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Status Replies posted by Tenkan

  1. I am going to get into Farscape. Watched it on and off as a kid, but can remember pretty much nothing of it.

  2. "When someone hurts you, right it on sand. When someone helps you, write it on stone."

  3. *Insert awesome status that everybody likes here* C;

  4. New Video on our Youtube! Lenios' Pinkie's Brew Cover http://t.co/ug79Uzq8

  5. Collapsed at work today. By no means a pleasurable experience, but certainly a novel one.... don't worry though; I'm fine :D

  6. Three months of winter coolness, and awesome holidays...

  7. Everyone's talking about Doctor Who. Has the new season aired or something?

  8. Awkward moment when you're at an airport and your dad just walks off and leaves you completely alone...

  9. Well, I'm officially exhausted. Been so all day. That's about all I have to say.

  10. Got a duvet for my blanket. What up, my homies?

  11. Got a duvet for my blanket. What up, my homies?

  12. We try to stick to the four main food groups: candy, candy canes, candy corns and syrup.

  13. You can say these streets are rivers, you call these rivers streets. You can tell yourself you're dreaming buddy but no sleep runs this deep!

  14. There's a city in Hawaii called Halawa. Mmmm...Halawa.

  15. There's a city in Hawaii called Halawa. Mmmm...Halawa.

  16. Oh hello!...Im gonna eat your soul! :D

  17. Spent a day with my 8-year old cousin Jimmy. That kid is just filled with awesome. :')

  18. Spent a day with my 8-year old cousin Jimmy. That kid is just filled with awesome. :')

  19. I remember the day, it was November the 8th. Just after Midnight when I took my Black Ops disc out the tray. No need to aim down the sights, I hold the trigger and spray. :P

  20. Vloggity! I say goodbye to home, and hello noodle war! http://youtu.be/GDhaaF32PdY

  21. I found a hawk today. I have named him Sir Hawkington Esquire. Tis a good name for a hawk.

  22. Shake it out...Dashie...shake it out...*cries*

  23. :( Just realized I missed my 10,000th post.
  24. Vloggity! I say goodbye to home, and hello noodle war! http://youtu.be/GDhaaF32PdY

  25. Almost two years of loss 'n destruction, but they'll keep protesting. God bless these awesome people. http://derpy.me/0MQWk

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