Flash Sentry won't appear in S4.

From EqD: Movie Followup/Editorial/Opinion Piece:

"[colour=#333333]But they included [/colour]Brad[colour=#333333] Flash Sentry! Twilight's a strong and capable mare and--[/colour]

[colour=#333333]Relax, y'all. Meghan's already confirmed he won't be appearing in Season 4. I'll say I can appreciate his role, and it was much more subtle than some of you are making it out to be. High school crushes are a thing, and in this setting it makes more sense to show they exist than to disregard them completely. How much [/colour]Equestria Girls [colour=#333333]primes the little fillies to get into colts and whether that's cool or not, I'll let you talk it out."[/colour]

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While I agree with you in the fact that High school crushes do exist and I am glad that they didn't disregard this. I was just upset about how they portrayed love. It's not a 'as soon as I see them I'm in love with them' kind of thing in High school, things take time.

Spoiler Alert!

To be fair though I do love that they foreshadow him as the only non crystal pony guard.

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I gave it a 9/10. This surprises me because I was ready to give it a 0/10. I thought this movie was going to be the thing to get me out of mlp, but nope. It was the movie that confirmed that this is going to be a thing for me for a while.

As for the Flash thing, I agree with Frost137 about how much EG sets up possible romances in the future. I get the feeling flash was just to test the waters.

Whether it is done good or not, well...That is up to chance.

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