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Everything posted by Snowshoe

  1. Basic idea: Younger zebra stallion, got a relatively cheerful disposition, a love of life, and loves the thought of flying. He's also got an incredible knowledge of the stars to use for navigation, and an almost impeccable sense of direction. He also would not be too off-put by the fact he's joining a group of what are ostensibly pirates. That's all I got so far.
  2. Why hello there. Was just shooting the breeze with Xiee over IRC when I learned aboot this. I'm thinking of dropping in as a Pilot/Navigator, perhaps as a zebra character as I've wanted to make one for a long time. I don't have an app ready or in the wings for this, but if the idea tickles your fancy I can probably whip up a mockup for the thread, or even make the app.
  3. Muggo' Ale nodded. He didn't even need Dunder to practically beg him to go, he understood completely. He had a point. "Ya don't need to tell me twice, b'y. I get what ya sayin'." he said, trotting to the edge of the cave. He turned back and gave a pseudo-salute to Midnight, who'd just mentioned that he could stay up there. "Not a chance under Celestia's shinin' sun an' Luna's glowin' moon." he said, grabbing the rope between two curled fetlocks and slowly back down. He clenched his teeth as his injured leg slid on some gravel into nothingness, then bounced against the edge. Ow. He could take much more than that, even though it'd been a sharp pain. It would take a LOT to take this earth pony out of business. Muggo' continued backwards until his rear hooves were on the wall, and he slowly walked down the side, holding onto the rope in his fetlocks for dear life, though he knew the drop wasn't that far. "Mind yer heads, me fat starn's comin' down!" he called down with a chuckle. He was about halfway down when his uninjured leg slipped into a crack on the wall. "Celestia t'underin'...hold tight, me hoof's stuck." he called out. He didn't wrench it out, remembering his adventure to the griffon lands. He slowly worked his hoof out, though it took a lot longer than he wanted. Almost a full minute. The moment it was out, he continued down, until he reached the bottom. He realized it was the bottom when he felt a sharp pain up his injured leg. It had been the one to hit the ground first and he'd accidentally put weight on it. He quickly got on his right rear hoof and eased himself down. "An' Muggo' sticks the landin'!" he called up.
  4. Muggo' Ale set his menu aside as well. His own mouth was watering a little, having seen a picture of the chocolate cake. He just wasn't in the mood for chocolate at that moment, as delicious as it had looked. He made a mental note to find a recipe to add something similar to his own menu at the bar, which didn't have desserts in general. He smiled back at her and nodded at her suggestion. Something about that just sounded really, really, good. "I like the way ya think." he said with a grin. "Sounds like a plan to me." he added. After a moment, he spoke again. "Speakin' of plans, what about after this?" he asked. "Ya got to trot on back home, or do ya want to maybe walk somewhere for a bit?" he offered. Muggo' wasn't quite sure where they could go, but it was a nice night for a walk in his opinion. He tried to mentally map out the city, and where he thought he remembered where Caramel's farm was, and figured it might be easier to just take a lazy, roundabout route through the city on the way back to her farm...he did plan to walk her home, after all, if she didn't mind.
  5. Muggo' hobbled over to the hole as fast as he could when he saw Winter about to fall. Had his leg not been injured he would have made it in time, but his limping gait meant he was just too short. He let out a rather crass curse that he'd heard one of the sailors in his bar use. It was uncommon for him to do that, but at this point, only Midnight was uninjured. And, sadly, he was about to thrust her into the unknown when he saw a flaw in Dunder's plan. "Good under normal circumstances, b'y, but..." he shook out his leg, still lashed to the thin log as a splint while the sprain, or whatever injury he had, healed up. " 'sides, I'm a heavy b'y. Probably best to tie yerself or Midnight to the rope, an' let me hold ya steady as an anchor." he offered. He could still stand and hold a rope like it was nothing, but crawling down a pit on an injured leg was probably a terrible idea.
  6. Muggo' stared at the soldier for a while as she spoke, some story punctuated with a strange, coarse sounding language that he really wanted to learn, talking about some quest to find some item from a dragon's cave but it ended up being in a bakery...or something like that. It was hard for him to keep up. He grinned nonetheless, figuring he'd get the full story to tell later. "B'y, I can hold more alcohol in me than ya can even comprehend." Muggo' assured Dunder with a grin, looking back at the pegasus mare as she spoke with Dunder. He decided to trot down to the other end of the bar to see what the other mare was up to, as she seemed oddly quiet. "And what about ya? How's the drink?"
