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Everything posted by Skye

  1. I ended up with Luna. Not a bad match.
  2. The teacher looked up as Scootaloo entered the classroom, and she tsk'd in disapproval. "Late on your first day isn't a good trend to set, Miss Scootaloo. Next time, try to be on time in the future? You might miss something important! I'll overlook it this time since it's the first day back." she began walking up and down the aisles, collecting the papers from those ponies who had chosen to written their summer essays and deposted them in a neat pile on her desk for later grading. Then she picked up the marker from the easel and carefully uncapped it, drawing a small line on the top left corner of the paper to ensure it was ready to go, before putting the cap back on. "Now, as I was saying, I would like to have some students come up to the front of the class and tell us about what they did over the summer, including any adventures they'd had. Learning to speak in front of a crowd is an important skill, and one of you might even be Mayor someday!" Cheerilee looked over her students and smiled. She was sure any number of them had adventures that would make for a great story. Maybe one of her future lessons would be to have them develop it as part of a creative writing exercise. She loved reading their essays, there was no better way to get an insight on each young pony's developing mind! So many students to choose from, though she waited for any one of them to raise their hooves eagerly to be first. "Anypony? I would rather not have to pick, but we have much more to do today!
  3. He sighed softly as he took in the quiet and gentle surroundings. Who knew Canterlot would be this wonderful! But he knew eventually he'd have to leave it and go his own way home...he had a job he had to do. For now, for now he was a guest of the Princesses in their own home, and he'd enjoy it as much as he could until it was time for him to go home. He opened his eyes, first looking to Luna and her companion, then to Celestia as she spoke. He turned back to Luna and lifted his head, tilting it. "I'm sure there will be a time when all will be forgotten and forgiven, Princess. We have all the time in the world for that. There will come a time when nopony will have been here to witness all that has happened this past year, and I won't hurry their passing. Friendship is a precious thing, and those friends you make will be a cherished memory." he said this last wistfully before closing his eyes again. When he opened them again, he smiled to Celestia. "And some will be there for quite some time yet. But right now, I can't think of anywhere else I would rather be, than here with the two of you." Skye lifted his hindquarters, rising and stretching, his joints popping as he did before he settled back down on the silvery carpet beneath him. A smile creased his face as he watched the bat climbing to the top of the darker sister, as it reached its peak and formed a rather comical hat for her. "Even the night creatures remember you fondly. But they're no less important than the day ones, naturally. Fewer in number, perhaps, but if you think about it, even the day ones are there, trusting you to watch over them and keep them safe while they rest. Perhaps one day you may learn to share their dreams as I do, walking amongst them even while they sleep, sharing their memories and thoughts. I see someday, that you will be as loved and cherished as your sister. It's already begun as your subjects return to you." As Celestia granted her thanks, he smiled again and splayed his ears. "No doubt in thanks to your quick reactions, Princess. If you hadn't arrived in time, I'm not sure I would have lasted much longer against the bear. I've never been able to influence them as I do other ponies, and it gets more difficult the more unwilling the mind. It might be because they're chaotic in thoughts, but," he turned to gaze at Luna once more. "As your sister has the power of light, I think your powers will manifest more subtly and in turn, be as powerful as hers in your own right, Luna. Have you spent much time trying to learn new magic?"
  4. Cheerilee mussed Starlight's mane a little bit, then smoothed it, sending the little colt in with a gentle nudge. "Take a seat anywhere you like, Starlight." she waited until Grim had entered the classroom along with the rest of her students. Some she recognized, others were new faces, but all of them had been introduced to her by their parents at some point or another, well, for the most part anyway. The mare rang her 'Class is starting' bell and waited a few more minutes before she decided that all who were coming had arrived. She closed the door behind her, and drew the blinds over it, indicating class was in session. Trotting to the front of the class, she did a little twirl, allowing her tail to swirl around her before flashing her students a bright smile. "Good morning, class!" she called out to them, waiting for their response before continuing. "It's so good to see all of your bright, happy faces again for another year! For those of you who are just starting for the first year, I'm Miss Cheerilee. I will be your teacher for this school year and I hope we have many hours of fun together! Though not all of our lessons will be filled with fun, I'm sure we can make the most of those together. Now, some of you may remember the homework I gave you for over the summer. Just one simple lesson, and I hope we all managed to bring it with us today?" she looked out over the class for nods of acknowledgement. "Well, for those of you who did it, I'll take your papers in just a moment. For those of you who didn't, or didn't know, I think we can still manage." she walked to the board and picked up her chalk holder and began to write on the board in broad, flourished script. WHAT I DID OVER THE SUMMER was the heading. After she'd finished writing, she set the chalk back down on the edge of the board. "What we did over the summer." she repeated afterwards. Turning back to the class, she indicated the board with her hoof. "This will be simple, all I want from you, is for you to tell me about the best parts of the summer you had this year. Any new ponies you met, any new experiences you had. Does anypony want to go first?"
