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Everything posted by Skye

  1. The peryton moaned a little as Luna stirred and woke, slipping out from underneath him, but his dreams were still somewhat troubled with half-remembered moments and emotions. As she fell out of bed, he rolled over and twitched, then breathed raggedly before he stretched and yawned, opening an eye. As his surroundings came into focus and he realized Luna was there, on the floor beside the large bed, he awoke fully with a start, his ears springing erect as he looked around. "What, but...Luna, where are we? Last thing I remember was..." he turned and extended his hindleg, looking at his flank where the bear had mauled him. Naught but a few darkened spots on his leg and a crust of dried blood marked where the bear had struck him, though he was still woozy from the loss of blood. He lowered his head and moaned again, squinting his eyes shut. "Still have a headache, but...better now. Are you okay?" he cracked one eye to look at her. "And what are you doing on the floor?" His nostrils twitched as he caught the scent of expired torches smouldering in their sconces, then the rush of scents from being higher than he was used to, and turned to look towards the balcony on the other side of the curtain that guarded the room from the elements. "We're not...in Canterlot, are we?" he raised his head gingerly to look around the spartan room with its large beds, evidently a recovery room of some kind, and peered over the bed where the Princess was in a most undignified position at the carpets on the floor. "Did she bring us both up here? What happened to the bear? Are you alright? You're not hurt, I hope? Oh, Celestia, I'm so sorry for leaving you when I did, I was so terribly thirsty after eating the berries, I felt that you would be okay where you were and didn't realize how long I'd been gone, and when I'd returned and you weren't there, I panicked but..." he slowed down his rush of speech, and lowered his tone of voice. "I didn't expect to wake up next to you..."
  2. Alrighty so! Seems like such a little sweetie. Approved!
  3. Interesting. Reminds me of 'The Colonel' in a way, and the family that rough has got to have a lot of color! Approved.
  4. I'd like to know a little more about how she makes these plushies. Unicorns at this age don't actually get to use their horn magic yet (Thus far that we've seen on the show) so if she has another way of making plushes, I'd love to know!
  5. Now that's one gutsy little filly. Pity she's got such a cynical outlook on the world. Approved.
  6. I'm still not so sure the suggestion of potentially having a horn and wings is necessarily a good idea...one or the other but not both, I would think. I'm sorry to have to ask this, but could you choose one over the others? I'm also not so sure having Celestia perform an act of cruelty like that is particularily in character...but you could have her lose her wings as a painful result of an accident or have her lose her horn as the result of being broken off from a similar accident or something? Magical Mother suggests having a unicorn as a mother, to me so logically she'd likely be a unicorn as well, though there's no reason she couldn't be a pegasus instead, but we've limited Alisys (Pegacorns) To Celestia and Luna, players aren't allowed to be them otherwise except for the two who have those specific characters.
  7. So if I'm to understand, she began life as a Pegasus, but her wings were somehow taken from her, then she was given a horn by her mother (I assume a unicorn) and had that taken away as well? Could you expand on these, perhaps? I see where this character is going and think she could be quite interesting, but still needs some rough edges smoothed out. Why (And how) were her wings and later horn taken from her? If you could expand on her summary and maybe flesh her out a bit?
  8. The only thing I'd probably nitpic over would be her muzzle. I'd turn it down a bit lower on her face and round it more. As it appears, it's more like a beak than a muzzle. Think short and rounded.
  9. Continued from [Woodlands] Night Walk [Closed] The world swirled around Skye's consciousness as he began to struggle back towards the land of the living. At least, in his mind, though he had a terrible headache for some reason. Suddenly he gasped as his entire body felt like it was on fire, until at least it slowly receded towards the region of his flanks. The pain throbbed there, before slipping back like the tides of the ocean until he realized it didn't even actually hurt anymore but was merely the pain of a memory cut short before it had had fully the chance to become real. He squinted as he slowly became aware of his surroundings but only partially, and he was confused not to find the familiar roughness of the turf below, but instead the long-forgotten soft fabric of a bed supporting him. It had been ages since he had felt safe enough in Ponyville to stay anywhere that had a bed, but this one seemed absolutely immense to any he could recall. Like an ocean of bed. An ocean, that his mind kept trying to surface from before he realized that the smells weren't familiar either. For one, it seemed a bit cooler here, a little less dense, certainly not dusty at all. Clean, though with the fragrance of torchlight. Silence greeted his ears and as he opened his eyes he realized he may as well kept them shut for all he could see. Dark as anything except perhaps his cave, nothing presented itself to his sight except for the shadows of what he could barely make out to be a bedroom of some kind. Or perhaps an infirmary, for the smells of gauze and other mediciny-type implements he cared not to see. He struggled for a moment as he realized he was laying on his side and for a moment more almost panicked before he realized the heavy weight on him was a blanket. The world swam around him again for a moment and he nearly retched from the sensation of vertigo. Then the feeling passed and he opened his eyes again, lowering his head over the side of the bed. Beneath him was the sturdy stone floor and a sturdy carpet covering it. Gingerly, he lowered his forelegs and stepped on it. The carpet did not slide, and the rest of him soon joined him on the floor. As he tried to stand up, he wobbled again, and collapsed. The memory of the fight with the bear suddenly rushed through him like liquid fire and he gasped. "Hello? Anyone there? Luna?" he called into the darkness. Nobody answered him, and as he struggled back to his feet, he winced as his leg gave a twinge. It didn't feel bandaged up, nor did the usual crust of scab tug at the muscle, but it still was a little bit sore and probably would be. His weakness was likely from loss of blood which even Phoenix Tears couldn't replace. But he'd be alright, if he'd lived this long, he'd live even further. But the darkness didn't help him a whole lot, and he didn't want to get lost in...wherever he was. Another wave of nausea rippled through him and he decided to return to the bed and sleep it off until morning where he would be more able to decide what to do. And maybe find out where Luna had gone. He turned back and found the bed with the edge of his nose.
  10. Eeeee! It's so adorable!
  11. I think Carrot Fields belongs to Brianblackberry. And d'aww, Hasty -is- about to open up a can of Whoop Flank there!
  12. Saddleveil Plains. It's GIMP time! ^_^ I like it! If you'd like to change the name, just edit the post and make any changes to it, and I'll peek at it, I just don't want to approve it just yet until you say it's final.
  13. Skye