  7. Six heroines of Equestria...suddenly it hit Dapper Dan. The name wasn't familiar but he'd seen the newspaper articles, and the accompanying pictures. A pink pony with a high pitched voice...he agreed with Candy, he could see how that would be irritating. He realized that he'd zoned out a bit and continued working on Candy's tail, having gotten only about a single hoof-width's off. He still had one more to go, and he started slowly as usual, taking only half off first with the scissors. "Morbid curiosity kinda makes me wish I was there. I think that was only a short few days before I arrived." he reasoned. He hadn't been there long, but it wasn't like he'd just moved in, either. "And don't worry. I'll make sure to not sing...whatever it was. I keep to some older songs, mostly the barbershop quartet stuff." he explained, chuckling. "Even though I'm only a fourth of one."
  8. "Oh no, nothin' like that. Yer bog-standard roasted barley, hops, yeast an' water." Muggo' explained, setting another mug near the tap and pouring out the dark ale into it. He set the mug down in front of the mare and grinned. "Well, welcome here. Never got what that slogan meant. As for stuff goin' on in town, nothin' I can think of. Nothin' big at least." he said, tapping a hoof to his chin. Nope, no large events to his knowledge. He chuckled when she spoke about Germaney, then chugged her drink. "Aye. Whatever that means." he said with a laugh. "Never been to Germaney."
  9. [Green pony, Doc xD His mane's grey.] Muggo' Ale nodded. Local flavour, aye? He pulled a mug up from under the counter and held it in a curled fetlock as he poured out the dark stout he specialized in into the mug. He set it down in front of the mare and smiled. "Glass o' stout, me own recipe. Can't get much more local than brewed in the back o' the pub, eh?" he said with a laugh. He grinned when Dunder shifted over, a plan already forming in his head. "He's a bit on the lonely side if ya ask me." he teased, tapping the bar with a hoof before shifting over to look at the door. In walked a red pegasus mare, wearing crazy heavy armour. Muggo' opened his mouth to speak when she already did. He tilted his head at what she said, then grinned. Last real bar in Fillydelphia? He filed that away to use later as some promo material. "Well, we got whatever ya have on yer mind. Mixed drinks, ales...I just poured out the gal down there a stout, it's me own personal brew. Whatever puts the wind in yer sail, I got." he assured her.
  10. Bowsprit laughed. "It was my father's idea. The first Tub Toy was named that way because I built it to literally look like a toy boat I used to have. It's a little one-pony sailboat that I cruise around the bay sometimes. I couldn't think of another name for this, so we christened it that." he explained. He grinned. "It's less that this is bigger than a tub, but the ocean is big enough that in the scheme of things, she's only a toy in it." he explained. He nodded when Beacon talked about his experience with airship sailing. "I've never actually been on an airship." he said, shrugging. He walked across the deck, seeming quite at home on the gently rocking oak surface. "Well, I'm sure you'll like being on a sea-going vessel. It's quite fun!" he assured him.
  11. Timbre Swing hummed a little as he looked around the room, smiling at the pegasus that had greeted him as she filled the punchbowl next to him, then ran off again. He watched her as she got up to light some candles around the room, setting off beautiful colours through the blown glass bubbles around all of the candles. It was quite the sight to see. He trotted over to her, grinning at her. "You look like you could use, uh, some time to relax." he said, his Fancy accent thick and making his speech a little halting. "You 'ave done well. Zis is your party, oui?" he asked. He rolled his Rs in a strange way, just part of his accent. "Mon nom est Timbre Swing. I was invited to be zee entertainment, mais..." he nodded to the minotaur's stage.
  12. While Dusty looked around under rocks and poking at others, and Midnight looked through the cave for a side passage, Muggo' looked around close to the exit of the cave, looking for...anything. He tapped his hoof against the rock looking for hollow points or hidden switches, or loose stones that might hide a lever or something behind them. He didn't know if, or what, they'd find, if anything, but he was tense, just in case. He didn't want to get hurt even worse than he was already, especially if it had gotten those griffons. He knew, from experience, that griffons were quite tough, and if they could get wiped out...they would be facing something big.
  13. "Thanks, Candy. I'll remember that." Dapper Dan said. Wooly hair, especially at the hump. He would not want to get that wrong, especially with how dangerous the buffalo can be according to them. He looked over at the Sheriff and the Doc as they spoke. He'd have to keep an eye out for them. "Pinkie Pie's singing?" he asked. He'd heard of the problems that Appleloosa had had with the buffalo early on, but not the details. "I take it that's a musician who's songs I shouldn't try my hoof at singing?" he asked, chuckling. Again, if he could avoid insulting the guests to Appleloosa, then that would be great for him. Especially if these two buffalo ever came in for a manecut.