  5. He listened to her speak as he nosed softly at one flower, then at another, drinking in the delightful aroma that teased his senses. Though he didn't say a word, he closed his eyes and lay his head on the ground in a small patch. His wings spread lightly beside him, drooping to the ground as he took in just the sensation and the silence around them. He felt as if he could stay here for eternity, ensconced in this little slice of nocturnal heaven, as beautiful as the day was in its time. There were so many beautiful things in Equestria, so many things that he'd never seen but only heard of, others he'd only dreamed of, and here were some he'd had the pleasure of seeing for himself. These were memories he would cherish for as long as he lived. "There are so many forms of beauty in this world, I'm so happy to be a part of, and yet, there are so many more things I'll never see. This truly is a marvelous land we live in, and I'm proud to be my little part of it. As little or as large it may be, for every pony that I encounter, like a stepping stone across an infinitely wide river...some you stay with for short times, others for much longer, some you come back to and others you never see again...but all part of the journey. I would have dearly missed never having been allowed to see this, Princess." At the sudden screech of the bat, he jerked his head up from the ground and looked around in alarm. As the bat fluttered in, he ducked, watching it carefully as it winged about before it finally chose to settle itself on the underside of Luna's hoof where he peered at it curiously. "I've never seen a bat this close before, normally they're in and out so fast, catching insects and eating fruit, more elusive and independent than birds. That one is rather cute." His head turned as Celestia peeked into the little space in the tree, tilting his head as the audible pops reached his ears. He cast her a smile, and closed his eyes to lay his head back on the ground again amidst the Lunar Flowers. "I feel as if I could drift away right here, and never leave this place ever again, there's so much beauty and life in it, Celestia."
  6. The teacher's eyes twinkled as she caught sight of another new student approaching on the path in front of the school. This one was a little darker than the rest of her little class, but she was sure he just needed something bright and cheerful to turn that dour look into a smile. And sure as her name, she was going to make sure he had every opportunity! "Good morning, little Grim!" she called out to him as he approached. In answer to his question, she turned to indicate the classroom inside. "Oh, sit wherever you like! Most of the students from last year have preferred seats, and I let them return to wherever they are most comfortable for their lessons. Provided, of course," and she called into the room, knowing of at least one set of pony ears that needed to hear her. "They behave themselves!" She turned back to the little colt from where he stood. "If you like, there are a great many seats near the front of the class that usually are filled by last minute ponies, but I'm sure wherever you choose to sit will be fine. If you need to, I'm sure we can also arrange to move seats with another little pony if things aren't working out. Saddlebags go under your seat when they're not in use, and do be sure to keep a pencil and paper handy, notes are always encouraged! As long as they're for your schoolwork, I don't tolerate notes being passed in class between students during lessons." Cheerilee broke into a broad smile, her eyes closing into it. "But I'm very glad to have you here today! I think you're going to love today's lesson. I'll tell you all about it when class starts in a few minutes."
  7. He followed along as quickly as he was able, though the more he walked on it, the better his leg seemed to feel. The food had done wonders for the rest of him, and he was feeling quite energized after a short stint in the remainder of the moonlight that he was almost his old self again. His ears swivelled this way and that to catch the nighttime orchestra of the crickets as they sang their little tunes. Fireflies! He so loved fireflies, they always dotted the night, and reminded him of his home with their luminscent sparkles, much like little living stars that had come to pay a visit to the forest. The cool air teased his nostrils as he stepped down the path until he came up to the willow tree she was holding open for him. He ducked his head to avoid catching his antlers on the branches as they draped like a green waterfall, barely missing his flickering tail as they drew closed behind them. At her word, he looked down, carefully stepping around and over the little flowers that pocked the base of the tree, his light hoofsteps whispering in the lawn as he neared the trunk. When she sat, he followed suit nearby, scant inches to look out over the small pond of twinking blooms that dotted the ground around them. "Lunar flowers..." he whispered, dipping his head to nose at one gently, then inhaling its heady scent. "I've never heard of or seen these before...they're beautiful, Luna...I would have never dreamed that Canterlot held such beauty within its walls until you brought me here..."
  8. Two screenshots of Fluttershy's Cottage: Cottage Shot from Dragonshy Cottage Shot from Stare Master
  9. Skye's eyes widened as Celestia performed her ceremony, never having been given the privilege of watching before. He'd seen the Summer Sun Celebration before when it was in Ponyville years ago, managing a sneak peek from the outskirts, but he'd never had the opportunity to see the moon being brought up before. Though now without her face on it, Skye's heart seemed lighter knowing that the Princess was no longer trapped upon it, but there in Equestria. And now, here he was with both Princesses, alone with them, an honor he was sure few ponies had enjoyed in quite some time, and one he certainly hadn't in a millenia. The deer's tail flicked up as he watched the moon rise, stretching his neck out. He'd seen this sight thousands of times before and it never failed to amaze him with its beauty every time. His eyes widened, shining with the moonlight reflected. Suddenly, he was brought out of his reverie by a gentle nudge to his side, and his ears flicked up before he glanced first one way, then the other as Luna giggled, taking a moment to give a mock-rear (mindful of his leg, of course) before hobbling after her as quickly as he could. He enjoyed seeing her in higher spirits, it made his heart flutter like a caged bird, sending a thrill and a terror through him simultaneously. Someday, she would have to square with what had happened to her, someday she'd fully reconcile with her sister, but there was time enough for that. And right now, he had a young filly to chase! She paused, waiting for him, and he turned to flash a smile at Celestia, before resuming his course alongside Luna.
