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Everything posted by MicroChip

  1. While not quite as extreme changes, the weather here has been annoying. Amazing and warm when I leave for class. No reason to bring a coat. Then it pours down icy rain on the way home.
  2. Sounds about right. I'll go check. Edit: Found it. HaxMega
  3. Which livestream was this? Because I remember something about that, too.
  4. Mine's still going strong. probably still got a good 3 hours left. Sadly, that means that MLP is at annoyingly early hours (before 10)
  5. I'm guessing it's the same deal as before? #spoilers?
  6. What a week... Now I can finally stop to enjoy myself. Friday night. 2 am, eating whats left of dinner (pizza) and coming back to LPW. Anything I should look back at over the past few days? Remembered it had been a while when my music library on shuffle decided to play Discord (I think it's by the Living Tombstone)... I'm already planning my next 3d animation... I can't draw, but I could do this... time to start story-boarding.
  7. Just saw the video on EqD. Bronies watch Teen watch MLP. Funniest thing I've seen in a while. Now I know why I love this community.
  8. You already told us about the paper. No secret there.
  9. And we're all here in the middle of the night!
  10. We did ask something: What's the secret? That is a question.
  11. I get what it's like. I'm currently living off of medications for the past month. Fun times.
  12. I have just discovered there is no need to sleep if you sleep in for half the day the night before. Now I just have to survive 2 hours before class. I'm going to need a big cup of coffee and a box of doughnuts.
  13. Page Turner had made his choice to close his shop early. As much as he loved serving foals, the fact that they were bugging him to let them get the new Daring Do book before it was to be released was starting to get a little old. Besides, it was the job for the local bookstore (the one that wasn't mounted on wheels) to have popular books in stock for their release day. Page would just pick up a stack of copies after a week or so when most of the fans already had a copy. There were stories flying around about how someone had broken into the bookstore and taken a book of some value. Page hadn't been able to get any details, and was on his way to find out exactly what had happened. His path took him right through the center of town, where the usual crowd had formed for the market, forcing Page to find an alternate route. He had soon made up the time, and was felling rather good about navigating a part of the town he'd never been in. That is, until something raced across his path, only to stop a moment before smashing into the side of somepony's house. Page frowned as he saw the mare clearly. It was obvious that this was a fan of the Daring Do series, as proven by the hat and coloring. Weren't all the dress up competitions happening during the official release? It seemed somepony just got excited and prepared themselves a little early. Still, that wasn't an excuse for flying so fast through the streets like that. She had barley missed him. He was about to give her a piece of his mind when she turned to look at him. "Ponyvillian, where is your book store, and where is the Daring Do fan club president?" Page couldn't help but notice the tone. This pony had some heroic plan in mind. He'd seen it countless times, usually from colts. "I assume you want the bookstore that will have the new Daring Do book? That direction. I'm on my way there now. As for the fan club, I have no idea. Never even knew there was one here. Sorry." He looked over the mare in front of him again. "Are they holding some kind of all day party or something?"
  14. Page took the invitation and sat down at the closest table. "Thank you," he said, accepting the cup of tea and removing one of the muffins from the tray with a eager look in his eyes. "Don't let me forget to pay you back for this," he mentioned just before taking a sip of tea and large bite from the muffin. His desire to at least enjoy dome of the muffin quenched, Page looked over the top of his cup at Saw Bones with a curious look. "Now then. I gave you a story involving drinking and magicking, but have yet to hear about any of your endeavors. I'm sure you have something amazing or entertaining happen to you during a dig or something." With that he seemed to return all of his attention to his food and drink for a few moments before looking aback up at the other pony.
  15. I just realized that you've been lurking for quite some time and was getting scared. Glad you said something. As silent as it was.
  16. Greetings! Where did all these guests come from?
  17. I just got a new pair. I didn't realize that my eyesight had gotten so bad in the past two years. There are things I forgot were possible to see!
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