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Posts posted by Hippo

  1. Here's some examples that best illustrate what I had in mind:

    From Spyro: A Hero's Tail, the environments have pony-potential. This style of art is good for the 2D to 3D transfer.


    From Epic Mickey, it's not entirely necessary to have Rainbow Dash-type characters to pull off an amazing adventure.


    From this little joke of a game, ATHF: Zombie Ninja Pro-Am shows how the 2D to 3D transfer is done without ruining the integrity of the original designs of the characters.


    And I can't help but mention this Spyro game. The next one. To be release this Fall, Activision has combined a toy to video game combination that looks to be interesting. IMO, this is right up Hasbro's alley


    Yes I know, Spyro's new look is ugly, we all know...

  2. I love the little *squeak* noise Fluttershy makes when she smiles. :D

    Someone else had said there's no AJ or Dash in this episode. Applejack and Rainbow Dash do make an appearance! Applejack is selling apples out of crates with Fluttershy's face on them, and Rainbow Dash is pulling a Fluttershy banner across the sky. =)

    Yes, Fluttershy's squeaks are freakin' amazing.

    Ahhh. I remember now. AJ and RD's small appearances are so quick I forgot they were in there.

    Second, I LOVE pinkie pie... I'm pretty sure the entire part of the show where pinkie pie is popping out of stuff and freaking out Twilight she doesn't really exist and is just a hallucination because Twi is the only one who acknowledges her. Just sayin



    She is like Savoir-Faire, she esssss everywhereeeere!

    LOL, so I guess TS is the crazy one after all. I wonder if Pinkie Pie is even real. Maybe the few times other characters acknowledge PP, they are just playing along with TS's insanity.

  3. Haha, Pinkie Pieeeeeee

    Also, something I didn't quite get, was at the beginning of the episode when Fluttershy and Rarity were at the Spa, how come Fluttershy didn't get all the stuff Rarity did?

    Like the full mud mask..

    I got the feeling Fluttershy just doesn't care for that sort of thing as much as Rarity does. She may go to the spa more to please Rarity than to please herself. I mean, most girls like spa days, some just more than others. Fluttershy may see some of the treatments Rarity gets as unnecessary for herself. Rarity is all about fashion and looking good, while that is likely not a high priority on Fluttershy's list.

    And perhaps that non-necessity was what made her so popular to model anyways. Is it possible she has more natural beauty than Rarity?

  4. Great episode!! Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack had the week off, though.

    I especially liked the the beginning when a pony was about to file Fluttershy's horn only to find out she doesn't have one. Princeless!!

    And Photo Finish is a cool name, not sure if she is an old or new character. Wish I would have thought of it. Would have used the name for a race pony.


    Flüttershy! You're cue, now GO!!! LOL

  5. Well, I can understgand Hasbro not interested in go into that direction. I wonder how they feel about the recent craze. They could make a lot of money off it. But they may continue to aim towards the original demographic to keep it from 'ruining' the franchise for people who have always liked MLP.

  6. Well, it never says how she's immortal, or just how immortal she is, that's why we're having this discussion :o .

    I'm just saying, if she needs an energy source in order to fuel her magic to cast spells to make herself younger, the sun is pretty much an endless energy supply.

    Then again since friendship IS magic, she could just feed off of happiness like some kind of overbloated emotional tick.


    She feeds off the souls of Equestria.

    Well. Sounds like we got a great idea for a new RP.

  7. yeah, Tara Strong is a great voice actor.

    What struck me crazy was that other voices in the show sounded familiar, but they weren't who I thought they were. Before I looked at the voice actor's parts, I thought for sure that Tara also did the voice for Fluttershy. And I also thought that Rainbow Dash sounded like E.G. Daily. But I was wrong. I also recognized the voice for Spike, but alas, it too was not who I thought.

    Great voice acting in the production though, no doubt!

  8. When I explain it to others, one things I say is that the animation style is like the Powerpuff Girls. Thats usually helps them understand, because PPG is a good show tolerable for both genders and several age groups. MLP has always been a little girls show, until now. (I apologize for any males a long time fan of MLP)

    When I first watched the show, the animation totally reminded me of The Powerpuff Girls.

    You do know why it may seem similar to PPG, right?

    Is it because it's the same lead artists?

    Ya know, I could totally go to wikipedia and imdb and look everything up. But, I'm gonna give you the honor of telling me exactly why they are similar.

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