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Everything posted by Xiee

  1. Cupcakes at work? Awesome!

  2. The morning had been mildly pleasant. The snow had began to fall gently, she could not help but stare at the mesmerizing beauty of it. Each snowflake had its own distinct aura. This exuded a strange yet wonderful feeling that only a few like her would seem to understand. This brought her back to the days when she was a young filly. She would stand for a while in the middle of the snow-filled market street in Kuznitza as the snow fell. It was the one thing that brought peace to her. Realizing that she had been lost in thought and idle for a few minutes, Argenta snaps back into reality and continues to trot her way down the street. Eying the tall skyscrapers above her, she wondered what it would be like to be up there. The few Pegasus Ponies that streaked, working at those heights seemed to love the danger of it all. Averting her gaze back to the ground she began to start her patrol. This wasn't her usual patrol route. A comrade in her unit asked if she could do his patrols for the day. He needed to be home due to urgent family matters. She had agreed. She had brought along a map with her that her comrade had provided. It was marked with checkpoints of interest where she had to drop by and check in with the units stationed in the area. She followed the predetermined path on the map and was just about done, but the last checkpoint was... unusual. The note left by her comrade said “Airship Route”. Apparently, she had to make her way up into the clouds to reach the last set of checkpoints for the day. There were also instructions to board a sky carriage to get to these checkpoints. She thought to herself that this Airship Route would have been better covered by one of the aerial units in her battalion. Assigning this task to an Earth Pony, just puzzled her beyond comprehension. She boarded one of the sky carriages, showed her military identification card to the conductor, who was an elderly Griffon, and boarded. Along with her were a few worker Ponies and Zebras, all of whom probably had some sort of work in those sky factories. Some of them eyed at her uncomfortably as her grey SGU uniform and fur beret distinctly pointed out that she was with the Military. They aptly turned their gaze away as she turned her's into theirs. This particular carriage had a total of twelve seats. This was one of the smaller carriages that specifically carried passengers. It was simply powered by four, Pegasi who pulled the carriage. As preparations for boarding were finally done, the conductor yelled at the four Pegasi signaling them to take off. With the clang of the warning bell, the Pegasus neighed and began to gallop. They flapped their wings and as speed built up they eventually take off into the air. This was another first for her. She had never ridden a sky carriage before. The sensation was nerve wracking at first as they took off, but when the carriage began to settle to its cruising speed, it was more like any other carriage ride on the ground. She tried not to look down as she soon discovered that a little bit of vertigo shot through her. Rather, she focused on the huge figures ahead. Huge airships docked and anchored, blanketed by clouds. The gentle snowfall seemed to give the sight an eerie calm, but as they grew closer, loud clangs and noises from workers started to be heard. The elderly Griffon conductor shouted for the first stop. This is where she would get off.
  3. "There's a club here that some musical patrons like yourself go to." Argenta pointed to a building near them. "It's usually fully booked due to reservations, though I think if you really want to meet all the musical Ponies like you that would be a good place to start. Should we trot over there to see if we can be lucky enough if there are still seats open?"
  4. It was finally their turn. Cracker went up first, aimed at the bottles and threw. To his dismay, he threw so hard that it went over the bottles. He facehoofed. He was really never good with this sort of thing. His older brother Acorn often beat him at games every single time. The only thing he seemed to be good at was cracking nuts. He sighed. Next up, Val went to the line and began to aim. Cracker thought that with Val's experience in traveling around, he might just have the skill to knock everything off. With anticipation he wanted to see what would happen.
  5. Xiee


    Nice! Do more Rarity!
  6. Looks like aloe and her sister lotus. ^_^
  7. Welcome to Canterlot! Hope you can join us in the chatroom as well. There are ponies around the clock 24/7!
  8. Xiee


