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Everything posted by PIJIN

  1. Well, I can always change the thread name to "Ask Lovin' Moonlight." Or better yet, think of it this way. I just at Lore Building >: Therefore I cannot be a Lore Master.
  2. No, when it comes to real world stuff, I'm not the most reliable
  3. Technically I am eating it, just as a liquid, not a solid. Hm, Ill go look around the library, I'm sure Twilight has one shoved away some where. .....Apparently their constitution is actually the MLP:FiM theme song!
  4. I'd probably melt it and make a giant ice cream sundae. I have an insatiable taste for sweets. Your hiding one aren't you?! Gimme chocolate pillow!
  5. Its a pretty awesome plot if I do say so myself, but I digress...
  6. Would you have seen it coming if I mentioned her plot?
  7. What sound does the moon make? It sings about the awesome that is Twilight Sparkle. Ode to Twilight, composed by The Moon. If you were a brand of all purpose cleaner, what would you be? I dunno, I don't really pay attention to cleaning supplies.. Would you rather use a fork for the rest of your life, or a spoon? A fork, how else could I eat pancakes?! Would you rather have your hands glued to your head or your hips? Glue them to my hips, so I can do the fukkireta dance for the rest of my life! What's your life quote? "Have fun, meet new people, and love. Only then will you discover understanding of yourself." -Some Guy I was talking to on the bus. A disgruntled badger has made off with your car keys and you only have a short amount of time to get to where you need to be. The only option is to Assasins's creed yourself to your destination. What song do you play on your ipod to maximise your self-sense of badassery while you run? Well, I don't drive or own an iPod, but...okay. I'd have to say Invincible by Ok Go. Why is it hard to see in the dark with aviators? Because there swag levels cause an eclipse everytime you put them on.
  8. Cool story bro, I ranked first. And turned down 7 colleges, 1 ivy league, to go to the Art Institute. How long have you been living in Canterlot?
  9. FUUUUUUUUU....Its hard to say I've seen alot of anime in my day. Right now, I'm into an anime called Fairy Tail, but one anime that has stuck with me is Canaan.
  10. Well it is your decision to post an introduction as well as to look at people's responses. Nonetheless, hello! The names Lovin' Moonlight, its a pleasure. This is actually the most prominent way the users meet new members so I don't see why you wouldn't post and intro. If you hadn't posted, I wouldn't have even known you existed!
  11. I'd probably take her out to eat, then go back to her place and...
  12. I'm sorry, maybe we haven't met. I'm Lovin' Moonlight, anime extrordinare!
  13. For most people, yes. You've got to have a lot of swag to pull it off. Like me, or a certain swaggadelic kitty cat that hangs around the board.
  14. Ill assume you mean my favorite genre of music and not one particular song. I prefer video game soundtracks, usually fast based with some type of piano instrumentals thrown in.
  15. Since when have I ever done/said anything mean to anypony on Canterlot? There's no way I could insult thou intelligence.
  16. Whose Ran Blew Dish? Twilights the only pony in Equestria.
  17. I make it a rule to change my avatar every one or two weeks. I try and showcase some of the new media I play with. Last week was animations, this week I'm playing around with vectors.
  18. Why else? Brains, beauty and she's purple. Who wouldn't obsess over her?
  19. I can make two fully loaded sandwhich with all the works in about 10seconds. I also hold the world record for most sandwhiches eaten by Twilight, so I believe I'm most awesome sandwhich maker. Just call me The Living Deli.
  20. You'll have to ask Princess Purple herself, Twilight. She's the one who gives out the colour purple. I told her not to give it to anyone, which is the reason why we all have white teeth. Legit, no?
  21. Oh course you can! Just have two people of your preferred skin colour that can represent the bread drizzle hot cheese over your body while hugging you. Mission impossible, accomplished.
  22. Because the All Mighty Twilight foretold it! And its all in good fun, just a way to pass the time and entertain the citizens of Canterlot. In all seriousness, why sift through tons of threads when there's a clearly labled search box right up over yonder?
  23. Isn't it obvious? 42, which was also Twilight Sparkle's number attached to her flank during the Running of the Leaves. ...I'm sure you can connect the dots from there... Favorite bagel...? One shapped like Twilight would be my favorite, but I settle for a White bagel with loads of cream cheese.
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