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Posts posted by Hippo

  1. Just so everyone knows, HASBRO owns 50% of The HUB, which was renamed from Discovery Kids during the acquisation.

    And I understand the uncomfortable surroundings MLPFiM would have if it was on Adult Swim. Even though I shared these articles, I do not necessarily want it on Adult Swim. It was just something I observed when I saw these articles collectively.

    I really hope that Cartoon Network eventually airs MLPFiM in the states. The International agreement makes sense if HASBRO has no network overseas. However, even with as bad as the latest CN programming has been, Cartoon Network is really good at promoting their shows.

    I think the best thing would be for The HUB's ratings to be so overwhelming, that cable and satillite companies begin listing them in common programming. They're a long way from that, though.

  2. Who thinks syndication is imminent My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? I do. And every day I'm seeing more information that leads me to believe that Cartoon Network's Adult Swim will attempt to pull in MLPFiM for its mysterious popularity with the older demographic, especially males 18-35. Here are the things I have found:

    HASBRO has made a a deal with Turner Broadcasting


    As the link says, My Little Pony, is one of a few HASBRO cartoons that will be aired on Cartoon Network in certain countries. The United States is not listed, and I have been unable to find out why. But this article shows the cooperation these two companies have to create a win-win situation.

    Lauren Faust has previous experience working with cartoons that have aired on Cartoon Network, primarily with Hanna-Barbara

    Lauren Faust's involvement in The Power Puff Girls, Codename: Kid's Next Door, and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends are all examples of successful cartoons that have already aired on Cartoon Network with her hand in the work. Not only so, but her minor involvements in other successful shows like Dexter's Laboratory suggest that her talent is highly appreciated when Cartoon Network was at it's peak of viewership. Later on, when Adult Swim gained more popularity, several old Hanna-Barbara cartoons were 're-created' to create more mature spoof shows. Some of these include Harvey Birdman, Sealab 2020, and Space Ghost. I'm pretty sure Warner Brothers, who absorbed Hanna-Barbara in 2001, would like to have her back.

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic shares similar demographics with typical Adult Swim programming

    In the past, it has become the normal for Adult Swim to get their hands on an old show that is fitting for their demographic, which is mostly 18-35 males. Non-original shows that Adult Swim syndicated onto their program schedule include: The PJ's, King of the Hill, Baby Blues, The Office (British version), The Super Globetrotters, Karate Kommados, The Gary Coleman Show, and Saved By the Bell. Adult Swim loves to cater to their demographic's nostalgia. And even if My Little Pony was a little out-of-taste for Adult Swim, there is a good reason why they would air cute ponies on their station...

    The Adult Swim people are on crack

    Adult Swim is known for its airing antics and unusual style of promotion, given that their primary viewer probably appreciates it. An example of this is in March of 2007, the network advertised their Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie was to air on Adult Swim on April 1, 2007. They didn't lie. The actual airing put the whole movie in a tiny box in the corner of the screen with no sound, while a Family Guy marathon took it's place at full screen. They're on-air explanation of why they did this was, "because we're ****ing crazy." Other examples include released episodes of their original show "Perfect Hair Forever" on VHS and re-aired the episodes on TV where all the characters had drawn-on mustaches. One time, Adult Swim also aired the entire movie, "The Room" for no other reason other than the fact that it was criticized as being one of the worst movies ever.

    Seth Green 'likes' My Little Pony

    Before My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic premiered, Seth Green, actor, voice actor, and producer, made a My Little Pony spoof on his original show Robot Chicken that aired on Adult Swim on May of 2006.


    In September of 2010, Seth Green twittered:

    "Meeting Hasbro next week! Want Apocalypse Ponies toys? Help me trend #ApocalypsePonies !!"

    A petition was in place to get support from viewers for this insane request. I can only imagine that HASBRO rejected it with little consideration. However, a petition from Adult Swim-type viewers before the airing of Friendship is Magic combined with the increasingly popularity of the show from adult males after the show was aired creates an interesting (and coincidental) statistic for HASBRO to look at.


    However, it is worth noting that Seth Green's approach isn't all bad. People Magazine had an article on Seth Green's wedding in May 2010:

    "One detail both focused on was catering party favors to the individual guest. "We both like toys, so the centerpiece for each of the tables were different collections of toys that were takeaways," Green says of various action figures – think G.I. Joe – that waited for guests.

    "My mom got the Care Bears," Grant says, "because she used to call me Clare Bear, and another good friend of ours had a pony collection so we made sure she got the My Little Pony table."

    So what do you guys think. I know it could still be considered a long shot, but I like to entertain the possibilities.

  3. RainbowDashArcade.jpg

    A game where the core six are put into an action game would give the girls strengths like these:


    Special Traits: Flight, Grace (easily dodges enemies)

    Primary Attack: The Stare

    Secondary Attack: Bird call (birds attack)

    Rainbow Dash-

    Special Traits: Flight, Fast

    Primary Attack: Rainbow Tornado

    Secondary Attack: Sonic Rainboom

    Twilight Sparkle-

    Special Traits: Magic (move small objects)

    Primary Attack: Magic Blast

    Secondary Attack: "#12" (puts enemies to sleep)


    Special Traits: Magic (move small objects)

    Primary Attack: Whine (resists enemies)

    Secondary Attack: Fashion Show (enemies are distracted)

    Pinkie Pie-

    Special Traits: Laughter (removes small threats)

    Primary Attack: Prank

    Secondary Attack: Twitchy Tail (make objects fall)


    Special Traits: Bucking (throws enemies away)

    Primary Attack: Lasso

    Secondary Attack: Hind leg kick

  4. Got it!!


    You may need to tweak it a little, since it only allows for whole second increments. And if your download speed isn't favorable, it may affect the timing as well.

    Basically, start the second one about 21.5 seconds after the first one. It's about when Rarity enunciates "..old."

  5. I'm not sure there'd be any pony for mine. xP

    Just enjoy the RP and if something happens where you "meet somepony" and it looks like it can go that direction and you're comfortable with that, then go for it, if not, still tons of fun to be had in RP.

    Besides MudBug is absolutely adorable. :)

    LOL. Yeah, just let every pony be themselves... Don't let your OC be somepony they aren't.

  6. Well, Spring is officially here! Everyone make it on time?

    When you are on the plow team, Applejack makes sure you make it on time! :):shock:

    As long as Twilight Sparkle stays out of the way. I'm sure there are northern parts of North America with plenty of snow cover still, thanks to her.

  7. Hey Elora! It's nice to have some common interests clash. Lots of people here are familiar with the Spyro franchise. It's possible a well-done crossover RP could develop.

  8. "being busy" doesn't really illustrate something the character dislikes. Expand it a little. Is he always looking to have free time? Does he lack good scheduling abilities so instead resorts to simplicity? I know people like that. They'd rather hang out than plan their day--not because their lazy, but because they don't like being rushed to do things.

    A sketch of the character or a simple pony generator to visualize the character would be useful. This character has a few items that accessorize him and I wonder what it really "looks" like. Top hats can be worn several different ways...

  9. posted in another thread, but they serve an entertaining purpose on video game remixes of the songs. You know, this show has a surprisingly number of songs. Of course, these versions would only be appropriate for a DS version, I suppose.



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