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Everything posted by Lilia

  1. Cherry nodded solemnly, a flicker of sorrow in her eyes. "I do...I dream of what my sister Orange keeps telling me in her letters...that her husband, Darkly Dare, was hitting her...and then I picture what he'd do to her for telling him that...that she's gonna be a mommy...I don't wanna see my big sister dead because she can't ask for help...can't accept the offers from her sisters, either..." She said softly, the tears falling before she could stop them. Her loyalty to her siblings was the only thing that had kept her going for so long, the only thing that had kept her sane and energetic...until she found out about the abuse, she would never have guessed that her sister was unhappy.
  2. Cherry beamed at Mrs. Canter, nodding. "I think...that I'll take some time sooner or later and make myself a nice little cloud home here....several floors of clouds, just so I don't crash through on my first night." She mused, giving Mrs. Canter a friendly smile. When the door closed behind them, Cherry slid off of Sherlock's back with a laugh. "Poor Mrs. Canter...she has to deal with the two of us for a little while...though I didn't lie about setting up my own cloud home nearby...Probably do it some time when I can convince the clouds to cooperate and be fairly resilient to nightmares..." She giggled, rolling onto her hooves with a slight wobble to her.
  3. I'm looking for somepony to join me at Seasaddle Bay. http://www.canterlot...-a-seaponyopen/
  4. Cherry squirmed a bit on Sherlock's back, her forehooves wrapping around his neck loosely in case she should fall. She giggled at the idea of flying into something, the picture coming to her with clarity. "I'm not a bad filly...I'm just...just...difficult." She mumbled, nuzzling Sherlock's neck for a moment before hearing Mrs. Canter. "Sherlock takes good care of me...he protected me from the mean mares...and the silly colts..." She grinned, nuzzling Sherlock's neck again before kissing his cheek. "Sherlock...they liked me for my plot..." She whispered into his ear, smiling.
  5. Cherry chuckled at the recollection of how Sherlock slept. He had a fair point...he certainly didn't seem to use the bed, even when it was availiable! She smiled over her shoulder as they reached the exit, hearing the grumbling of several colts that had found her attentions to Sherlock to be less than pleasing. "You were raised to be a gentlecolt? Well then...I suppose you've figured my mother attempted to raise me to be a proper young filly?" She giggled, starting to feel the last of the scotch hit her. She became very dizzy, nearly stumbling over her hooves as she trotted beside Sherlock. "Mind if I...fly? Much steadier up there..." She asked softly, catching herself before she faceplanted the ground.
  6. Subscribed! I may be able to give you my story, perhaps, forgiving the low quality from my cell phone...
  7. You're proving that Hasbro doesn't watch the shows they promote...also, that being a brony is awesome. She needs to go to the store and LOOK at the toys, then watch the show, then compare. Duh. Go ahead and use Photobucket...it's free, and easy enough to use.
  8. Cherry smiled slightly at Sherlock, a mix of feelings coming to her. "Thank you for letting me stay with you...but you should have the bed...it's your home. Let me have the couch...please?" She asked softly, her upbringing shining through her denial of what was sure to be the most comfortable place Sherlock had to offer. "I don't want you to be put out because I couldn't think of a better place to be than on a cloud before flying here..." She added, hoping he would understand her request.
  9. Cherry smiled a bit at the idea of going home. She took the last sip of her scotch, chuckling a bit as she realized he didn't know where she lived, exactly. "Not a bad day at all, Sherlock. By the way...when you said home...did you mean to your home or to the little cloud I call home here in Equestria?" She asked, all seriousness. She hated sleeping on clouds, no matter how soft and fluffy they were, she always ended up bucking them to pieces as she slept. There was no clue as to why she did it....she just did...
  10. Oh, oh! Could you draw my trio for my sig, please? Any way you feel is good by me!
  11. Sherlock's nuzzle had her lifting her head to smile at him again. She kissed his cheek lightly as their necks twined together. The song ended as Cherry was once again relaxing against him. "Oh, Celestia...why is it something always happens when we're relaxed.." She mused, reluctantly untwining her neck from his. "We should probably go before we start a riot....but we should finish our drinks first..." She whispered to Sherlock, noticing the dark looks of the mares and stallions around them.
  12. Lilia

    Big big news!

