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Posts posted by Dunes

  1. F-f-f-fiiiifth... element! *whud*

    I could probably quote that movie in my sleep. I do love it so. <3

    Also, I thought the Lion King made a pretty decent translation to 3D. Wasn't perfect in some spots, but bits like where Simba was following Rafiki through the brambles gave me chills. (Though that was probably at least equal parts 'oo 3D!' and 'omg nostalgia I LOVE THIS MOVIE SO MUCH')

  2. "I don't think they have anything to do with me." Milky said, doubtful. "It's my family's tradition to name foals after crystals." She shook her mane. "See, our manes resemble crystal shards."

    "Ah! I can see that. I had wondered about the mane - it's lovely, but unusual. Is it like that naturally, or do you... use product..." her voice faded out. They were out in the middle of nowhere. What were the odds of there being a salon anywhere near here? Besides, she was trying to leave all that frou-frou gunk behind her.

    But... it was so fun sometimes, especially when no one was making her do it. Besides, this mare looked like she probably hadn't had a pony-pedi in all her life. Who didn't love a pony-pedi?

    "Probably coincidence, then. Still, I get the feeling you look familiar somehow. Ever been in the theater? Or papers?" She thought for a moment. Was she making this mare uncomfortable? She seemed uneasy. "Ah, maybe you just look like someone I know," Crystal shrugged.

    Crystal grabbed the remaining two bags, with more effort than she remembered them requiring before. She was so tired and thirsty! And that storm had been so stressful. She tried to suppress a whimper as she felt a muscle pull in her back, but coughed instead.

    She felt more than a little pathetic, but she had to save face. "Thank you for showing me about. And you're more than welcome! I only wish I could offer you something of greater value. These bags cost a pretty bit back home, but I have a feeling they're not worth so much now." Crystal trotted alongside her guide as best she could. She was going to have to toughen up. And stop coughing so much in front of someone who actually lives here. 'She's going to think I'm a "city-slicker"!' she thought. 'She probably already does,' said a cruel thought in the back of her head.

    But this mare was asking about plants! She knew plants. "They're a sort of grain. Not the best by themselves, but they grow well in hot, dry places, and make good bread. And chili peppers, ha! Those are my specialty," she pointed at her flank. "The ones I grow burn your mouth when you eat them. It's such an exciting sensation! Supposedly, some ponies have grown them so spicy you can't eat them, but I haven't met a pepper yet that I can't eat." She beamed.

    A breeze came head on, blowing some sand in her face as it did so. Crystal coughed, and blew some sand out of her nose before she knew what she was doing. Mortified at her lack of decorum, she looked up, "Er, begging your pardon." She sniffled. She sniffed, and sniffed again, more intently. She made a face. There was a scent on the air...

    She squinted at the distance. The dust and sand must still be settling - she couldn't see a thing. "Can, uh," she coughed. "Can you smell smoke?" she asked.

  3. There is was this one(bad) fanfic i read that says that every pony has a telekinetic force on their hooves. Makes sense if you think about it.

    That's the only way I can think of it without my brain breaking.

    But then, I sing to myself, "If you're wondering how he eats and breathes, And other science facts, Then repeat to yourself 'It's just a show, I should really just relax." :P

  4. My friends were doing it.

    I was, like, 12? 13? Something. One of my online friends had another friend who started a RP board about brightly-colored, magical, talking cats. (Obviously my tastes have matured, having moved to... brightly-colored... magical ponies. MOVING ON.) Most of the people involved were artists of some stripe, and I kept seeing my friends post drawings of these cool-lookin' cats and I was like, "Eff it, I want in!"

    But I was terrrible at responding, and too scared to let anything bad happen to my characters, and I eventually gave up. My friends did some realtime RPing on Furcadia, but I wasn't on every single night like they were, so I tended to get left out of the serious plot stuff they came up with. (My preference was for fun, jokey stuff anyway.)

    Sometime later I came across a board for a comic I kinda liked, and it was all talkin' wolves. I kept that up for a while, but eventually the drama ran me off.

    I've kind of avoided RP since then, but the world FiM has set up just seems really inviting and like there's a lot to build on, so I got back into it. Plus, I've gotten better at writing. Orrr I've at least gotten better about not wanting anything bad and/or embarrassing happen to my characters, and am capable of writing characters beyond "flaming, effeminate dude". :P

  5. "Milky Quartz." she said, before thinking.

