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Posts posted by KaityKat

  1. Oh, that high res CM is exactly what I needed. Thank you. Tho, if it's alright with you, I want to make the shapes just a little less uniform. Like they are in the first drawing. Gives the cutie mark more character. but it'll be more of a compromise, somewhere between the two.


    The other information was helpful, too. ;)

  2. @Bellosh I read your thread.


    That was great. :)

    For the most part, I would agree completely. Only I would expound on the mysterious nature of Magic. Its true that the vast majority of creatures find magic to be mystical and inexplicable, but a creature who dedicates their life to understanding it could conceivably learn a great deal.


    also, it's just fun to pedantically speculate as to all the intricate inner workings of magic known or otherwise. o3o

  3. No, that was sufficiently gathered thought. I understood.


    I'm not speculating on what the writers intended, since they likely just thought "it's magic. it just works" or sommat. I'm trying to theorize how it _could_ work. Things that make sense too me, and can be used to enhance rp when it comes to magic, and to keep the enhancement consistent.


    As far as magic being "like chemistry", I am 100% with you, there. If you have any time, you should read what little ice written in the "Unofficial Lore" thread I made entitled "The Basic Theory of Magic"


    It's a work a work in progress, and I haven't updated it in a while, but there are some ideas I put into it.

  4. I just have a few questions about her.


    What's her talent?

    What does she do aside from her talent?

    Quirks? Personality traits?


    It might not all end up being relevant, but some of it might. o3o


    Edit: also do you have a higher resolution image of her cutie mark?

  5. Fine.

    I guess I'll start.

    I have my own unofficial Lore thread about this subject, but I can expound with how I think magic propagates, and what it takes to make it tick.


    (please excuse my "stream-of-consciousness" style writing. this is what it's like to live in my brain o3o)


    If you want to cast spells, it's more like flexing a muscle. You need only do it. You don't have to know why it works, or how the muscle cells do what they do, you just do it. (edit: I was going somewhere with this, but my train of thought derailed.... I'll get back to it)

    The magic is, as Starlight has pointed out, tired to your emotions. It's telepathically controlled and as such can sometimes be done subconsciously. Tho it doesn't happen often. Mostly it requires conscious thought and intention, but especially with powerful unicorns, it can sometimes happen without meaning to.


    For instance, when Twilight had the magic of all the alicorn princesses, at one point, she accidentally levitated books across the room. Seems small, but the implication is not small. With how much magic she had, she had a hard time keeping it from doing things without her say so. it could be she was thinking about looking through her books for something to help her, and her magic was just like "books. can do." Does this mean the magic had a mind of its own that was just amplified by there being so much of it?


    this would stand to reason given how the tree of harmony evolved. It seems powerful magic can just manifest itself into a mind. It could be conceivable, then, for some powerful unicorn(s)/alicorn(s) to just use raw magic to host straight up create a being of ultimate power with a mind of its own.

    Maybe this is how discord was made. Or maybe it happened similarly to the creation of planets. that is, chaos magic exists spread out and insignificant. chaos magic attracts chaos magic. It congeals into more and more concentrated and powerful chaos magic. The magic gets powerful enough to begin forming a mind. after forming a mind, it begins to concentrate to the point that it gains a form. viola. discord.



    (here we are back to that train of thought)

    So casting spells is normally like flexing a muscle, right? but if you study magic enough, and know how it works, you can make magic machinery. gizmos that either use magic as fuel (which are relatively simple) to do largely mechanical tasks, or contraptions that can take an input magic, alter it into something and use it to augment magical artifacts. That's much more complex.


    Examples of this would be The Flim Flam Brothers' Super Speedy Cider Squeezey 6000.

    The brothers simply shoot magic into it, and their magic fuels the machine. It would also appear that there's a built in spell that analyses the Apples to be sure they're good before squeezing them, so just slightly more complex than just "magic fueled machinery".


    and then there's Twilight's machine in Equestria Girls that pulls the magic out of one magical artifact (the book) and puts it into another (the portal) to make it function when she wants it to. It takes the magic that transfers writing and uses it to augment the portal which transfers matter.

    This level of magical engineering would likely be about equivalent to making a precisely machined mechanical watch by hand without any reference material.

    Pretty nuts imo.


    Anywho, I'm done, for now.


    Lemme know if you're interested to hear me ramble on some more about magic theory. o3o


    (also, I'm not 100% sure I'm using this section properly, so if an admin sees this and I'm not.... please let me know)

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  6. I know this is super old, but I just have to say mine.

    I have a favorite way to draw circles.


    I use my hand as a compass.


    Holding the pencil in my index and thumb, and using my pinkie as a pivot point. it's easiest to make work by turning the paper around.


    For small circles, tho, you'll have to bite the bullet, so to speak, and just make due with good ol' "practice makes perfect".


