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RP series creating a story



First blog entry ever on this site as well as first blog.

Well, let me explain a little about what I have in mind. I do a lot of characters... I complete them or I just make them for fun. Most of the time all it takes is just a tiny thing to trigger the whole thing and immediately I'll jump on my graphic tablet or start gathering ideas in my mind! Some of these ideas, although I like them, never see the day and can get thrown away while some others just wait for the right moment. I often come to create scenarios in my head with three characters who I often use, but it's often just between them three as well.

So what I thought about recently is that it could be nice to actually have a series of RPs that would create a story. One RP would be one episode and so on, trying to make a follow-up! Ya follow me there? Sure, a fanfiction would do the trick, but I'm not motivated enough to make one.

What I often get in my head are pieces. Part of stories. Most of the time containing action or drama.

Anyway, where am I going with this... As I said above, I think it could be nice to create a story with RPs that follow the previous ones. Each one being an episode and developping further in the main story. It could be discussed, those participating in could share their ideas and use their characters.

If anything I love using my trio of characters who I call the Flower Fillies. They're the fillies in my profile picture and they are the characters who I have developped the most as well. I absolutely adore them if you ask me. I'd like to be able to use them more. I have currently developped them until their teenager age (young adult in one's case.) Some of you already know them and might know me just by them as well on here. I've used them in a couple of RPs already.

So that'd be it. A series of RPs with the goal of creating a story. I think that those interested could participate and share their ideas where we'd all build something with our characters and it would allow me to also put my ideas into them as well. Who knows what could happen after if it works out? Heck, here I know that if an idea gets me, I can draw it for fun. A memorable scene from an RP could be turned into a drawing one day, who knows?

You who reads this, it's already nice of you to take the time to read this text I made. I, knowing myself, need to try and get out more and experience more. I need to try out things. I do a lot of things for myself, but don't share those things with others enough. This idea I'm sharing now could be a nice first.

If you're curious enough, I'd like to share pictures of the Flower Fillies in their filly age and teenager age as well, just to give an idea of their look at least. I need to actually work on their sheets... Everything's in my head. I just need to put it down on this computer of mine.


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Hm, I've actually had (on another site) a series of RP's that did actually build up into a collective long-running story. And it was EPIC.

Seriously, though, when I can get back into an RP'ing groove, I'd be interested in this whole story. I'm even cooking up one myself!

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That'd be sweet! ^^

Thing is for now I'm throwing down the general idea, but I'll be editing this later to put in some more information about what I'd like to do.

I also forgot to mention that it would be made in the FFA section of the site since anything can go there XD

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I would like to be a part of this collaboration if it is alright with you. I have few characters at my disposal. I have a Psycho Earth Pony Villain. I have a "Want to Be a Hero" variant of him and I also have a Changeling PI that looks like him. All three are actually variants of the same pony, and all their back stories overlap with each other, but with one key event being different. There is a reason for this, but it is not something that will be revealed till the end of their timeline.

However, if you want something different, then I have my own long running duo that I used to use exclusively on the last sight I RP'd on. Their names are Scion and Dennis, and they are M-verse characters that travel between worlds. Though I wonder if that may be a bit out there for this setting, but I leave the idea on the table. Anyway I will watch this blog like a hawk for updates, and would love to see discussion on this.

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Well my ideas are not all too clear for the moment, but I might try to implement a main character in this. I've had this new idea for another OC. I need to work on it, but it could be the main focus of the story.

But yeah! Here we could actually start discussing about ideas and stuff like that! Share thoughts on what we could do and all! Here I know I love to have drama in RPs as well as some action. I absolutely don't mind having relaxing moments as well. Our characters don't always live in drama and action all the time, after all :P

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I like RP's that have a casual feel with many potential conflicts blended into the setting. The main conflict would be an over achring one, like a villain, that crosses several episodes, and the many small conflicts, like dealing with each others flaws, that inhabit each day. Mystery, action, adventure, slife of life, psychological, and even romance. I love to see a story encompass the many aspects of life. the trick is finiding a balance between these elements, so as not let things become too chaotic. Perhaps if we discussed which conflicts to explore in each episode. It would better help the focus of each story. What do you think?

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That'd be an excellent idea. It'd help a lot with the development of everything and would make things smooth too. It's much more interesting that way!

I thought it could be interesting to have each player have his/her moment with the characters they use as well. Some chapters could turn around some of the characters a bit more than the others too. We'd get to know more about each character while still following the story.

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Sorry I'm late to respond. I set this entry to be followed, but the alert didn't come for some reason.

I am still very much interested in this idea, but I have a feeling that not many people go around reading the blog posts. So, in order to further recruit people for the idea, it may need to be posted in an interest check. I also wanted to ask about potential posting standards in the RP. It is a bit of a downer when people do one liner posts. So, perhaps CC RP standards with FFA freedom of expression? What do you think?

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I've done this before as well. It takes a long time, but in the end it does create for a fun Epic that can even rival long book series such as "The Wheels of Time"

I'd be interested in doing it again.

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Glad to see some more are interested ^^

A friend of mine will probably join too. If any of you have skype I wouldn't mind adding you up to my friends there. That way we could create a group of chat and discuss everything there with ease.

As for your question CrazyScion, I will make a check interest post eventually, yes. And the RP standards, I would like more than one lines, yeah. Always more to play with that way and makes the whole thing much more interesting as well. So as you said, CC RP standards with FFA freedom. It will fit well that way.

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My skype is on my profile, but if you need it. It is Crazy.Scion, and I have a picture of Cirno as my avatar. I also am invisible most of the time, so if you want to talk to me. Just leave me a message on skype and I respond if I'm there. Although, an easy way to tell if I am actually online, is to see if I've been active on the site recently by checking my last active status. I tend to check here pretty frequently as a sort of habit, so I check the front page pretty regularly on here.

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Sorry I haven't replied anything back yet. I'm just busy with life and now my back had to give in. Not in the mood to really do anything for the moment... gonna have to wait a little before I proceed to the next step here.

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