    Before fully realizing it, she said: "Ehr.. where are you heading all by yourself? Maybe I can help you with your bags?"

    "Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Quartz!" She said, nodding her head in deference and offering a hoof. She thought for a moment; where had she heard that name before? "Hmm. Quartz. Quartz.. I could swear I've heard that recently."

    She scrunched up her face in thought, running through her recent memories. Had she heard it in town? On the train? She knew she'd heard or read something like it recently. It was famous for something. And this mare did look strangely familiar. Had she seen a picture of her? Think, Crystal, don't embarrass yourself...


    "Quartz, of course! Would you happen to be of the Fillydelphia Quartzes? I believe my mother had some dealings with their jewelry business some time ago." She looked thoughtful. "I think I was dragged along to one of their dinners as a young filly." She made a face. Her mother had made her wear a constricting, itchy lace dress, and then she'd had to 'play' with one of their snotty little foals... He'd spent the entire evening taunting Crystal, and then put liquid soap in her hair. Come to think of it, she didn't really like the Quartzes at all... But oh! What if this mare actually was related to them? She'd probably just insulted her by saying she was dragged, and then making such a face. Oh dear.

    She looked again at her companion. This mare looked nothing like the fancy ponies she'd met as a filly, now that she thought about it. Besides, weren't the Fillydelphia bunch a unicorn family? The name was probably just a coincidence.

    No matter.

    "I am supposed to be headed towards... Twenty Needles, I think they called the place. Southeast of here, I believe? It's supposed to be a bit of a dumpy little cabin, but I think that sounds exciting. The gentlecolt I spoke to did at least mention there was a well," she beamed. This was quite exciting, sand or no!

    "I'm starting a little farm down there. Trying to, anyway. I brought along some pearl millet seeds, pigeonpea, and of course my chili peppers! I'm looking forward to it; I think the habaneros will get quite spicy here with the heat. Heavens above, I don't know how they grow apples here when it's so arid." She paused. She should probably stop before she went into one of her tangents. She found that most ponies tended to get a little glassy-eyed when she started talking about botany and biodiversity.

    Wait, Milky had asked a question, hadn't she? "Oh! Help with bags would be just lovely. I'm afraid all my bits are in the bank, but I could offer you some... 'corned-bread' I think it was. Mother gave it to me before I left; said I should have a little taste of my new home. Mind you, it did come from a bakery in Manehattan, so it's not exactly authentic..." She felt a little awful offering paltry food to this pony who'd offered her a helping hoof, but what was there to do? She didn't want to head back to town and make a withdrawal. She hoped she hadn't just insulted somepony who'd offered to help, after all.

  6. Would I be allowed to come up with a few basic conventions for this tribe she comes from? (Subject to approval and input, of course.) Simple stuff like "dudes tend to wear this kind of jewelry, in these colors, and girls tend to wear this stuff, here's what they tend to wear in common, here's some examples of what their body art looks like and means..." Since tribes aren't all that interconnected and all, and there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of zebra activity, I wondered if it might be within bounds to do so.

    I... I just love worldbuilding so much. :o

  7. Holy awesome! Thanks for finding those! I LOVE the lion-face guy. *Squint* Though... I think the guy with the face paint might... just have a watermark over his face. It would be totally badass as face paint though.

    Buahaha, I guess this means I get to draw some super ornate jewelry! I think I'll draw her as going over-the-top. And maybe draw some male zebras too. I feel all inspired now!

    I think it would be fun to write her in a pony jewelry store or something. BUY ALL THE THINGS!

  8. Ohhh I totally missed the map! That's awesome.

    Oops, yeah, forgot the bit about the cutie mark field. It was rather late when I wrote this - flash of inspiration and I wanted to get it written down before bed, y'know. :)

    Her personality is sorta still in the works, too, but I do see her as being determined, devoted, and loving, but without much of a sense of humor and easily irritated. One of those "nice if you get to know her, but kind of a drag otherwise" types. Which I do think would be fun to contrast with "loves frou-frou girly stuff". I'll do some thinking on it and tinker with that a little later today.

    But oh! The thought occurs that I'm not exactly sure what the norm is for male zebras, so I am not sure what appearance standard she'd be rebelling against. I know Zecora wears jewelry, and the neck rings she wears are probably equivalent to the neck rings that women in a few African and Asian cultures wear. Would male zebras wear jewelry, and would it be significantly different than what the females wore? Hmm.

