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Everything posted by MicroChip

  1. What a way to spend the night. Putting foals on record players while watching Whose Line is it Anyway on YouTube.
  2. I forgot I did this, and just found it when sorting out my favorites. I was going to post this after one of Penumbra's ramblings. But I'm putting it here now, as I'll forget otherwise.
  3. I guess I'm in the 27% If you really do want one send me a PM. EDIT: Aaaaaand you're gone.
  4. Bah. I haven't practiced my Latin for 3 years.
  5. I'm not. To sick to go to class, I have nothing to do.
  6. From the album: Record Spinnies

    A request for an OC, Country Smash. Based on the gif of DJ-PON3 made by http://dreatos.deviantart.com/
  7. From the album: Record Spinnies

    I now hold a grudge against working with draconequuses (draconequusi?). Nothing like a normal pony. Based on the gif of DJ-PON3 made by http://dreatos.deviantart.com/
  8. I really should go to sleep, but I'm enjoying this to much. A draconequus is NOT easy. My mirror methods that cut the time in half couldn't be used much. I hope you're happy Fawkes.
  9. Why won't my avatar animate? What am I doing wrong?
  10. From the album: Record Spinnies

    Had to make one of my own OC! I love these to much. Based on the gif of DJ-PON3 made by http://dreatos.deviantart.com/
  11. 1.SilverThorn 2.MicroChip 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  12. Dirt Tea. Worse then any other tea. I could swear that's what I'm drinking right now IRL. Smells and tastes like dirt. The things I do to combat a week long sickness I've had for six months.
  13. White just disappeared into the background of the site, so I had to tint her blue. There was already a blue theme (hair and eyes), so it worked. This is only a first attempt, so odds are I'll make it better in the future.
  14. I've put my name in if they'll take pixel art.
  15. I'm doing that the next time I have to babysit. Great idea.
  16. Actually, the originally had DJ-PON3, and has been redone by several people with different characters. The CMC one is a more popular one.
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