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Everything posted by Skye

  1. Skye


    Welcome to the forums! Please be sure to stop by the Getting Started section for a whole saddlebag of goodies and useful information!
  2. Welcome to the forums! Please be sure to stop by the Getting Started section for a whole saddlebag of goodies and useful information!
  3. Actually, Nurse Sugar Spoon might not be a bad name. I like this character! Also, I think her summary needs a little fluffing out, but I'm not really sure what!
  4. I love the pic for this character! For some reason, it screams 'Private Detective' to me, like the old Sam Spade type of B&W Private Eye type characters. I also don't really see him doing much in Ponyville directly, but maybe as a travelling player or even perhaps situated in Trottingham? I know we haven't really established a 'Great Opera House' or anything like that, but there's -bound- to be one in Equestria, if not in Canterlot!
  5. I like the concept behind this character. She could use alittle more fleshing out in the summary, I think, though. Perhaps as a thespian, she cannot resist the curtain call and finds excuses to join the main cast during a masquerade, or something? (Granted, harder to do when you're a multicolored pony than if everyone was just wearing costumes, but still possible!) and really shines. Or, like Sweetie Belle, happens to run around stage as well as the stage haint that somehow manages to catch all the little mistakes that could ruin a good performance! I concur with Ashi's idea, as well, expand a bit on the accident, how it happened, and how it affected her outlook on performances. And the feather thing is not a bad idea either!
  6. I like this idea, too! Either way, do be sure to put his name at the top of the app itself!
  7. Hello and welcome to the Forums! Please don't forget to stop by the Getting Started thread for information on how the forum works and a whole saddlebag of helpful stuff!
  8. FIrstly, I love this concept. I don't think we have -enough- special services ponies! Though in the RP, it might be difficult to present them at their jobs unless the roles come up directly...but you could have lots of fun with it! I don't see any real problems with this character at all, he seems pretty well thought out and well rounded.
  9. SERIOUS: Welcome to the Forums!
  10. I'd add his name (Or potential name) to the top of this WIP so that it's visible. I didn't realize he had a potential name until I got down to the summary. Quantum is a nifty name, and I get the vision of Quantum Entanglement that allows him to achieve teleportation as smoothly as he does, but this makes me wonder a bit. What are his limits? How far can he teleport? Keep in mind, established in canon, unicorns can only 'wink' or teleport so far, and through certain conditions. Usually only a few hundred yards at the most. I think I like Rook as a name better than Quantum, however. It makes me think of the castle from Chess, who can move pretty much anywhere within the confines of the board, but always in a straight and unimpeded line. I like that you mentioned he was bald, this is definitely a feature a bouncer would likely have, I bet. Maybe he could be stockier, if smaller. I picture a bouncer as being somepony who doesn't budge (like a rook) but doesn't have much offensive power but sure can move when he needs to.
  11. Oh, I -so- love this character! I'm so glad to see another peryton as well! Nicely done!
  12. I like the idea behind this character. I'm not quite clear on how she discovered her cutie mark, at least in relationship to moving puddles of water. I think I understand the idea behind her, but the explanation on how she got her mark could be expanded a little bit. Perhaps, as a suggestion, she might have an affinity for knowing when the tides will be coming in/going out as part of her own special magic? Maybe give her a hobby that relates to this, perhaps, such as finding special shells that nopony else can get so easily, or helping patrol the beach for stranded seagoing creatures? I'd originally thought she might even make a great hippocampus based on what I've read here, though you do already have the art of her as a unicorn.
  13. I'd like to see this character develop and be taken somewhere. After all, if it's one thing I think would encourage explanation of Equestria, it's explorers! My own character Satchel is somewhat in this regard, though I've yet to put him actually in this purpose directly while I explore some offline options.
  14. Aaaaaaaand, sliding in from somewhere out of left field, Skye x Trixie
  15. Mudbug Neon Pop I think they're both very clever and well-written characters!
  16. ALso, as of note, if Hasbro really was cracking down, the other users like Pensivepony (Or Pensivepine, I can't recall which), MyLittlePony1080p and a bunch of others would also have been removed. I've seen a global crackdown on video removal. All you have to do is type 'My Little Pony' into Youtube search and you easily get a list of all the videos and just make note of the name. No, what I think this is, is someone was butthurt over MasterLinkX or something and submitted a DMCA complaint at Youtube as a way to 'get' at them, or even a 4chan troll who thought it'd be lulz to do so. This is sadly, a big problem with the internet. Some people are serious, and some people are jerks, and it's hard to tell when the jerks get involved because they could appear legit which is part of their MO. Because nothing's more jerky than to make someone think they've done something wrong.
  17. I'd be kinda worried about what would happen if one of the lead ponies happened to trip and fall. The problem with biologics when coupled to machines, is that the biologics will eventually fail their rhythm while the machines never will, which could get very messy very quickly. I'd like to think perhaps that the engine likely is what provides steam and power for the train itself, but doesn't actually drive itself. Except maybe have a bit of positive influence on the 'drive' wheels so that the pulling ponies aren't actually straining against having to move such a heavy load. Of course, there could also be an engineer pony who's in the engine itself and controls it directly, we just didn't see...but then again, I think it was one of the pulling ponies that was pulling the whistle and not a driver inside the engine.
  18. I -like- her. Kinda makes me wonder if she and Spike ever interacted while he was there. She kind of reminds me of Mudbuggy a bit as well, a not-so-refined female who likes getting her hands dirty and getting elbows-deep in her work. I think she could be a lot of fun!
  19. I would like to read a bit more about the 'type' of character she is, that is to say, what it'd be like interacting with her. A little bit about her personality and how she views the world. I like the part about animal rehabilitation, perhaps she could have something to do with the zoo?
  20. Skye