    It's much easier when you move your arm instead of your hand. just start practicing drawing a sh!tton of circles. Pivot your arm at the shoulder, it makes for smoother lines and more uniform circles.

  7. I dunno if anyone looks in here at all, but....

    well, I love doing the art thing, and I've wanted to do it for others for some time.


    Unfortunately, I have a fairly limited capacity for multitasking, so I can only take one request at a time. If somebody else has made a request, you'll just need to wait your turn.


    Things to keep in mind:

    I do simple vector art, nothing real fancy.

    I use bases

    I may have input, and I like to take creative liberty from time to time (I'll ask if it's okay, first, of course).


    If that's not what you're looking for, that's okay. I'm sure somone more talented than I can help you. ^v^


    If you wanna know what my work looks like, check out the links in my rp log. The art is mostly mine (you'll be able to tell which ones aren't).

    • Like 1
  8. My "blind" unicorn, Mythic Vision, went to Celestia's school for Gifted Unicorns.

    She wasn't really a standout student, with practical lessons, but she has a very unique perspective on magic, and if Sunset was at all attentive of other students, it's conceivable she might've noticed her... being a bit eccentric.


    Myth would've been hard-pressed not to notice Sunset. She would've seen the darkness growing in her, and honestly been concerned.

    She might've even approached her once or twice to ask if everything was okay.


    If you're interested, you can read her sheet to learn more about her.


    [edit] On a side note, when you said "not on any map", my bat pony OC got a little excited, lol (but there's not really any way she'd know Sunset).

    • Like 1
  9. Flaire smiled at her enthusiasm for the troupe's performance. He loved when ponies showed interest in his plays. She'd expressed that she didn't mind the inconvenience, which Flaire did appreciate, but he still felt like a little of a burden. Not much helping that, tho. He always felt like that with new ponies.

    Spike asked about the pie, again, and he began to think he wasn't just asking for Flaire, but more for himself. He chuckled at his insistence.


    When Applejack came back out with the cart, he was about to offer to help put the bags in when he saw she was already done moving them. He was thoroughly impressed. Tho, he acknowledged, she did work on a farm. He should expect she'd be pretty physically apt. She hoofed him a can of grease. "Thank you, Applejack." he said "I really appreciate your help. So what do I owe you?" he said more to himself. He thought for half a second, but said "I'll just give you an even 30 bits. That'll cover the apples and the grease, does that work for you?" he pulled three coin bags out from his saddlebag with a pre-counted 10 bits in each.


    He heard the voice of an elderpony come from behind him, and turned to see Spike returning with who he could only guess was probably Granny Smith. Spike carried two slices of pie in his claws, looking rather pleased with his haul. Flaire smiled at him. Granny Smith asked him for his name, and he found himself a little caught off guard. "My apologies, Ma'am." he offered after a short moment of minor stammering "My name is Dramatic Flaire. I was just buying some of your delectable apples from Applejack, here. You all run a spectacular farm, here. Under what I have no doubt is your great leadership." he gave her a smile.


    Spike offered him the slice of pie, which he took gratefully, and took a polite-sized bite. "Mmm-" he started, gulping down his bite so he can talk "And may I say. That is some amazing pie! I look forward to coming back tomorrow to purchase some for myself."


    He was about to politely decline the implied invitation to dinner, but then he thought it would be a perfect chance to get to know Applejack some. Tho, he couldn't tell her it was because he was going to play her in the upcoming Tour d'Equestria play, and he felt a little awkward about it. If only Stage hadn't insisted that he not give away the surprise to anypony, that'd help him to feel a little less weird about it. He thought about it for a minute, and came to a compromise.


    "You know what?" he said "A dinner with you Apples sounds absolutely fantastic! but maybe we can take a raincheck on that. I've got to get back to the caravan before I have no time left to rest." he laughed a little

    "Thanks again, both of you." he said to the Apples "It was a pleasure meeting you, really." He gave his biggest smile yet "I'll be seeing you tomorrow, to bring back your cart, and buy some delicious pie!"




    .Flaire walked cheerfully down the same road he'd walked with Spike the other night. He'd been offered to be walked there, but politely declined. He didn't want to be too much a bother on anypony. Rarity was a very helpful and... well, generous mare, as her element would suggest. H e didn't want to take advantage of that. Besides, it was obvious she had a lot on her plate. Especially with the added costume orders he'd given her. He could resist placing an order or two from the great Rarity. He'd always wanted something designed by her, and he was excited to see what she came up with.


    Flaire was so lost in his thoughts, he almost walked right past the farmhouse, but the amazing smells coming from the kitchen snapped him out of it. "Oh, yeah." he remembered "I was gonna stay for dinner, this time." He pulled the cart up to the side, approached the door, took a deep breath and knocked.