    Welcome everypony! Do drop by in the chat if you're free. Lots of crazy (yet friendly and fun-loving) ponies dwell there 24/7.
  9. Quick question on something. Was trying to app a Griffon but there was no griffon tag. Should I just use Creature for Griffons?
  10. Note: This is a continuation of a chat RP. Summary is posted below: Turns was nearly exhausted. After a long day of doing odd jobs to earn some extra bits Turns wanted a few well earned drinks. So he found himself sitting at a bar, alone. Just passing the time and nursing his drink. The bar was large and rather empty. Turns often found his thought roaming back to Ponyville. 'oh well' he thought to himself, 'It wont be long and i will be home i hope.' Argenta has just gotten back from her usual daily patrol routes. Dropping by the usual tavern, she sad down, tired yet with a gleam on her face. She called to the bartender and ordered the usual Cider Vodka. Argenta looking around saw the usual Ponies, but there was sompony new. She figured that he was probably a travelling pony. She eyed him for a while until the newpony transfixed his gaze on her. Turns "Hello ma'am my name is Turn Tables. I am a DJ from Ponyville, and i came to do some work here in stalliongrad." Turns said nervously. "So what brings you here?" Argenta taking a sip from her vodka, eyes back to the new pony called turn tables. "Hello Turn Tables, I am Argenta, Corporal of a small detachment assigned to the 9th SGU battalion." She shows off her grey uniform emphasizing on the rank. "I'm done with my patrols for the day and I thought I'd grab a drink." Turns smiled in return, "Well sounds like i'm not the only one who needed a drink today." Turns said as he downed his whiskey. "So do you come here often?" Turns preid a little more. "Why yes I do." she takes another sip. "I frequent this bar always at the end of the day since I pass by it on the way home. So you come from Ponyville? You're a long way from home, what brings a DJ like you to this part of city, most of the musicians I know always head over to the artistian district." "Well i kinda found this mare in the Everfree forest, She has amnesia and i took her in." Turns began to explain. "I'm here doing some odd jobs to earn a few extra bits to help take care of her, until she can find a job." "That is a noble task indeed." Argenta replies as she refills her glass. "I admire Ponies that go out of their way to help others. It's the main reason why I joined the Stallian Guard." She extends her glass to Turns offering a toast. "If so can you offer any advice i must say even though i have started to take a shine to her, Im honestly not sure what to do half the time, She has no idea what she likes and im just not sure how i can help her." Turns finished "The little foals and fillies are also a passion of mine." Argenta takes another sip of Cider Vodka. "Unknown to many, the SGU does a lot of charitable and ponytarian aid to those in need. To some we look like the face of war, but they forget that it is the ponies we serve to strive for better living" "Taking a shine to her?" Argenta's eyes widen playfully as she stares a more seductive glare unto turns. "So, are you falling for her or something? I don't see anything wrong with that." Turns blushed. "Well im not sure, maybe." Turns was tripping all over himself. "But not right now i'm just more concerned that she is happy and healthy thats all, i th-think." "All in good time my gentlecolt." Argenta smiles. "I'm sure she might develop feelings for you as well considering that you have been helping her immensely. I'm not the one to talk about love since I myself have yet to find the Stallion of my dreams. One could say my love is the SGU. But who knows what the future brings?" "I understand how ya feel ma'am. My DJing career is my life without it i don't know what i would do." Turns looked at the mare who was still eyeing him. This caused him to blush even more. "So, umm, this is just a question but do you ever come around Ponyville?" "Sadly..." Argenta sips another glass of Cider Vodka. "I have never leave Stalliongrad, but when I have orders to scout outside or do guard duty escort that's the only chance I see of the outside of the city. The farthest I've been was at Dragonmount Peak when I was assigned to protect a surveyor Pony." "Well that's a shame, Perhaps i could arrange something. I will be heading back to Ponyville soon enough." Turns began to think, "Maybe i could hire you as an escort perhaps it would be a great way for you to see the outside world,l Ponyville is nowere near as large as Stalliongrad but it is a cozy town and there is alot of love in it. Everypony there is freindlier than the next." "Tempting as it may sound..." She playfully pushes her shot glass. "I can only do that if ordered to do so by my superiors. On the brighter side, I may be able to escort you during my leave." "That would be great." Turns said with a slight hint of excitement in his voice. "I could introduce you to Blanca and then i could show you all there is to see in Ponyville, sorry i get kinda exited when i make new friends. Umm im sorry i never quite got your name, ma'am." "Oh did I not mention my name." She turned surprised. "I'm sorry, where are my manners. I am Argenta." "Welll argeta, its not that i dont like the bar or anything like that, but would you maybe like to take a walk." Turns suggested, "I have yet to see much of Stalliongrad, And there is much more that i would like to see." Turns replied playfuly "I'd be happy too." Argenta took her final sip of cider vodka and left a few bits on the bar counter. "Where would you like me to take you?" "Well this city is so large, honestly i dont know were to begin." Turns thought for a moment. "You mentioned something about an artistic district, or something like that. Would u mind showing me around it?" Turns asked. "Rasya, the artisan district." Argenta replied. "That's where all the musicians and artists go. The place if filled with high society Ponies, Griffons and Zebras as well." "Really, Ive never seen a Griffon before, and the only zebra that i have had the pleasure of speaking to is Zecora." Turns smiled as the excitement clearly overrode all of his other emotions. "Whaat are Griffons like?" "Griffons..." Argenta paused as she began to think. "They're an odd bunch but they're good comrades, at least those in my unit. Those I've been acquaintances with were quite honorable as well, but when it came down to business, they really mean to do business and nothing personal." They continued to walk to the direction of Rasya. "Really, so do they like music. The only griffon ive ever even heard of was when gilda came to ponyville." Turns explained, "And from what i heard she was a real jerk." "There are a few ruffians here and there, but I'd say the same for Ponies." Argenta sighed. "Well here we are. The night is almost upon us so most of the shops you'll see open are art galleries and a few music bars. I can't recommend any since I don't really go into any of them. I usually just pass by during my patrols." "Wow this place is beautiful." Turns simply stood aghast at the art and lights that leaked from above. Shades of orange and red beamed from all over. Turns could hear some music coming from the nearby music bars. This is just amazing. Argenta never realized how beautiful the night lights of Rasya gave off at the night. The numerous art buildings, some with notable glass designs seemed to gleam into the night sky. As the cold wind passed through the alley, it blew off Argenta's military cap, revealing her free flowing mane. Not paying attention to anything she stared at the lights, mezmerized. turns just stood looking at the lights as well until the chilling wind brought him back to attention. After the shock he looked over at Argenta. She had let her hair down and her mane blew almost magically in the wind. She was beautiful and stern at the same time. Turns couldnt help but blush a little. "The area is beautiful isn't it." Finally coming back to reality, Argenta finally notices her cap. She quickly picks it up in one hoof as she fixes her mane on the other. "Well, if it's music you are interested in. I'm sure we can find one of those musical trinket shops around here. I do remember a shop in this area that sold such things." Argenta Looks up at the passing Griffons. "They know better than to do something stupid." As Argenta continued to eye the Griffons, she had cursed herself for not being a Pegasus so she could fly up there to ask their business. To her relief though, she recognized a patch in one of the Griffon's uniforms. They were actually a bunch of Mercenaries. Argenta thought that they were hired by some of the posh art galleries nearby. Some news about a big event going on from one of the elite Ponies. turns relaxes a little at Argenta's words. "Well alright then, but still ill be sure to shy away from them for the time being." Turns was unsure what to think but if Argenta wasn't worried then he shouldn't be either.
  11. I like this idea, this honestly sounds like the life of a merchant sailor zebra earning her living for transport goods and odd jobs it seems. Perhaps she also transport Ponies and Zebras from the mainland of Equestria to the land of Zebras and vice versa? She could earn a few good bits off of that. ^_^
  12. "Oh the single shot contest!" Cracker widened his smile. "I've seen that near the bakery. I was wondering what that line was for. I'm excited that I'd be able to try something new! Let's give that a shot first, I mean the Apple Pie eating contest doesn't begin later 'till noon anyway." The both of them walked over to the line. It was an unusually long line for such a contest. He was beginning to wonder if it there was a local holiday celebration going on or something. Cracker normally didn't have the patience to wait at such events but he kept himself occupied with his new acquaintance, Val. All the while, looking at his pouch, making a mental note of how many more nuts he had left. From the looks of it, he had a couple dozen left. He kept in mind that he needed to divide them sparingly until he got his hoofs on more nuts. "So Val..." He continued as he slid his pouch back into his saddlebag. "About exploring... I'm kinda running low on nuts, maybe we could ask around a bit after the Apple Pie eating contest? I've heard some of the local ponyfolk say that there are some wild nuts near the edge of the desert that some Buffaloes scavenge. I think I'm gonna need a refill soon. Ya know? My condition?" He blushed as he shuffled his hoof on the ground.
  13. Oh wow, you guys are fast. Liking it so far... Gonna post mine when I get home.
  14. Xiee