    Yeah, the legs don't bend like they're supposed to, but it's just a matter of going around and fixing all the image themselves and there's just so many of them.
  14. Welcome to the forums! Be sure to stop by Getting Started for a whole saddlebag full of goodies and useful information, including free avatars and templates!
  15. Skye


    Welcome to the forums! Be sure to stop by Getting Started for a whole saddlebag full of goodies and useful information, including free avatars and templates!
  16. Welcome to the forums! Be sure to stop by Getting Started for a whole saddlebag full of goodies and useful information, including free avatars and templates!
  17. Skye


    Alrighty, anybody who wants the updated Scootaloo... Here she is! Scootaloo 1.5 With Fixed animation and hair!
  18. Skye


    I fixed the Scootaloo flight animation and am working on fixing her hair a bit. Posted for progress. Which do you like better? the Left or the Right? [attachment=1]Stand_Right.png[/attachment]
  19. ((After further consideration and recent current events, I think I am going to close this thread. I may restart it later in the future, and I apologize to anyone who was looking to take part))
  20. Try to Left-Justify the text, in center like this it can be a little hard to read.
  21. Skye


    http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YNUVF8ZE]And Scootaloo V 1.0 for you!
  22. You refer to gathering research of 'them' but who is 'them'? Are you referring to the Saddleveil Plains and the Neighples Marsh? I love his markings, I keep expecting him to sport a really awesome goatee. I'm not sure 'Mind Explosion' works quite well as a pony name, though. Mind is okay, but the Explosion part doesn't seem to quite fit with the character. Considering his type of character, maybe Mind Mapper, or perhaps Inquisitive Mind (Goes perhaps by Inky for short?)
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