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Everything posted by DashieInTheDark

  1. They may look "fine" when you see they all look the same. However, the contrast, brightness, and saturation is off of them, from the actual episode files themselves. (The raw footage from Hasbro) This is caused by an incorrectly set up HD PVR, which they use to record the episodes. They aren't actually 1080p. They're 1440x1080, which Youtube detects as 1080p. I've got ACTUAL 1080p footage. (1920x1080) which when scaled down to 720p, looks crisp, sharp, and VERY clean.
  2. Quite the contrary here. "Hasrbo" (or was it Habsro?) spoke out, and the ACTUAL Hasbro said that it was them taking the episodes down. This happened with PonyArchive(?)'s C&D letter. So IS them taking the episodes down. Either way, I think I'll upload season one, and see how that goes. I'' have the disclaimers and all of that ready. You should find them on my channel before tomorrow! Edit: My new channel was created. It's called "EquestrianTelevision" on Youtube. I'm rendering episode 1 now.
  3. That's the thing. They ARE being pulled off of Youtube, so at this point, I'm not VERY well known, so they shouldn't get pulled too fast. So you and the rest of Canterlot could benefit.
  4. Hey, so I'm not entirely sure WHERE this thread should go. I just hope here is alright. I've got all 42 episodes currently released downloaded, and on my PC. They're all in 1080p, and from Youtube. I won't tell you HOW to do it, but just letting you know I have them. I've got Sony Vegas Pro 11 installed ,and I was thinking of rendering the episodes in corrected color in 720p, and upload them daily to Youtube. I noticed the episodes on youtube aren't very "good" quality, and I can correct all of it with Vegas Pro. Color, Saturation ,Sharpness, brightness, contrast, etc. I just don't want to have this be a waste of time. People need a way to get GOOD quality versions, so I felt like I could be of some help. I even know how to remove the watermarks, too, if that bothers anyone. If I downscaled from 1080p to 720p, it would look BETTER, NOT worse, guys. So don't worry about that part. OR I could just correct them, and put them in 1080p. So is this a bad idea?
  5. Completely regardless. The quality is VERY good on the mic, better than anything else I've ever heard.It's got noise cancellation on it, so you won't be picking up a dog barking behind you. If $100 is too much, I understand. But at this point, it's like you're avoiding the entire idea of it.
  6. The extra software allows you to control the 7.1 surround, morph your voice, it has the equalizer on it, et cetera. It is NOT needed, but it's a very handy piece of software. It takes up 600kb of my RAM, and less than .100% on my CPU. So it's smaller than opening your documents folder, so to speak. You also mentioned you voice chatted sometimes, so I assumed you used Vent, Skype, or played SOME sort of game. So having it built around "gaming" really helps in the quality. If this wasn't suc ha good headset all around, I wouldn't have recommended it to you. But it's done good for everything, really. Voice, music, games, movies, everything. You're paying no more than you would for something else ,but GETTING a whole lot more. In case you would like to have that ability. Like I said, you can flip up the mic, and it will be muted .So if you're voice chatting, but you walk from the PC, or do not need to speak, you can flip it up and mute it. Rather than doing so via the Windows Audio manager, it's so much easier.
  7. Well, "relatively inexpensive" isn't of much help to me, but I do have ONE great recommendation if you're willing to spend around $100. It's the Logitech G35 gaming headset. Logitech makes GREAT products, and their durability is amazing. Here's just a few of the pros for it: 7.1 (true) surround sound Complete noise cancellation (You literally cannot hear anything quieter than a full power vacuum with these on) USB 2.0. (You don't need the 3.5mm jack for these. That's the conventional green plug) Insanely good bass.(It's VERY clear, and very deep, it's not a muddy sound, either.) Only $95 (VERY cheap for this quality of a headset) The Mic can be flipped upward and be muted, just like that. 3 Programmable G keys on it, that you can open Media player, games, change volume, etc. Volume slider / 7.1 surround ON/OFF on the headset itself. Great software to use it with. That's just off the top of my head. This headset is INSANELY good, and the mic quality is AMAZING. I highly recommend it over ANYTHING else you're considering. (Unless it's better, but like $150 more) You can order them from newegg here: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16826104281 And they might have them at a Local Best Buy. They're quite heavy, but not uncomfortable to wear for a long time. They come with 3 total headbands, in case you've got a small / large head. Hope this helps!
  8. As of 1:06 in, I need to say this already: 1. You NEED a better mic. The clarity is very low, and often rings my speakers because of the quality of your audio. If you need a mic / headset recommendation, PM me. Also, I can already tell you're lacking a script. Just the way you're speaking. Ya'll needs a script. Will edit this post after I'm done watching.
  9. If someone is on IRC right now, can they PLEASE ask my me and CometShot were banned from IRC? If there's a reason, I WANT to know why If I deserve a ban, I deserve it. I just NEED to know WHY.
  10. We shouldn't have to be "afraid" to go to IRC. It'a simple chat room. I don't see "where" your guys' fear is coming from. What about IRC are you afraid of?