    Wow... I'm starting to like your style of drawing them a lot! Keep em coming. ^_^
  15. OH MY... dat cannon! *goatfaints* *worships bbb* I'm not worthy to see your wonderful pieces of art!
  16. Xiee

    Wet mane will

    ROFL wet mane all the ponies.
  17. Xiee


    Rarity is BEST PONY!
  18. Xiee


    Oh... this is an interesting pairing. And Applebloom! o.o
  19. Rarity is best pony, but seriously I love them all. ^_^
  20. Game-deprived...

    1. Remedy


      Get Skyrim like everyone else! :D

    2. Xiee


      Lol, I will once I get my PS3 back. @_@

  21. When the two Ponies agreed that they'd spend time together, Cracker thought that it would be swell. He never had friends out of Trottingham, heck, he barely had any friends at all! The only real friends he could really call friends were his cousins from all over Equestria. Though they only got to get together during the yearly Nut Family reunion. He thought to himself that he should play it safe around Val. He didn't want to get the wrong impression on him especially with his condition. He thought of maybe joining that Apple Pie eating contest he saw at the bakery past the General Store. Besides, the contest didn't require a fee to sign up. All it needed was a team of 2 ponies who can eat the most Apple Pie. The winner would take home an Apple Pie recipe, the specialty of the shop, and a few bits to boot. "I suppose we could join that Apple Pie eating contest." He said as he pointed his hoof into the direction of the bakery that held it. "We get to have fun and fill our bellies at the same time. Back at my brother's Acorn farm, all we had is nuts. I'm really looking forward to eat some Apples. It was about 8 months since I've eaten my last Apple, so this should be a treat!"
  22. *Waves at Alkalai* Twilight Sparkle
  23. I always enjoy reading these Inkwell. Love the way you write.
  24. Xiee


    Looks like you got featured on EqD's drawfriends. ^_^ http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/11/drawfriend-stuff-262.html
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