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Everything posted by Appliance

  1. WILLOW SHALL GO FIRST. :I So it has been said! also, Davvy. :I DAVVY DAVVY. *points to name* I shall become a Jailbot. XD
  2. Willow: I thought there was something a little off, but I thought it was just his way of singing! HNNGH dem songs. Davvy: (I want to call you that, so deal with it. :I... XD) Superjail! I remember watching a couple episodes. XD And hmm.. I dunno.
  3. Davroth: Cheesburger- Coming home Acynder: XDD WILLOW AH WUFF CHU NAO. I love Modest Mouse! so much. SO MUCH. c:
  4. Well, thanks for the time, I needed to think a spell! I had to think a while. I had to think a while. :3 If you know this song, you gain ten internets.
  5. IT HAD TO BE DONE. This is what would have happened if she went into exile.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales



    2. MyLittlePonyTales



    3. Appliance



  7. Well, when I mentioned Livewire, I thought it would show that I'd get it from.. being pushed into.. Okay, yeah, let's just say it was a government experiment there?
  8. Lightshow was busy lookin around happily, grinning widely to herself. She noticed how much her cream-colored pelt contrasted with that of the mare beside her. Mare beside her..? Lightshow suddenly remembered that Firecracker had come with her. She'd had a scatter-brained moment and forgotten. "Oh, sug, relax!" she said, gently nudging her friend forward with her hoof. "This place is lovely!~" she chirped, glad to be away from the stage for a while, at least. Having been facing Firecracker, she did not notice the approaching stallion until he was close enough that she could hear his hooves upon the ground. She turned around, her mane covering her eye for a moment until she swiped it away with a hasty hoof. "Greetings! I see your newcomers to the party! We're havin' a jolly good time inside, will you be joining us? Name's Mojo. Me and me chums are gonna be playin' music a little later on! What's your names?" she heard him say, and stammered a bit for a moment from surprise, until she finally composed herself. "Ah, hello," she said serenely, giving a small smile to the stallion. "I was roaming these streets, and I can't resist a good party! And of course we will," Lightshow continued, jabbing at her friend playfully to encourage her to greet the stallion. "I do love a little music, and dancing.. Oh! Anyway, this is Firecracker, my closest friend! And I'm Lightshow," She grinned, and looked around a bit more. "And we're late, aren't we?" she concluded, chuckling happily.
  9. OH! Ohohoho! This is your corner, is it? Nope!
  10. Yes.. keep arguing amongst yourselves.. *sits in the winners' corner*
  11. *gets in anti-biting bubble* OHOHO. >D Also, salutations! I'm pretty glad there's more younglings like me around :'D Also, no worries, if you need any help, just ask! Everypony here is pretty helpful. c: So.. Welcome!
  12. Silversword nodded, giving him a quick smile. "Something for everypony, like I said," she grinned, trotted on, and then looked back once again. "But what is it that you like to do, anyway?" she queried, a pensive look upon her face.
  13. Silversword had been sitting like a statue, carefully watching over the stallions' wares, ever vigilant lest somepony take something without paying the bits for it. She was patient, knowing that once the stallion woke up, she would be able to view his goods and perhaps even purchase one, to give to her parents.They quite enjoyed tea, and the beautiful porcelain cups would give them a little reminder that their daughter thought of them always. It's a nice thought and all, but what about the bits? her wings fluttered a bit as the thought came to her, and she was a bit distraught. However, she dismissed the thought and turned her head, as she heard yawning, followed by stretching. She heard the cracks and pops that meant that the stallion probably had stiff joints, from the position he was napping in, perhaps, or the long task of carting around his creations. "A cloak? I don't believe I was wearing a cloak before my mid-day nap..." The stallion had stated. Ah, so he was awake now. Silversword tucked her wings in carefully and watched as he smiled at her and folded her cloak. It was a polite thing to do, but storeponies often were polite to potential customers, so she didn't take it as a sign of graciousness just yet. "It's a very nice store," Silversword began hesitantly, "But as you slept, anypony without an ounce of virtue or honor could have simply snatched anything." She looked over his clay-covered pelt, and raised an eyebrow. "However. That being said, the quality of your work surprises me. I quite like the porcelain cups. " she stated, cringed slightly, knowing the price would probably be incredibly high.
  14. As if sensing her friends' worry, Silversword gave her a slight smile that she hoped would comfort him. "Not all ponies are so sure of what they want in life, for a while at least." she began to walk in the direction of Canterlot, the trusty heart of Equestria. Not that it was in the center of Equestria, no, she did not mean it in the literal sense.. "Canterlot is the intellectual and social center of Equestria. I am certain you will find something that you love," she said, blowing her mane out of her eyes.
  15. *shudders* I think today.. the light will stay on in my room. ;_;
  16. Think of the fillies! The fillies without cupcakes!
  17. .... Power of electricity. Think Live-Wire. From Superman.
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