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There is bad weather, and then there is worse.

Thankfully, there are weather teams in Equestria that can counteract natural disasters like these.

From the category:

March 2012

· 6 images
  • 6 images
  • 27 image comments

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Epic. I love Flutershy's expression.



Discord approved!

If this was Discord's doing, it would be, like, pink or something, and taste like pineapples.



No today its black cause today flavor is dark chocolate mint![Just being silly]

Ginger Mint


Fluttershy, are you trying to get out of tornado duty again? :P

Seriously, this is pretty cool. I wonder if part of the pegasus clan's militant nature from olden pony times was due to them having to combat bad weather.



Fluttershy, are you trying to get out of tornado duty again? :P

Seriously, this is pretty cool. I wonder if part of the pegasus clan's militant nature from olden pony times was due to them having to combat bad weather.

I really like that theory. I bet weather was pretty unruly before the princesses arrived. XD

Bright Glow


I belive there are a few unicorns in the weather job and their job is to give a support to the weather team when the control seems to fall out of their hoofs.

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