  14. [it's super effective! Muggo's bar lives again!] Muggo' watched as Inkwell idly walked off out the door to get something, and in came a new pony, a lavender earth pony. He grinned and gave her a wave of the hoof. "Hey, how's ya gettin' on?" he called out to her. She seemed a little absent minded, and sat a ways down the bar from everpony else. He trotted over and leaned against the counter. "What can I get ya? Drink, bit o' food?" he asked casually. She seemed like she had something on her mind, so he expected the order would be for something alcoholic, and rather on the strong side. He'd come to figure these things out rather accurately in his position as barkeep.
  15. Muggo' Ale was still surprised by the sheer size of all of this. All the surplus apples from all the Apple family farms across Equestria, all the bits made in profits, all of it came to a farm owned by three mares who not only had to run their own farm, but the finances and shipping from others. He smiled a little, quite impressed with how Caramel could do all of this. He thought he had it hard, but this all seemed...almost extreme. He laughed when she mentioned she'd be up early because of their date. "Well, I hope I'm not wastin' yer time then." he said. He said it jokingly, but he actually meant it. If she had that much work to do that she'd have to stay up late just to get it done on account of him and their date, he'd rather she had a nice time. "Ya plannin' on gettin' any dessert?" he asked casually. "I am, meself. Saw they got pumpkin pie in the menu, an' I haven't had that in ages. Figure I'd go for it, while I'm here." he said with a smile. The waiter came by and picked up their plates, and Muggo' placed his order for the slice of pie.
  16. The smoke from the torch was starting to make Muggo' feel uncomfortable. Mix in the shadows he kept seeing from the poor, flickering light given off by the torch, and he wondered if maybe adventuring wasn't such a hot idea after all. Then they got to the ledge, and Muggo' was very thankful for the fresh air. He took in a few deep breaths before speaking. He looked down from the cliff at the path below, keeping well away from the edge having learned his lesson, and then looked back. "Whatever it was, it had wings." he stated with a certainty to his voice. "That cave back there was 'bout as narrow as an alley, an' I'm sure we woulda bumped into whoever was in there, had they turned back." he pointed out. "Even if they did, they'd have to fly outta the hole...unless we missed a side passage somewhere back."
  17. Bowsprit nodded and opened a small door at the end of the counter to get out from behind it. He led Beacon out of the cabin and smiled. "Nice to meet ya. And don't let my Dad hear you call it a boat...he'd talk your ear off over the difference between a ship and a boat." he said with a laugh, leading Beacon down the beach to the long dock, and the blue schooner bobbing gently at the end. "There she is! The Tub Toy II." he said proudly, the young colt trotting quickly along the dock, then across the gangplank onto the oak deck of the schooner. The top deck had a few benches back to the back along the middle near the mast, to allow folks to sit when they were on the top deck, but was mostly bare. "Ever sail on a ship before?" Bowsprit asked with a smile.
  18. Bowsprit looked up when he heard some hooves outside, coming up the door. It opened, and in walked a bronze-coloured unicorn. He immediately sat up, not wanting to appear rude, and smiled. "Mornin'!" he said politely. "Yep! Today's tour's a trip to the Seasaddle Bay, with a stop at Manehattan and Hoofington before coming back." he said. He smiled and looked at the bits, counting them out. "You're actually the first customer today, so you're the first aboard! Now, this'll be a long trip, almost ten hours at sea. If you think your sea legs aren't gunna be up to it, or if you might be sick, now'd be the time to say so! Also we won't be leaving for a little ways yet, so if you want I can show you to the ship and let you explore the beach in the area." he offered, looking up at his customer and smiling. He was excited! Ever since he'd had to put the Tub Toy II in for maintenance at his father's shop, he hadn't had a chance to do a tour. Heck, even if it was just for one pony, he'd be happy. He grinned and swept the bits into a till slit on the counter. "Name's Bowsprit." he said happily, holding a hoof out to shake, and pronouncing it 'Bao', like the bow of a ship. "But you can call me Bo." he added with a smile.