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  10. I'm sure if you read and adhere to the application guidelines, you'll be approved pretty easily.

    Just make sure you've put effort into your characters and I'm sure you won't have many problems.


    Of course, if you want any help with character ideas, I'd be happy to lend a second opinion or help any way I can. ^v^

  11. Compass Rose



    Roleplay Type: WoE

    Name: Compass Rose

    Sex: Mare

    Age: Young Mare

    Species: Aerion (Bat Pony)

    Eye colour: Green

    Coat: Tan

    Mane/Tail: Rust color

    Physique: Average

    Residence: Ponyville

    Occupation: Cartographer

    Cutie Mark: Parchment with a compass rose and a drafting compass

    Unique Traits: Rose has a near perfect photographic memory. She remembers everything she's ever seen with incredible detail. It comes in handy in her profession as a map maker.

    History: Rose grew up in Canterlot with parents who were mistrusting of ponies and didn't have a very high opinion of Celestia. She'd heard the story that Princess Luna was banished to the moon for almost no reason from her parents many times. She never really believed it. She would sneak out, late in the morning, in a cloak to shield herself from the sun and to hide her bat-like traits from the ponies. She was sure they wouldn't like seeing a "bat pony". She loved hearing the ponies talk about the goings on in Canterlot. One day, she noticed a pegasus her age was sad. He appeared lost. She worked up some courage and came up to him "Hello?" she introduced "are you okay?" the pony looked at her and said "I can't find my way home." she knew the streets better than anypony. She'd seen them in the day and the night plenty of times, and she never forgot a single stone. She helped him find his way, getting her cutie mark at the same time. They became fast friends, and he found out pretty quickly that she was different. She thought he would reject her for her difference, but instead, he just thought it was cool. Over time, she learned the different customs and stories of the ponies. Including the real story of what happened to Princess Luna. More recently, she decided she wanted to reach out and get to know more ponies. Her friend Stellar Drift suggested Ponyville as a place she could find the most friendly ponies in Equestria. That is, as long as she kept in contact with him, and visited often.

    Character Personality: Friendly and out going, Rose is a little different from most of her fellow Aerion. She likes to stay up late into the morning and sometimes goes out (with a sun hat and sunglasses) to talk with ponies. She doesn't like that the hot bright sun keeps her from spending a lot of time with the majority of the ponies around. Although she's outgoing, she doesn't see a lot of others because they're mostly asleep when she's awake.

    Character Summary: Rose is a friendly cartographer who loves to socialize whenever she gets the opportunity. She has trouble getting any chance to, because most ponies are asleep at night, and the sun is far too bright for her to be out all day. She mostly spends her time exploring and memorizing the landscapes so she can make detailed maps, and she also serves as a navigational guide for those who need one.





  12. Flaire chuckled "It is part of the reason we came to Ponyville..." He stopped and shut up. He almost gave away Stage Lights' surprise. He'd been so good about it until now, too. He was so excited, it was hard to keep it in. Being able to meet all the ponies (and dragon) who together saved Equestria on multiple occasions has been something Flaire has been looking forward to for some time. He just never figured he'd meet them before everypony else in the troupe. He cleared his throat and composed himself so he wouldn't give any more away.

    "It will be an honour" he corrected himself "for you and your friends to attend our play coming up in a few days. After we've stocked up and gotten some rest."
    Flaire frowned slightly "I apologize for the inconvenience I've put on you being here so late. I got a little lost in town until Rarity and Spike pointed me in the right direction." He smiled at Spike "Thank you for helping me with such short notice." 


    He thought about the apples for a moment"If you have a cart I could borrow, I'd love to buy a bushel each of Golden Delicious and Honey Crisp, they sound absolutely heavenly. As for pie, I can always get some when I come back to return your cart." He gave her a wink "From the smell of them, I have a feeling we'll be coming back more than once."


    When the dragon mentioned the grease, Flaire remembered Stage Lights complaining about the caravan's wheel constantly squeaking. Honestly, he wasn't that bothered by it, but Stage always did have sensitive ears. "Yeah, I'd better get a bit of axle grease, if we go one more day with a squeaky wheel, the director might explode." Flaire laughed.

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    "That sounds great." Flaire responded to the Dragon's recommendation for an inn "I'm sure I'll be just as happy to make his acquaintance as I have yours." He winked.


    Flaire could smell the farm before he ever saw it. It smelled fantastic. It was rustic, warm.... in short, it smelled very.... homey. He could certainly see why some farmponies never leave home. If he hadn't been as in love with the traveling theatre as he was, Flaire thought a farm would be the first place he'd consider settling down and making roots.