  11. D: I was banned (along wit ha few others) from the Canterlot chat room. We hadn't been breaking any rules, either. Artax MAY be the "admin" but there's NO reason whatsoever for someone to ban someone "just because." He had said "I can't focus on the chat and server, so quit distracting me." because we were mentioning his name a bit, giving him the alert "Yay" sound.So if it was necessary to USE his name, we avoided the spelling of. (Using like Art, Arty, etc.) A few minutes later, he set the chat to mode -m, and me and (whoever is CometShot on here) were banned, but I don't know who else. If we broke rules we didn't know about, that's fine, the ban is necessary. However, do NOT tell me that you banned us "Just because." because that only makes YOU a bad person. You can't threaten me with a "ban" because if you're LOW enough to do that, I wouldn't want to go TO your forum. (Keyword being IF you did that, otherwise, you're pretty cool.) I is sad.
  12. EqD confirmed that this is a confirmed episode. So the "leak" was true. What more approval do you need?
  13. http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/02/upcoming-episode-putting-your-hoof-down.html So I guess the rumors of the episode were true. I'm DEFINITELY looking forward ot this one ,as I LOVE to see each of the Mane6 get their respective development. Discuss!
  14. See, kids. THIS is why we can't have nice things.
  15. Watching Alkatraz and American Idol on Fox, dunno why though. Been kind of watching House, watching Bones, and Adventure Time, Regular Show, and of COURSE MLP FiM. I don't really watch any of these at certain times (except American Idol) so I just watch TV whenever. American Idol has gotten worse by the season, though..
  16. We've got 6 cats. (In our barn) 7 dogs, Six Golden Retrievers, and one Toy Fox Terrier. Three Adult Goldens, and three puppies.
  17. More basic interactions with backround ponies. (Like asking for directions and such) More references ot real life things. (Much like the reference in the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000) More posters. (Trixie, Wonderbolts, some Fashion shows, etc) Rarity's clothes on background ponies. (Depends on the place / occasion, though.) More awesome faces that they make! (Much like the crying face of Rainbow Dash in the newest episode) Episodes involving all of the Mane6 more. Great background music that fits the scenes. A different credits song A new intro. (Very big, but very minor on it's effect of the show itself) More Celestia appearances (If need be, of course) More music scenes! (My PMVs could use more of Pinkie's drumming, or Trumpt, and maybe Rainbow Dash on a sweet guitar.) That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
  18. Probably going, but not sure. If I were to go, I would have to take someone with me. I'll be getting my permit in April, so I could drive. it would be a 9 hour drive, but that just means a 9 hour road trip of ponies. $65 isn't that bad. Night Under Fire (An NHRA Drag racing event held in Norwalk Ohio) costs $150 a ticket, and they go on sale a day after it is over. (Buy for next year) so it's not too expensive. It would be AWESOME to see you all though. Even if half of you don't know me.
  19. Hey there. Last night, I got hit with a great idea. A Tech support section, or "Subsection". People have technical problems, be it with their iPod, Computer, or even TV. I myself have in the past, but luckily I know how to fix it. Computers are my passion. so I could be of some help. I was thinking we could get the "Tech Support" subsection added under Chit Chat? Just an idea. If you're thinking that you could just post it in Chit chat, well, if many people have problems, you wouldn't want to sift through them to find normal threads, and vise versa. Just an idea~
  20. I've been watching the abridged series since before August. I REALLY like how well they did it. They re-use clips, but you can't even tell. I am amazed. Vegeta's and Goku's voice are perfect. They match their show counterpart. My favorite character is probably Goku or Vegeta, depending on their roles in episodes. My favorite so far is the Namek one where Jace(?) is the narrator of the wrestling match. Bucking HILARIOUS!
  21. Thisis by no means bad- and it is quite impressive. However, it may be a personal thing, but I'm not really a "fan" of piexel art. The thought of the amount of work that goes into these things is mind-boggling, but to me, the end result isn't very pleasing. It just liike as if you added a 0.210 pixel blur onto a vector of one of them, and saved as a low quality JPEG. The simple fact that they look JUST LIKE the show is good, though. So it's more or less the THOUGHT of work on this than the actual result for me.
  22. "And thus, what was once known by many as the 'internet' had finally reached it's peak of data storage. What was once a hefty amount, is nothing to us." The man spoke, rubbing his hand on the edge of the book he was reading. "How much, daddy?" His son, who lay in the bed comfortably, spoke calmly and with a slight yawn in his voice. "Well son, roughly fifteen-thousand petabytes" He responded, taking note of his childs' facial expression as he mentioned the number. "That's nothing, daddy! You can't be serious!" The child exclaimed, jumping up toward his father. "To us, yes. However, back then, this was enough to require servers the size of corporate buildings." He responded, laying the book down on the side table, under the lamp that stand next to the bed. "So, daddy, what's an 'internet'?" the son asked in confusion. "It's what we know as the Govt Data Transfer Unit, son. Times were much more free than they are today." The father spoke, with great sigh in his voice. The father, now tucking his son in, spoke very calmly, and with great intention. "Son, never let them take your freedom." He said, with a slight grin on his face. "I won't daddy. Good night!" The child responded, pulling the blanket over his shoulder and up to his chin. Just a sample from my current book I'm writing about the death of the internet. From a perspective many years in the future. Just felt like sharing!