  19. Muggo' Ale finished off his own hay fries as she spoke, listening to the description of her life and the network that was the Apple family. He tried to imagine this large, overarching operation that spanned Equestria, providing ponies with their staple food of apples. It was almost too hard to imagine...especially knowing that only three mares were the brains of the whole thing. "About those farms..." Muggo' said, finishing off his glass of water as well and relaxing a little in his seat. "Ya say yer farm's the brains o' the whole thin', aye?" he asked. "How do all these farms from all over work together? I mean as the brain, ya got to be the one managin' it all. But how do they all work together? Thought farms were usually a self contained thin'." he asked. He'd heard of a few very popular places that existed in more than one location, like the coffee shop down the street from his bar, which he knew existed in Canterlot as well as FIllydelphia, and a few of the restaurants around. But farms...he'd never heard of farms working together as a huge operation like that. "An' while ya might not have too many adventures under your belt, doesn't mean your life's borin'." he pointed out with a chuckle. "Ya should hire some help to take time off. Drop by the bar sometime, relax a little. I understand the feelin', but so long as ya love what yer doin', I wouldn't quite consider that borin'." he added. "An' besides, ya do somethin' I can't. There's times when runnin' just one bar swamps me. But ya run a farm that supplies many places, an' manage stuff for a whole network? That takes some skill."
  20. "S'gunna take more than a bit of a tumble to take me out, b'y." Muggo' Ale assured Winter Bolt, grinning. Yeah, it had hurt, but hopefully by the time they set up camp that evening, or stopped at some point for a rest and a quick bite to eat, he'd be good to walk on his leg again. He looked at Dunder and nodded, assuming his position in the formation behind Winter. His "weapon", if you could call his utility knife that, was close at hand: he could draw it quickly if need be. IT was probably going to get a lot more use, given that his back leg was injured...bucking with it might hurt it more. After only a few moments in the cave, Muggo' could no longer suppress a shudder. This was so...wrong. He was too used to the openness of the outdoors, especially around Fillydelphia. Being in this cave...it was very oppressive. He voiced that feeling. "Celestia t'underin' this cave...it don't feel natural, like the darkness is somethin' physical." he commented in a very quiet voice, not wanting to have it carry too far ahead of them and give away their position more than the flickering light did. "Like it be pushin' down on us."
  21. Timbre Swing followed her off stage, though without a jump of his own. He set his fedora back on his head and shrugged a shoulder. "Wherever I can." he said with a chuckle. "I do not 'ave a regular stage to preform at. I may 'ave le talent, but not zee...reknow? Somes'ing like zat. You know, zat s'ing when everypony knows who you are? Zat, I do not 'ave. I travel around, playing in bars like zis." he explained. He laughed a little as she caught the scent of bar. Yep, it was bad, but he was used to it by now. This smell of alcohol and such was bad, but that was the background to most of his shows. When asked if he wanted to walk with her, he nodded. Better than sitting around a tired old bar at night. He walked up to the door and stepped through it, holding it open once on the other side. "I would indeed, Madame Shores." he said with a smile. "By zee way, you said back zere...dock ponies? For some reason I s'ought you were from 'ere, in Canterlot." he said, looking over at her.
  22. My suggestion: drop a member of the modstaff a line. Somepony like Robbiku should understand and give you a good answer.
  23. When you click the 18+ section, there's a disclaimer that pops up. I don't remember it, being 19 so I just clicked through, but it may answer your question. Otherwise, pop into the IRC for a quick answer from the modstaff.
  24. Well the minotaur seemed to have the entertainment in order. As Timbre Swing's fellow musicians chatted amongst themselves, the green pony hopped off the stage, his hooves hitting the group with a clopping noise. He trotted over to the nearby refreshment table, looking around the room. Over at the table a grey pegasus walked off to sit somewhere else, and nearby was somepony he'd seen before, because, well, so had everypony. Fleur-de-Lis, famous actress. Out of his league, even if he was likely the only other Fancy-speaker in the room. A soft blue glow surrounded his cup as Timbre took a sip, looking around the room from near the refreshment table. This was turning out to be an interesting night. And if he didn't think Iron Will would be able to lay him flat the moment he tried to take his contrebasse up against the minotaur's guitar, he'd have already tried to challenge him. Timbre was good, but not that good, though. No way he could keep up to the minotaur's playing. With a chuckle, he tilted his fedora back a little and shifted a bit. Rented suits were uncomfortable, he decided then and there, and his next one was going to be tailored to him...if he ever got the bits to afford something like that.
  25. "Aye, let's call the scares even before one of us ends up with a heart attack." Muggo' agreed. Although nearly falling off the edge after being hit by a thrown stone was different than falling down a deep hole and crashing against a ledge halfway down. He made sure his gear was set properly on his back and flanks, then limped over to take his position at the back of the group. "Don't worry, I'm not hurt that bad as to slow ya all down." he assured the group. He set his hat back firmly on his head, feeling back in control, and grinned at Midnight. "Aye. Wind's at our backs, let's get a move on." he said.
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