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Everything posted by Skye

  1. Saddest things in the world: A fresh-baked cupcake fallen on the floor, and a pretty girl all alone without a date at a restaurant.

  2. Also, some dude at the mall wearing a 'I <3 boobies' shirt.

  3. When having trouble and you call support, it is not helpful when you get pissy and won't tell support what you've done to get where you are.

  4. I have a co-worker who is a Walker supporter and he's quite vocal in countering the claims. Thinks Walker is alright. Ugh.

  5. Well, I got my new 3DS today. However, appears that all my friend codes are gone. Poop.

  6. From #PresidentClinton I'm landing in Milwaukee tomorrow to help get out the vote with Tom Barrett at a rally - and I hope you will join us.

  7. Birthers. Issue is done. Let it go. http://t.co/hPBbzanf

  8. Now to find voting locations and hopefully I can get out to vote this 5th.

  9. Oooh, Reaper is now on Netflix!

  10. Conservative right condemns Obama for not closing Gitmo & pulling troops out of the ME, but want us to intervene in Syria. b ^.^ d

    1. Dessa


      At least some of them do Other conservatives hate him for ever mentioning closing Gitmo, and don't like that he involved us in Syria.

  11. It is clear that it is time for me to leave Canterlot, at least for a while. Everyone of you who became my friend have been greatly appreciated, but everyone of you who will be celebrating my leaving have finally got your wish. It's clear to me that nothing I have done here seems to really have mattered at all, and the individuals I would have hoped would have understood how all of this has made me feel don't seem to really care at all. So maybe I'll be back, if anyone cares, or maybe I won't, I don't know. But I clearly don't think I'll be sticking around somewhere where I feel no longer wanted. Goodbye.
  12. Still a better love story than Twilight: http://t.co/FZUVyn4O #fb

  13. I'm loving how people are referring to Romney as 'Mittens'.

  14. Which is ironic in a way, since many of them treat the bible the same way.

    1. Dessa


      Which isn't to say that there are seven of them, just that that many aphids can't be good for motorboat calculus.

  15. Birther debate on CNN. I so love my country, there are some real nutjobs living here.

  16. Maybe if they didn't try to rig elections with 'found votes', Republicans wouldn't need voter ID laws. #CorruptPoliticians

    1. Dessa


      Voter ID laws are such a joke.

  17. That's like cleaning someone's house and claiming you created more housing.

  18. Can't use Adam and Eve to support One Man One Woman marriage bigotry; Adam and Eve were never married.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Skye


      Except that Adam and Eve were never married. Marriage is a human invention, not a God decree. If it was a God invention, Adam and Eve would have been married in Eden, but they weren't. In fact, I don't recall weddings being done in the bible and it's well known that in the world where much of the bible takes place, it was commonplace for a man to have many wives. God did say 'Go forth and multiply' but not 'with one man, one woman'.

    3. Dessa
    4. MyLittlePonyTales
  19. Got told at work to "make love to the hold button". Yeah, That's right, sweet sweet wait a sec or three.

  20. Holy balls, it's raining hard!

  21. Just saw a girl here at Culver's that looked like Luna from Harry Potter.

  22. This is why I hate living next door to Krispy Kreme. Too many temptations, then I go, and remember why I don't go often.

    1. Dessa


      Krispy Kreme is so overrated

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