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:razz: hello everypony i would like to know what ponys you ship and they can be any way of gender

(if you dont know what shipping i....shipping=a couple that you like together)

i will even give you some chose...you can pick more than just the pics i put on


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I ship so much. I ship every ship, even the ones that conflict! But we all know that the best ship is Snowfinder. This is followed by Rarijack, but Phil and River won't dance to my whims. TwiJack is a good substitute. CarrotDash is really cute. JaXie will be the best new ship of life. DiamondBloom is gonna be super adorable and funny. LyraBon is OTP of life. MayorPonyville is the realest one.,

GafferArmor would have been cute but Armor is taken, and Soarin' is available and has no real preference! Would have enjoyed some SoarinFire. ValenSpoon.

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I have never really shipped cast ponies before but I have shipped my two OC's (GoldDigger and SugarSweet)

But when i ship ponies its usually Princess Luna(my favorite :3) or rarity with one of my crossover characters i have come up with from games. But if i had to pick one it would be Cadence with shining armor (first image)

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RariDash is the greatest of all ships ever. <3

Also good: AppleShy, DiscoShy, TwiLestia, Twinkie, TwiDance, ApplePie, LyraBon, FlitterChaser, among others.

ooh, and for OC ships, SnowFinder is best of all (and for OC/Cast, FlashSteel).

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RariDash is the greatest of all ships ever. <3

Also good: AppleShy, DiscoShy, TwiLestia, Twinkie, TwiDance, ApplePie, LyraBon, FlitterChaser, among others.

ooh, and for OC ships, SnowFinder is best of all (and for OC/Cast, FlashSteel).

SnowFinder IS the best OC ship, by law and custom both. It is feature rich and full of content and you can't disagree with the length!

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