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Cookbook #8 - Cinnamon Butterscotch Pie



Yes! A special entry in the book! This time it's not a recipe I have to recite from memory and tell about my past experience! This time, I have pictures!

Also, this pie is made entirely from scratch. Another pure creation (the other being my Adult Disfigured Samurai Shrimp). This was a labor of love, as this pie is very sentimental.

A very special thanks to Quicklime for this determined suggestion!

Today we'll make a Cinnamon Butterscotch pie! Or Butts Pie in layman's terms.

Just like mom used to make!

I would also suggesting listening to the Ruins OST from Undertale while baking this.

Okay, so I actually had to go digging for a recipe for this, because never in my life have I made butterscotch. Here I was making butterscotch AND putting it in a pie! So I was way out of my element. But it came out fantastic. Yes, I broke my rule and used measurements this time, but again, I was out of my element and didn't want to screw it up. Not that I can screw it up anyway, because I'm perfect.

Oh, I also had my girlfriend to help me on this. Cuz she's awesome and perfect too.

I made a couple of tweaks to the recipe I found that I think worked out okay.

So, what you'll need:

Pie crust:

All-Purpose flour


Confectioner's sugar

Cold butter

Egg (1 yolk and a whole egg)



Butterscotch filling


Brown sugar


Whole milk

Heavy cream

brown sugar (yes I know it's listed twice shhhh)

egg yolks (9 of them)

corn starch


So first for the pie crust, we need to add the first three ingredients together. Your dry ingredients!

You should also cut up your cold butter (I cheated and left it out to soften) and mix it into your dry ingredients. I used my hands cuz I don't have a whisk and a fork was a pain in the butt.

Mix em up til it looks like this


Should kinda look like Parmesan cheese, which gives me a great prank idea if the opportunity ever presents itself.

At this point you need to add the egg yolk and mix it in.

Oh, if you can, have a local lesser dog inspect it for you to make sure you did it right.


At this point you're gonna add your cinnamon (for the crust, don't jump the gun) and water. Carefully add water and mix everything together until it looks like playdoh.

Also make sure it isn't actually playdoh.



I tried to make a goatmom face. It didn't work.

Once you do that, you're going to want to refrigerate it for awhile. Again, I cheated and put it in the freeze for a couple minutes.

Then put it in the pie tin! If you have extra dough, do something fun with it. Like make mom cookies!


Your lesser dog will confirm if it's good.


You know you want to.

ANYWAY, once that's done, pop that sucker in the oven.


To start on the filling while that's going, you want to cook some brown sugar and water, your butter, and your milk and cream all in seperate pots on medium heat. You want the brown sugar to bubble showly, the butter to brown, and the liquid stuff to steam. Once either of those meet their requirement, shut off the heat or switch it to low.

The rest of the stuff, your 9 yolks, brown sugar, cinnamon and corn starch you'll want to mix is a bowl separate from everything else.

It should look like barf, which makes me wanna... Well, barf.

After that's all taken care of, add the browned butter to the brown sugar on the stove and mix them. Then do the same with the liquid stuff but SLOWLY. Once that's done, stir it constantly. Once it's mixed, mix the barf in with that and mix them together. Also turn the heat back on.

Stir constantly, or else stuff will stick. It'll thicken quickly, and once it does, it should look like light brown-colored barf.


At this point, take your crust out of the oven and put the barf in it. Then put it in the oven. I did it at about 400 degrees but the recipe calls for lower.


Then after about 20 minutes, turn the heat off and let it sit for another 20 minutes in the oven. After that, you're done!

True to life, it has to sit for a couple hours to be cutable. It should make a cheesecakey kind of texture when all's said and done.


I put the mom cookie on top because that's fun.


I would never turn my nose up at this if it were on my plate. It's surprisingly delicious and it fills me with determination. Also it's perfect with a little whipped cream or ice cream.

I'm not crying you're crying shut up

EDIT: The recipe I followed can be found here:



Recommended Comments

I can't mentally process this, it's too much. Congrats, you've broken Rosie! But in all seriousness, nice job. I've made my own version of this pie (with a splash of whisky in the filling), with extra LOVE.

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