    I do intend to see if I can start somethin' in the zebra boards, but thought it might be a smart idea to work it into her story that she'd pop up in a variety of places, considering how slow it is over there at the moment!

  9. Name: Akila

    Sex: Female

    Age: Mare

    Species: Zebra

    Coat Color: White

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Typical zebra marking pattern. Medium brown/ginger stripes. Mane looks like a typical zebra mane, albeit a bit messy. Hair on tail is all one color, and generally spiky and windswept-looking.

    Eye Color: Pinkish brown.

    Tribal Symbol: See spoiler tag below!

    Physique: Tall and muscular. Bigger and generally more masculine-looking than the other mares in her tribe.

    Origin: Savannah, but wanders around quite a bit, and not entirely by choice.

    Roleplay Type: Mane

    Occupation: Warrior (more like a tribal guard/defender), but is on a mission. Quest. Thing.

    Motivation: To live a normal life in her tribe, and do her duty. They do not always coincide. She also wants to be a proper singer for her tribe, but is willing to let it wait until she is older and not so good of a warrior anymore.

    Likes: (optional) Singing, keeping the ones she loves safe, not being stared at, her dog (Jelani, a rhodesian ridgeback/african lion dog), girly stuff/anything that shows she is Not Male

    Dislikes: (optional) Situations she can't muscle out of, being stared at and/or mistaken for male, wastes of time

    Character Summary: It started with a dream; one she now regrets having.

    Akila's life had been as ordinary as it could've been for a zebra such as herself. Her ginger stripes meant she stuck out as it was, and then she had to go and grow to be so much bigger and more muscular than the other fillies. The others often joked that she looked like a colt. Her cousin, Eulah, was the most frequent and cruel. Akila tended to get in a lot of fights, and won them frequently. Her brawls with Eulah became a frequent occurrence; Eulah was one of the few who matched Akila for strength and determination.

    Akila hated it, but the tribe saw it as an opportunity. Here was a filly who was big, strong, and distinct from the others -- the perfect distraction and defense should the tribe be attacked! With some urging, she trained for the warrior rank. When she was grown, she undertook the Warrior Trials. She passed tests of speed, strength, and endurance, and spent a month in the dry grasslands, alone - a test of survival. Upon her return, she was accepted to the warrior rank, and was given her tribal tattoo.

    Apart from occasional monster attacks, when the warriors of the tribe would pull together to defend their home, the Warrior Trials were the hardest thing she'd had to endure. As a grown mare, and a warrior of some rank, she even commanded some respect within her tribe. The taunts had stopped, and many of her former tormentors became friends, or else kept respectful distance. She and Eulah had even begun to mend bridges.

    She felt somewhat apart from the other mares in her tribe; she found she had much more in common with the other warriors. She got more of their jokes, for one thing (not that she got many, even then). It wasn't as if she wasn't clever, precisely. She just understood things she could touch a little better than she understood wordplay. Warrior jokes involved far more foodfights and pranks. She liked those.

    She did want to be closer to the other mares. They traded jewelry, which she liked, and they sang songs, which she really liked, but she felt a bit like an elephant in a pottery shop around them. Still, they were nice enough to her.

    All in all, she was happy, and felt she'd found her place.

    But then she had that inconvenient dream.

    In it, strange, angry creatures she had never seen before swarmed the village. They were all so different. Some looked like large, gaunt zebras, but with no stripes, and were of different colors. Some had horns, some had wings, some had none. Others looked even stranger - creatures that were half-lion, half bird (such a thing!); ones that looked like ordinary lizards, but so much larger; still others she couldn't make out at all. Monsters certainly lurked close by, but these were like nothing she had seen before. It was the most fitful and unsettling nightmare of her life.

    Akila thought that so terrifying a dream must be an illness, or perhaps something slightly mystical. So she sought the advice of one of the tribe's elders, known for her mystical wisdom; her aunt. The elder's interpretation was quite a bit more mystical than Akila had hoped.

    These creatures, the elder explained, did exist. Not half so corrupted and terrifying, but they walked the world nonetheless. The twisted forms she saw might have been angry spirits, or a symbol of these foreign creatures bearing their village ill-will, perhaps readying an attack. That Akila saw this meant she was to take steps to prevent it - she must go abroad and seek the source, be it spirits or earth-beings.

