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Everything posted by Imagination

  1. ((Fine with me :3 Sorry for the slowness of my posts. Finals week is killing me D:)) "Well it pays enough for my supplies, rent, and gives room for personal expenses, but I'm by no means rich by it. Commissioned art is really a secondary outlet for me, ost of my atteniton is focused on my big pet project..." But then, another collision! Perhaps the Griffin wasn't quite so lucky afterall. The sound of the thud made him jump a bit, the startled unicorn turning around to see it was a fruit vendor! He hadn't seen her about before... which wasn't saying much seeing as he spent most of his time in his studio. He wondered if Gladwin really was that hard to notice, seeing this was the second time in a short span that he's been bumped into. "Perhaps we should put a 'Griffin ahead' sign somewhere...eh?" He asked with a nervous smile, taking a stab at humor. Oh course she couldn't quite pinpoint where she could be from... a strange accent to be sure. She wouldn't happen to be with the Apple family, would she? They were the only fruit family he was fully aware of, though he ws sure there were others. There had to be. Every business has competition. "Well... erm... are you both alright?" Status report! Of course, doughnuts awaited, so even if things were looking a bit bad, they were going to get better! Much better... at the hooves of Pony Joe!
  2. FINALS WEEK!! WHY U NO BE OVER??!!!??!?!

  3. FINALS WEEK!! WHY U NO BE OVER??!!!??!?!

  4. Oh my! That certainly sounded like an interesting scenario... Well it was probably more intereting ot hear about that experience. Sketch didn't much care for the cold either. During the winter season in Manehattan, he could often be seen running from place to place! Not because he was trying extra hard to avoid people or that he was in an urgent hurry. He just wanted to get back inside! The most logical way to do that was, of course, run! But back to the discussion at hand! "Goodness! You've got quite the lucky streak it seems!" Not freezing to death, surviving a flying crash, and not getting picked at by dragons! Pretty lucky. But it went on to him. Rather than reel back or hesitate, he seemed all too happy to talk about it. "I actually just finished a portrait for a family here in Canterlot. An entrepreneur here in Canterlot, though he hasn't yet opened anything. In all honesty I forget most of what he told me..." thankfully the stallion never quized him on anything. "Anyway yes, they commissioned a portrait of their son, a rather nice a polite young colt named Archibald. An odd name, but who am I to judge?" But at last, they had reached the shop! A casual looking place named Pony Joe's! "Ah! Here we are!" Of course he was half expecting to have the Griffin rushing past him like a bat out of hell, but he DID say he was hungry.
  5. Yes! Fall for my trickery- I mean YES! Love my love!
  6. You teach things! The lessons of love! Teach me teacher! For your lessons are invaluable!
  7. *continues to Molestia the throne* I am ready to learn!
  8. Lead the way? "Sure, I suppose I could..." Not that he didn't know where it was or how to get there, it just meant thrusting himself into another social environment. At least he wouldn't be going at it alone, right? With that the Unicorn went off down the street, trusting the Griffin was following. It wasn't that long a walk, but he fiured it would be better if he could manage to keep conversation going. But what was there to talk about. "Erm... so... What was the last map you drew up? Anyplace interesting...?" He was a better listener than he was a talker, but for good reason! Listening to stories was always a good way to get to know someone! The things they do, where they've been, what they're like, and all sorts of other things! The only places he'd ever really been to were Manehattan, Stalliongrad and Ponyville. The family WAS going to take a trip to Appleoosa but they never got around to it.
  9. I always imagined Carebears being too good to be true. Like... they were evil when no one was looking. If they were in Toy Story, they'd be the reason you can't find whatever it was you just put down, or why something was broken for no reason.
  10. Don't you tell ME how to make a proper run-on sentence! I'll love and tolerate the CHRIST out of you!
  11. No one! There's not a soul you can tell and even if you did tell someone who would believe it NOPONY I answered the question for you dear God don't tell Sulvuss it will be the end of me uhh I mean RUNON SENTENCE RUNON SENTENCE lolololololololololol so yeah there's no one you can tell And I REFUSE to put a period on the run-on sentence. Therefore it is forever going. Somehow.
  12. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo........
  13. They don't. Wait- Darn you, Penumbra! Any intimidation value these counterponies once had is now DASHED upon the rocks!! I curse you...
  14. Making maps? He hadn't heard of anypony doing that before. Though on reflection he assumed somepony HAS to have done somethign liek that before, otherwise where would the maps come from? But either way, he didn't want to get side-tracked. "Cartography you say? A very respectable trade, and I'd imagine it brings you to all sorts of interesting places!" As for the Griffin's origin story, he didn't wish to make things awkward again by asking what those complications he mentioned were. Besides, it wasn't entirely his place to ask at all, now was it? "A place to eat?" He was pulled away from his thoughts only to ponder this one! "Place to eat... place to eat..." Nearby, all he could think of were high-end restaurants. Save for one place. "Well... there's this donut shop nearby. I actually haven't been myself, but it's highly recommended from the working ponies around here." Who doesn't like a donut once in awhile between shifts?
  15. Welcome to Canterlot! We are A Z
  16. Welcome to Canterlot! We are A Z
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