    So today, I put in my two weeks notice...since y'know, in two weeks I'll be on a big rig riding beside my husband seeing the US of A. Anyway! I found out that only two of my co-workers will actually miss me, one of them being my manager (he likes that I'm always early and am always ready to work...the other is a cook, and he says it's because I'm the only one that greets him before he clocks in...). The rest of my co-workers? They think I'm an idiot because I'm nice. ...So, because I've noticed that they keep comparing me to the girl that got transferred out because she was related to a manager (company policy changed, not my fault!), and that they resent that I'm better than she is...and that they hate that I bring in treats for them (cookies, especially...so no cake for them!) I wrote a letter to them: By what right do you have do judge me? Just because I'm not her, does that mean that I'm at fault for a policy change? Not one bit! But y'all don't give a frog about what others think, what others feel. So go in in your darkness. I'm leaving. Whoop-de-frog. How about y'all start seeing what lies right before your eyes? I've been nothing but nice...that doesn't mean I'm stupid. Good luck with the rest of your nowhere careers. I hope this gets through the thick skulls and idiocy that runs rampant here. Always Lilia P.S. A question asked is NOT butting in...it's called CURIOSITY! Per optimus opes vadum pietas cado in ignarus. Tantum inhumanitas est agnosco per un inhumanus universitas." That's Latin at the bottom. Translated it means 'Through noble means shall kindness fall on ignorance. Only cruelty is recognized by a cruel world.'
  13. Dressing like a girl. Yes, I am one, but that's not the point...I get a little rush out of wearing makeup and dressing pretty on occasion...
  14. Cherry was stunned. Never, in her few short years, had she ever had anypony kiss her like Sherlock had. She smiled slowly, words failing her for what had to have been the first time that evening. She merely nodded, a pleased flush seeming to travel from the tip of her nose to the very end of her tail. There was no doubt that her wings had decided to open on their own, the feeling of resistance against them the only clue to her that they had extended at all. She laid her head on his shoulder, almost visibly relaxing against him. It was good..."Mister Hooves...oh, how could you...?" One of the mares witnessing the event queried, a hurt look in her eyes as she stared at the pair.
  15. Cherry was blushing as he spun her in close, his pause piquing her curiosity. "If I want what, Sherlock...? " She asked, genuinely confused at his hesitation. She smiled reassuringly at him, hoping that he would finish his statement. ((sorry it's short! Brain decided to shut down...bedtime...work in the morning...))
  16. Cherry laughed at the recollection of the day before. Had it really only been a day? She shook her head, taking his hoof to dance with him. "As I recall, you told me no several times. As for your filly friends that ran away...they weren't exactly kind to you then, were they? I accept a degree of thoughtlessness in anypony, but honestly...it's not the deciding point as to why I'd ever leave. You'd have to deliberately hurt one of my sisters to get me to leave you..." She explained softly, a twinge of pain in her voice as the image of her sister Orange crossed her mind. "You don't have to factor in my time in the halfway home, but you do need to consider that I'm far too stubborn to go away without being told to go explicitly..." She murmured, her head falling to his shoulder to dance in silence.
  17. Cherry blushed at the compliments to her skill, shaking her head to deny it. She danced before him, letting his words sink in before she uttered a thing. "Sherlock...I..." She began, just as the song ended and he dipped her. Her torso was arched almost fully backward, her heart hammering clearly visible in the awkward pose. Slowly, she began to rise back up, his hat having fallen off from the dip. "I'm glad I impressed you, Sherlock...in fact, I'm glad that you decided to accept me...even when I don't really deserve it. After all...I'm the filly they keep sending to the Troublemaker's Home...and I'm the filly that tries incredibly hard to not let anypony down...especially the stallion I like..." She said softly, her eyes shining as she spoke. She kissed him again, letting it linger a moment before blushing and looking anywhere but at him. Dang it, why'd she have to go and make a foal of herself twice in one day?
  18. Cherry watched as the mares assailed Sherlock, waiting as he backed away enough to begin laughing. He went to the stage to sing and she froze. If he sang, she'd be drawn to him. She sighed, trotting into the corner and prepared to fly. Just then, he started to sing. She whimpered, her wings folding as she started to walk into the crowd. When he walked onto the dance floor, she smiled. Oh goodie, he would actually try to find her. "Sherlock...clever, clever stallion..." She said softly, passing by him with a mare between them as she moved toward the other side of the dance floor.
  19. Cherry inwardly cheered at the two mares intervention, gratefully using their distraction to go further into the crowd. She finally reached a knot of mares standing near the edge and worked her way in. "Oh, that Mister Hooves! He's just ever so dreamy, right girls?" One gushed, leaving Cherry her opening. "Oh, yes indeed. He's everything a mare could ask for...but he's also got a hangeron of sorts...that pretty filly that was with him...did you see their kiss? Clearly, she has a thing for him!" she said, making sure that her wings and cutie mark were outside of the grouping. Her telltale red and pink mane was the only way they would be able to identify her, and at their distance, they might not have even seen that.
  20. She trotted out of his reach just before he could grab his fedora back, shaking her head. "Uh-uh. You're gonna have to outsmart me, Sherlock. Good luck." She laughed, going back to where the crowd was in attempt to blend in. Worst case scenario, she had to fly. Best case, he caught her and was laughing before she had to resort to that tactic.
  21. You mean a California Sunrise/Sunset, right? (I always mixed it enough to look orangish-purple...)My drink of choice has currently become Coke Zero. It's yummy...like Coke...and no guilt (dieting).
  22. Cherry grinned in victory as he followed her, leading him past the stage and closer to a doorway she had noticed when they entered. She stopped, one wing opening as she used it to pivot and face him. The dark was just deep enough to hide her as she refolded her wing and pulled the fedora over her eyes to obscure them. "Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all Equestria, he walks into mine..." She said clearly, the mischief in her eyes hidden by the fedora.
  23. Cherry listened to Sherlock intently, her heart breaking for him as he told of his past. "Oh Sherlock...I'm so sorry..." She murmured, nuzzling his forehoof before getting an idea to try to cheer him up. She carefully picked up his hat and grinned, putting it on. She stood and trotted out to the stage, waiting to see if he'd follow her. 'Come on, Sherlock...leave the drink...come get your hat back...' she mentally pleaded, knowing he'd never hear that ever escape her.
  24. Cherry smiled slowly and nodded, picking up her own scotch before glancing at Sherlock. "It's all my dad...he gave me a sip of his scotch growing up...in his words: 'Cherry, there are some things that you're just going to have to accept. Scotch is one of them. The other is that I'm not going to be around for you much longer...and I want you to know that you've been the best daughter a stallion could ask for...even if you do knock around your sister's bullies.' Dean Appletini is the only music that helped when...when father finally passed..." She admitted, surprised that the alcohol had yet to fully impair her speech. She took a sip of her scotch, wondering what he would do knowing the truth about her.
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