    When they passed the sign signifying the Sweet Apple Acres farm, Spike mentioned a Granny Smith saying she'd been baking. Flaire could definitely smell the pie. It smelled absolutely fantastic. He always appreciated hard work whenever he saw it, and this was no exception. Everything he saw was just radiating with a the hard work it took to get it here.


    When Applejack came down to greet them, he bowed gracefully "Greetings, Applejack." he offered "It's an honor to meet yet another one of Princess Twilight's friends in just one day. My name is Dramatic Flaire, tho most ponies just call me Flaire. I was hoping that I could stock up on some of your delicious apples. And if you have any for sale right now, I would be happy to have a pie or two." Flaire gave her one of his signature genuine friendly smiles.

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  14. Flaire recognized Applejack's name as one of the six friends of Princess Twilight. "Applejack works at the Apple Orchard?" He confirmed "That makes sense." Flaire smiled at Spike's praise of Sweet Apple Acres' apples. and apple pies. He thought pie sounded fantastic. Maybe he'd order some when it wasn't so late.


    Spike didn't know where to get makeup, but Flaire didn't really expect he would. Makeup wasn't normally a thing that guys paid any attention to. He thought Rarity might be able to help him with that, tomorrow. When he asked about how many would be needing hospitality, Flaire stopped to think. There were a lot of ponies who traveled with the Tour d'Equestria, but most of them had their own little caravans and preferred to sleep in them. Really, he could only think of a few who usually stayed in a hotel at night. "Well," He thought "We have Thunderhoof, Stage Lights, Lilly, Annie, and myself. The others usually have their own arrangements. So that's five." He explained "If possible, tho, we should have another bed or two available in case somepony else decides they need it." He figured it couldn't hurt to cover their bases just in case.

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    Anne Schwofenhuf


    Roleplay Type: WoE
    Name: Anne Schwofenhuf
    Sex: Mare
    Age: Middle aged Mare
    Species: pegasus
    Eye colour: green
    Coat: yellow
    Mane/Tail: orange
    Physique: Slender
    Residence: Nomadic, currently stopped in Ponyville (Tour d'Equestria)
    Occupation: Actor, dancer, and choreographer
    Cutie Mark: a pair of ballet shoes with a bow in front of a pair of wings
    Unique Traits: Anne is a spectacular aerial acrobat and dancer. Her talent is agility, elegance and grace in flight and on the ground. She's very precise in many ways. She could be considered OCD. She's very particular about her living space, and the way she carries herself. All of her motions are carefully calculated, and precise.

    History: The Schwofenhuf family is a long long line of very accomplished dancers, who've been in Hoofenheim Germaney for many generations, and Anne is no exception. She spent the majority of her younger years honing her skills as an aerial dancer and acrobat. When she was a young mare, she'd already mastered the art of precise acrobatic flight. As time went by, she began to become discontent with the life of a ballerina. One day, she saw a poster advertising auditions for a traveling theatre that was coming to town. She decided to go ahead and audition. She practiced, like she did everything else, meticulously. For days, she tried to perfect her lines. Then the day of the audition, she arrived at the portable stage precisely on time. When prompted, she executed her script just how she'd practiced.... or she tried to. She was so nervous, that she missed her cues more than once, and couldn't remember all her lines. Afterward, she gave the unicorn a bow and said "Thank you for giving me ze opportunity to audition. I am sorry to have vasted your time."

    The unicorn got up and went to her.

    "You enjoyed yourself, no?" he asked, to which she nodded

    "Then you have wasted nopony's time. I know talent when I see it, Madame. Just ask my friend Lilly, here." he gestured to an adolescent filly who was drawing in a chair next to him "Everypony has doubts in themselves. It can sometimes take a second opinion to know when the ignore them. I can tell you practiced a lot. You like things to be just so, no?"

    She smiled "I can accept no less than perfection. It is who I am."

    "Then allow me" he offered "to show you how to be mediocre, and to accept it as a... how you say... a stepping stone."

    From that day, the unicorn, Stage Lights, taught her the ins and outs of acting, and she learned how to be okay with less than perfection. She learned some acting skills that she really enjoyed using.

    Eventually, the time came for the theatre to leave Hoofenheim. Stage invited Anne to accompany him.

    After careful consideration, she decided that it would be great to continue to pursue excellence in her just developing acting skill.

    Character Personality: Anne is very intentional. She holds posture and well-calculated movement in high regard. She's generally understanding if you don't share her priorities, but if you do, her opinion of you will be that much higher.
    Character Summary: Anne, who goes by Annie, on occasion, is a very particular pegasus. She is vey precise in her movements and very unforgiving of her own mistakes. She's been working on improving that, but it's difficult. She travels with the Tour d'Equestria Touring Theatre with her adoptive family. She is an accomplished aerial dancer and a fairly decent apprentice actor.


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