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Everything posted by Fawkes

  2. Ohhhhh, my good Godliness. Holy, heavenly Celestia. You've just introduced me to my new favoritest song AND my new favoritest composer/video maker~ Shiropoint with Play Like Pinkie Pie. Ohhhhh gawd, he knows how to bring the bass~
  3. Great ponies think alike ;D I'M GONNA SING IT VERY LOOOUUUUDDDDD!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BseyCNMQBc&feature=BFa&list=PLAEE8EECD3BE4F2FD&lf=BFa
  4. Of course, friend! :3 Ask away~
  5. Ohhhh, okay. That kinda makes sense. Right then... OH NOEZ! TEH VELOCIRAPTURE!!
  6. Oooh! A DJ! That's so awwwwesome~ I'm interested in getting into DJing. I don't know the first thing about it though xD They still use turn-tables and records, right? And I would TOTALLY play sum Pony Mixes >:3 I wouldn't care what people thought. But I could kinda understand, if you rely on DJing as your main income. Oooh! I would ESPECIALLY play Party With Pinky by Alex S. Suuuuuuuch a good pony mix~ Pfffh, and you would be UBER awesome if your stagename WAS DJPinkiePie... is it? Well pleasure ta meetcha, DJ! Welcome to the royal city~ Oh, and you have a FANTASTIC taste in favorite ponies~ >:3 Pink pony is BEST pony.
  7. ...do these 7's actually have any significance to Raptor Jesus? xD 3's would have been a whole lot more... prophetic, with the whole trinity and Jeebus bein' 33 and stuff.
  8. This was a fantastic idea, Angie. I've already snagged two new songs for my pony playlist~ The first two Armony posted. The 2nd one is so... celtic-ey. Here's a couple of my older favorites~
  9. OH JEEBUS, IT'S TEH RAPTOR RAPTUREZ!! OH NOEZ! Save the ponies! Oh dear Celestia, save the helpless ponies!
  10. Ohhhh, my Celestia!! THIS is the greatest thing I have ever seen xDD The only way this could be ANY better in my book would be if Shiek was Vinyl Scratch~ But all the same, GREAT WORK! xD
  11. *coos softly against Appy, nuzzling into her petting hoof* *turns to Noah and blows a raspberry at him* Mommy is he uhm... erm... colored blinds? *giggles at Noah* *glares daggers at Armony and Davvy from the safety of Appy's arms* I don't like them, Mommy... they smell like cabbage... and hamsters... dead hamsters... *snuggles back into Appy*
  12. Awwwwh gaaawwwwd, I have SUCH a winger right now~ *makes Pinkie-Pie-guzzling-chocolate milk noises*
  13. *looks up at App as I'm picked up, my lower lip still quivering* *dries eyes on back of hoof* Mmph... *nuzzles into Appy's pelt* Mmh... I... I love you, M-Mommy... *closes eyes*
  15. *jumps slightly as if pulled out of a trance* *looks up at Noah* Y-you... don't? *sniffles softly, picking up my apple juice drenched head* Are... A-Are you sure...?
  16. *rocks back and forth in Rainbow-Dash fetal position* D-Daddy hates me.... *apple juice pools around me* M-Mommy hates me... *eye twitches* E-Everypony... hates me... *sobs into apple juice pool*
  17. *drops my juice box on the ground* N-no Mommy... Daddy left because of me! *eyes start to tear up* It's... ALL MY FAULT. *curls up on the ground and cries*
  18. Siiiip siiiiip siiiiiiiiiiiiip sipsipsip *lowers the juice box for a second, looking up at you curiously* *asks innocently* Why do you look so old?
  19. *sips on apple juice but just stands there at looks at you* Siiiiiiiiip, sipsipsip, siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipppppppppp
  20. Nah, bra. It's the Seaponies theme. Shoo bee doo shoo shoo bee doo!
  21. RIGHT?! It's SOOOOOO good. If I ever became a DJ I would totally play that song, whether the guests were pony fans or not~ UP TA BAT, THREE MORE PONYMIXES! Li'l more somber this time 'round. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTjDCRAVo-Y
  22. *mumbles angrily* NO. No, I wouldn't count that as losing... >: You may be immune to some degree to the Sad, though. That's the saddest thing in my arsenal...
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