    "But I'm not a mystic, or a diplomat, nor do I want to be!" Akila said.

    "Too bad. It was your dream," her aunt grinned.

    Akila had a funny feeling this was retribution for all of the swollen eyes and bruises she'd given her cousin over the years.

    Still, though she might have heard descriptions of foreign creatures abroad when she was a little filly (she couldn't quite remember), and it might have just been a nightmare from all that stress... Her aunt was an elder. Akila didn't think she could very well go on with any respect in the tribe if she ignored a direct request, especially one that sounded so important. She was of the opinion it was a colossal waste of time, and wasn't entirely sure how much of that spiritual mumbo-jumbo she really believed anymore, but Akila the Warrior never shirked her duties. She'd treat it with all due reverence... stupid a task as it was.

    So, with only a vague idea of what she was supposed to be doing, and a nagging feeling that she was being punished, she and her dog Jelani set out to explore. Maybe she could scrape together some proof that she'd pacified something, just to shut her aunt up.


    (And, yes, the intention is that her aunt is just messing with her; I'm not trying to set her up to be some sort of Mythical Tribal Savior, tempting as it would be to have her shout, "I AM THE KWIZEBRA HADERACH!")




    Akila and Jelani! First time I've ever done anything in Flash. Can't believe I'd waited that long! That program is awesome once you know what the tools do.

    Jelani's little ridge is dyed red. I'm debating putting other tribal markers on him, but he's a dog. He might just lick them off.

    Tribal mark explanation behind the spoiler -


    I'm a little unsure of the last one. I do know that, for sure, they try to work in the tribe's symbol (the swooping bird) and that zebra's class into each mark, but the other stuff is kinda just... stuff I saw.

    I squeezed as much of her personality into it as I could! Marking this as final.

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  10. "You can come out. The storm passed by." Milky sat down. "Are you alright?"

    So someone was there! Crystal sat upright, knocking her head on the roof of her luggage-fort. She scooted out backwards, with rather less dignity than she was hoping.

    "Yes, I'm - pleah," she spat out some sand, "I'm fine, thank you for asking."

    She shook herself, attempting to rid her mane of some of the sand. The wind had made such a mess of it, though; it was a futile task. "My, I must look ridiculous," she said, pawing at her mane as she talked. She looked at her former shelter. "And, ooh, that'll be the end of that luggage. I just hope the peppers are okay... I suppose this sort of thing happens often, does it?"

    She stopped and looked up. A rather... severe looking white pegasus was standing before her. Severe, with interesting taste in headgear, though she supposed that goggles probably came in handy here. And what was that brown thing? A mask, maybe? Whatever it was, it looked like something her mother wouldn't move without a long stick.

    She realized she was staring. A mane full of sand and a pounding headache or no, the Towers family were never rude.

    "But, oh! I do apologize. Manners, ah. I'm Crystal Towers. What might your name be?"

  11. I've been active at my university's gay-straight alliance, and there are people there who were kicked out when they were underage (either permanently or just for a few months). A couple were disowned. My cousin moved out of my aunt's house when she was seventeen because her mother kept sending her her to religious counseling after she came out.

    So it's possible, and considering the whole "boys liking girly things is SHAMEFUL" attitude that most people are so well-trained to believe, his parents might have equated "likes girly ponies" with "he is a homosexual/pervert" (and, for some folks, those might as well be the same thing).

    But, yeah, I don't know if I swallow the idea of the police saying she's within her rights to kick him out, assuming that's what was said. But I'm not sure of the legality of the situation.

  12. I may be alone in this, but I like these as official names for them.

    Yeah, I think they work pretty well. I'm not sold on Heartstrings yet, but someone mentioned "Lyra Heartstrings" up there and that makes it a little better.

    And I can see "Carrot Top" being a nickname that stuck, either because Mz. Harvest doesn't like it and everyone knows it, or she keeps it up 'cause she doesn't like her real name.

    I do think Berryshine sounds like something that could be alcoholic and I therefore approve. At least it still starts with "Berry"!

  13. Crystal Towers had not been expecting the sandstorm.

    It made sense, really. They were on the border of a desert, and they'd had wind even back in the city. Despite the research she'd done (all four hours of it), it just hadn't occurred to her that sometimes wind and sand might get... really friendly. She was an earth pony, not a pegasus! She didn't spend a lot of time thinking about wind.