  23. I think you read my arguement backwards, actually. If you look, I said that there are "500 colors inbetween Black and White" but those two are the most apparent, and promnent. I also mentioned that there are the hardcore fans "bronies" and the casual fans. Which you seemed to have overlooked. I said that there are inbetweens, but the two are so big and prominent, that the inbetweens are overlooked. That's all. Not everyone IS a hater or a brony, but a MAJORITY is. Majority, that's the key word. It's what most people see, and never go deeper than that. Which is exactly what I'm doing here. Now that we've (I've) established that you can dislike it, I'm just discussing forms of liking and disliking it. Like there are difficulties ot a game, there are levels to linking and dislikng this show. Something like this: Extreme hatred toward the show. (Haters) Hatred toward the show, but accepting of others. Disliking the show, but does not mind that others like it. Isn't very fond of the show, and is not interested. Knows about it, but does not care to watch it. Knows about it, watched it, and did not like it. Watched it, but not did not enjoy nor dislike it. Watched it, and enjoyed it, but nothing more tha nany other show. Watching it, and enjoying it, but keeping it to themselves in real life. Watching it, and wearing the occasional T-shirt, and talking about it in real life. (Average brony) Loves the show, has T-shirts, toys, goes to every bronycon they can, and watched all of the fanmade stuff, and makes his/her own stuff. ("Internet" brony) These are about all I can think of at the moment. Most people overlook what is inbetween "Hater" and "Internet Brony." Wit h the exception of the levels directly before or after them. That is my point. The two main "Hater" and "Internet Brony" ofershadow everyithing inbetween, so it's easily overlooked.
  24. I'm not set on one opinion here, and as I said in another post, I want to see all sides of this. I'm not labeling the two "haters" and "bronies" bluntly, but it seems to appear that way. Much like there are fans, and there are bronies. But the sheer amount of bronies and haters overthrows the "fans" and "dislikers". Much like there is over 500 different colors, but there is only Black and White as the main two. There's an amazing amount in between, but these two are the most apparent. I really like that you guys are giving me legitmiate reasons NOT to like the show, too. As before this thread, I've never heard any reasons. Which is what drove me to make this in the first place. I'm not arrogant ,and srt on belieng nobody hates this show, but I ALMOST felt that way last night. Like I said before, the "Black and White" is really in your face in this situation, and can be overwhelming. I don't thin kpeople "can't form negative opinions" either, bu rather, they don't try to. "I don't like it." just doesn't cut it when discussing whether or not something is good. The same can be applied to a child who "dislikes" a food s/he is faced with for dinner. "I don't like spaghetti!" the child exclaims. "Why? " The parent asks, oblivious. "Because I don't!" the child retaliates. This is how a lot of the "Why d oyou dislike it?" debates play out. People fail to reason WHY they dislike it. If you're oging to be super attention-craving, and say it blatantly. "I HATE THE SHOW!" Then you NEED a reason for it. If you're all by yourself, and keep your opinions ot yourself ,that's different. If someone shows you it, and you don't like it, just, ask yourself, "Why?" This has been a great thread, and a great learning experience for me. TIme to shower, and i hope someone replies by the time I'm back!
  25. It's not that it particularly matter to me if they dislike it, but rather, CAN they legitimately dislikeit? I started this topic to talk about the situation, and to get different point of views on it. Which, of course, you guys are really grat at that. I can understand that people "can dislike it" but i'm just having trouble grasping that because if someone I know hasn't heard of it, I'll show them, and they will love it. So I haven't met anyone who doesn't like it. If they haven't heard of it, of course their initial thoughts are generally negative, but that changes after a few episodes. It's not that there AREn"T people that dislike it, but that I haven't met or heard of anyone that dislikes it legitamately. It doesn't MATTER to me if they dislike it or not, nor does it affect me. This topic has just been on my mind for the past week or so. I'm trying to fully graps every point of view on this, and keep this "debate" if you will alive as long as I can. I'm not arguing, but making sure EVERY point of view on this topic is seen. Maybe I'm just this way because I don't LOOK for the negativity on this show. I don't visit 4chan often, if at all, Even if people made "clopfics" and things like the fanfic "Cupcakes" the ydevoted enough time to it to put that muc hdetail into it. Which leads me to believe that there are Haters, and Bronies. No inbetween. Haters just attempt to "fit in" and be "hipster" for hating it. You can see this a lot with a lot of jockeys from schools. (Using real examples, not TV either) and generally, their hatred is not out of actual hate, but trying to fit in with the crowd. Like I said, I KNOW there are people that dislike this show ,but right now, the brony part of it is REALLY taking over, and the "haters" number is decreasing rapidly daily.
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