  10. Also adding a shot from the opener of Ponyville I completely forgot about it.
  11. I edited the map to attempt to more closely represent everything thus far in its relationship to each other. I'm still not convinced Fluttershy's cottage is in the right place, though. I think it may actually be further south than it looks.
  12. She smiled as her students began to file into class one by one, some eagerly and others, not quite so. She loved watching the little foals play, it was much like reliving her fillyhood vicariously. They all were having so much fun playing games that were old long before she was ever born. She'd ducked inside for a moment to get her little schoolbell, used as a final signal for the younglings to let them know class was starting and set it on the banister beside her as she returned to the porch. She missed as Champ ran poor little Starlight over, but she didn't fail to notice how the bully colt dashed inside and resolved to have a word with him when she had the chance. As for Starlight, her face fell as she took in his rumpled and dirtied face. "Good Morning, Starlight!" she fairly sang, then noticed his appearance. "Oh, come here, you poor dear. Looks like we had a bit of an adventure before class! You're going to grow up to be such a important pony someday, I just know it!" she sat on the porch and pulled out the towel she kept in a box near the door for just such occasions. Little ponies came in all the time with mud or muck or other such unpleasantness on them, and they always seemed to feel much better in class when they were clean. So she dipped the towel in the bucket of rainwater and proceeded to clean Starlight's face for him. When she'd finished, she dropped the towel back into the box for one of the other students to take out later during cleaning time and let the little colt join his classmates as they entered the school.
  13. I seem to remember in Noir that they could be concealing full-auto machine guns under there and nobody would know until they came out in the fracas.
  14. Oh, I could totally see her in a slinky black thing...that was something female private eyes always was able to pull off, I think, in the old Noir books!
  15. I'm totally curious about all these card-based ponies I've been seeing lately. I can't help but think she'd be awesome running a table in Manehattan someday. Approved!
  16. Cloud Dancer? This Cloud Dancer was an actual McDonald's Toy (admittedly, from Australia, however), but supposedly G3 near as I can tell. Funny how pony names go around! I was going to make a Pegasus named Sky Dancer at one point, and she was going to be pink and white.
  17. Skye was meandering through the garden, humming quietly to himself as he occasionally dipped his nose to inhale the fragrance of flowers along the path. Though it was impolite to nibble on the flowers of a private garden when you were a guest, he was nevertheless tempted by all the delicious and mouthwatering greenery that surrounded him, and he barely managed to behave himself. His leg was still sore, so he limped along at a sedate pace as he tried his best to drink in the sights and smells that surrounded him on all sides. The flowers, snapdragons that really snapped...tigerlilies that purred, hummingbirds that really did hum and buzzards that buzzed...they were all there, just as he'd expected them to be. There were other wonders as well, such as guilded Marigolds, stately Basil herbs, Roses that seemed ready to kiss passersby...oh, if only he could stay here for ages, this place was a wonder, and he might never get to see it again. As he passed the fountain, he paused, dipping his head to look at his reflection. He hadn't noticed before, but he did have a minor case of bed head, such as it was, with much of his fur sticking up on one side. Thankfully it was short enough that it wasn't as noticeable to anypony but himself, but he grinned sheepishly at his own reflection. As the sunlight began to fade into night, he sighed sadly, and furled his wings to his side. He really did feel much better, though, even though the air was thinner up here, it seemed to get into his lungs easier with its incredible delivery of the world around him. Funny, how it'd taken the events of the past two days for him to really appreciate being alive. Now, more than ever, he wanted to see if some flowers could be planted along the great road in the Wood...they alone would make the trip something to talk about, for sure! His ear flicked as Luna began to call for him, and his humming stopped, as he lifted his head. "Mmm? Oh, I'm over here, Princess. By the fountain." he replied, before he closed his eyes again and resumed humming his little song, swaying a bit here and there in the breeze.
  18. I don't think Fluttershy's the oldest of the core six, but she's definitely one of the older ones, I'm sure. I think Rarity is still the oldest. Fluttershy was just that awkward gangly stick most of us knew in school, but she filled out nicely. We all know Pinkie's the Youngest for certain, and probably followed by Rainbow, then Twilight, Applejack, and finally, I'd say Fluttershy and then Rarity, though Fluttershy -was- larger than the others...so you could be right.
  19. And lanky, gangly awkward little Fluttershy! I felt so sorry for Pinkimina Diane Pie. No wonder she's the spirit of laughter, her whole family was just so devoid of it, it had to end up somewhere! I almost cried for her. But Rarity's horn antics make me giggle so hard. And her -expression- as she's being dragged off. TOTALLY HAHAHA.
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