    Ohho! Are you -that- Big Mac we've heard so much about? Welcome to the Forums!
  21. There is the thread in the OOC area that discusses somewhat the abilities of the ponies, specifically the pegasi that sorta touches on this. At least as far as the pegasus ponies are concerned, I've been thinking that they might have some sort of ambient magic around them that allows them to do certain things, like manipulate clouds (Or stand on them) as well as carry objects like the cart or something similar. Magic objects may truly exist, but as mentioned about the train, why have them pull it at all? Those ponies were also going -awful- fast, and for what appeared to be quite an extended period of time as well. Cartoon physics aside, there'd have to be an explanation of some kind!
  22. Nope, we haven't found any evidence yet of actual fossilized remains of any sort of life whatsoever yet on Mars. Ah, well there was this article that I maybe saw, and others like it that suggested there had been and I was fairly certain I'd read an article that one of the landers they'd sent up had discovered some as well, but finding an article amongst the drek can be hard sometimes.
  23. In science, a theory needs a body of evidence to support it. A theory in science explains some observations in the material universe, and these include explanations and predictions that can be tested. If you cannot test these explanations or predictions, or they are not falsifiable, then it isn't a theory of science. Usually a theory is based on a long term body of work built over time on experimental observation and repeated testing by various people (if others cannot repeat your experiments using the same conditions and methods, then the theory also fails). Faith does not come into it, as it is all about what can be shown, measured, and repeated, not what is believed. I wouldn't completely agree with that, personally. While there is definitely a strong basis of evidence involved in science, there will also always be a level of faith involved in believing the theory to be correct. That faith may not be blind, but it still exists. Take for example the theory that life has existed on Mars at one point or another. Multiple studies have been done to test if life is possible, which is centered around three ideas: the presence of heat, the presence of organics, and the presence of water, water being the most crucial. Scientists at this point have found two out of those three, the third being organics. As such, many scientists believe life has existed there. Do they have 100% definite proof of this? No. Will they ever? Who knows. And if they do find organics, will that give them definite proof? Of course not; the only way they would have 100% proof is if something living actually came into sight and proved itself to be living. And yet many scientists hold strongly to the idea of life on Mars simply from sources of water because they have faith. A closer example to home would be gravity. In short, there is no defined source of gravity. No one knows how or why gravity exists. And yet gravity is an accepted idea in every day life. Why? Because when you jump up in the air, you come down again. But jumping up and coming down isn't definite proof that gravity exists, it's only an effect that means something is keeping us from floating away. And while we have no definite proof that gravity exists, we believe that it does, because we have seen results that match up with what gravity is supposed to do. I'm preeeeeeeeeetty sure they've discovered bacterial remains in rocks on the surface of Mars, that there was life -once- on Mars, but it's been long long since gone. No currently -alive- life, that I'm aware of, though. Of course, I could be wrong.
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