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The Journal of Lore Weaver - Entry 11 - The Quesadilla Incident



Dear Journal,

A strange thing happened to me today. I...don't know what to make of it other than to just write about it here and perhaps return to it later.

Today was a rather ordinary day until lunch time. I was in the dining hall of of the Royal Castle of Ponyville, having just stepped out of the kitchen after preparing a very tasty treat. One of the perks of being employed by royalty is having access to certain places like the kitchen to prepare a meal. Anyway, I was about to enjoy my lunch when Princess Twilight Sparkle entered the dining room. Below is a transcript of the events as just explaining this wouldn't do justice.

Me: "Hello Twilight. Taking a break for some lunch?"

Twilight: "Hello Lore. Yep, I finally have a break in my schedule. Do you mind if I join you?"

Me: "Not at all. it would be my pleasure." (Seriously, if a pony was in my position would they dare refuse the offer to eat lunch with a smart, kind and cute Princess like Twilight Sparkle? I think the answer would be a strong no!)

Twilight is about to sit down when she stops as her nose flares and her eyes turn to a question gaze.

Twilight: "Um...Lore...what exactly are you eating?"

Me: "Oh, it's a new recipe I'm trying: Five Cheese Quesadilla! Do you want to try some?"

At this point Twilight's eyes went wide as she drew back and beads of sweat dripped down her face.

Me: "Twilight, are you ok?"

Twilight: "Oh... um... yeah. It's just that I realized that I have something important to do that I forgot. Sorry Lore, but we'll have to postpone this lunch."

Me: "So you were free but now you're not? How can that be? Wait a minute, this isn't about the Five Cheese Quesadilla, is it?"

Twilight: "Yes, I mean no, I mean..."

Me: "You're not afraid of what I'm eating, are you?"

Twilight: "No, don't be silly. I'm a Princess! I'm not afraid of something like a Quesadilla."

Me: "Well then if you're not busy why not have lunch here?"

At this point I see Twilight alternating her gaze between me and the Quesidilla that I'm holding in midair with my magic as she bit her lip.

Twilight: "Sorry can't. Gotta go. See you later. Bye Lore."

She suddenly turns and bolts out of the dining room like a filly afraid of a monster, muttering something like "So Cheesy!" before disappearing.

I still don't know what to think of this incident. Can Twilight really be afraid of a Quesidilla, that's just silly! Maybe she's lactose intolerant? I still don't know.

Your Faithful Librarian,

Lore Weaver

PS: Ugh, there's that pony eating broccoli in front of my house again. I hate broccoli! Vile Weed!


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I can't stop laughing at the idea of some ragamuffin pony that just goes and sits in front of ponies' homes, munching on broccoli.

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I can't stop laughing at the idea of some ragamuffin pony that just goes and sits in front of ponies' homes, munching on broccoli.

It's just that this pony's routine is to sit at a certain place and eat broccoli. And Lore Weaver hates broccoli, but at least he's not afraid of it like Twilight is with a quesadilla. 

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