    Well, this was what she'd signed up for. Her mother had tried to convince her to start her venture out somewhere easier. Somewhere closer to home, like Saddleveil Plains. “At least they get rain there, sweetie,” her mother had said. “But chili peppers are spicier when they're grown in hot, dry places!” Crystal had replied. It seemed like a good rationale at the time.

    There had been some ruckus and hurrying when she'd got off the train; perhaps she should have paid attention. She'd just assumed that ponies greeted relatives really enthusiastically here. Occasionally she heard someone shout, “Get inside!” But she had just thought that it was intended for one of the hoof-ful of other train passengers, and that the next garbled phrase she heard over the wind was something like, “Get inside! It's time for pie!”

    She had been rather groggy at the time. Perhaps she should have tried to get some sleep on the train ride down.

    She'd gotten about quarter a mile out of town, towards her newly-purchased plot of land, when the sandstorm struck.

    Fortunately, if growing up mostly indoors had taught her anything, it was how to build forts out of whatever's available. She was currently cowering under three suitcases and an overnight bag, forming a three-sided shelter with a roof. This left one side open, with her purple, chili-pepper-marked flank sticking out the end of it. She rather hoped the wind didn't change directions.

    The wind picked up for a moment, and Crystal braced her makeshift shelter. “This is going to ruin my Poni Vuitton luggage,” she grumbled, trying to pretend it was her biggest problem.

    The wind slacked, and after a minute or so, Crystal could swear she heard hoofbeats. It was either that or it was her eardrums pounding after all that wind. Not daring to peek out of her safe haven, she called out. “Hello? Is anypony there?

  14. Oh, I agree the part of the appeal of the community is... the community. :P I personally do watch the episodes several times a week (though admittedly, it's often while I'm doing something else - adorable background noise for coding websites!), but I also really love seeing what the community comes up with. (Uh, some of the time. I find it weird that "clopfic" is even a term, to start with.)

    It is a really enjoyable show! I think it succeeds in balancing conflict and character development with lightheartedness. It establishes an emotional connection between the audience and a set of characters, while at the same time hinting at a larger world that it doesn't much delve into, and there is a lot of creative potential there. After all, if there's this much story revolving around these six ponies and a baby dragon, what other stories are there in the background ponies?

    All the while, it's just... fun. There are a lot of other series that I'm a huge fan of, that are probably better in some ways than FiM, but they are nowhere near as fun. I love Doctor Who with all my heart, but it doesn't do nearly as much to get me out of a bad mood after a hard day at work as ponies having adventures. (Doctor Who has made me cry on several separate occasions and that is just not what I need when I'm already anxious!) And participating in a community based on that, and seeing and creating material based on that, is just a way to extend that fun beyond the 30-some episodes there are.

  15. I was negligent in my previous posting in mentioning Doctor Who, which I have been loyally watching since it rebooted back 2005. I guess because like a lot of television shows, I download the episodes and watch them on my computer (as I don't receive BBC America and Syfy edits the episodes). Been a Who fan since the Eighties, so I am a avid watcher of both classic and the new series. Even have most episodes from Third through Seventh Doctor, as well as all of the Ninth through Eleventh ones.

    AHH. Another classic Who fan?! :D I have a lot of friends who like the new series, but I seem to be the only one I know IRL (other than my parents) who loves the classic series too. I went as the 4th doctor last halloween, complete with scarf I knitted myself. All of one person got it. Everyone else said, "Omg, are you Harry Potter?" :|

    Netflix has been putting more and more of the classic stuff up. I saw they even had a few of the first Doctor's episodes up! But they've yet to put up the Sunmakers, which is one of my absolute favorite Tom Baker episodes.

    But, as for other TV, we don't get cable at my house. If I want to watch Big Bang Theory I usually have to go visit my parents. I've been watching a few series on my computer lately, like Pan Am, Nurse Jackie, and Dead Like Me (i know that last one's been over for a while; I'm only just now watching it for the first time). I was watching Avatar, too, but then Ponies happened. At some point I'll get back to it.

  16. Trashy club music.

    Like, I want to hate Katy Perry. Her lyrics are tasteless and often gay-negative in ways I'm not gonna go into (because it would take me paragraphs). But ugh, I listen to this

    on repeat for hours and dance around like an idiot.

    I also genuinely enjoy a song called

    . (Despite the title, the video's only PG-13 for language.) Sometimes I reflect on that, and despair.
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