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Everything posted by korok132

  1. Macenzie, for bringing me news of a Firefly MMO, you are officially the most awesome person I know. Here's a cookie.
  2. Fleet got to his feet, still dizzy after the collision, but after a quick self-assessment, he determined he was fine enough to at least stand up and walk over to the unicorn he slammed into. Who was missing her equally slammed tiny bear. A quick look around revealed the bear, now dirty, lying only a few feet away. He grabbed it with his beak and walked back over to the downed unicorn. He set the bear down next to her. "Heh, sorry about that." He gave an awkward smile, complete with him scratching the back of his head. "Are you alright? Need some help up?" He extended a claw to help her back to her hooves.
  3. There's no order, just a rule of "wait for everyone else to post before posting again."
  4. See, now you make me want to not only make a Diamond Dog (of which there are only three or four) but also now a kelpie/hippocamp (of which there appears to be exactly one). Confound these threads! They drive me to have multiple personality disorder!
  5. I tried to go to this page, the creation guide/FAQ from the App form page, and I got an error saying I do not have permission to view the topic. I have visited the page before when making my other characters, but now it's not letting me. Assistance please?
  6. ((Alright, I can wait. I'll just save my slot here for when you come back. Take care bro!))
  7. ((Pffftttt, details. )) What is wrong with this mare? First she shoots some ice at me now she's being all friendly? What is going on here? ...Oooooohhh, I get it. You're acting all friendly because you want to eat me, is that it? Be all friendly, wait for me to go to bed, then freeze me and eat me like a giant popsicle, is that it? Well, I'm on to your games now, missy, and I don't plan on being frozen today. Or, tonight. Whatever. "No, really, I think I hear something." He moved towards windows and was looking out on the front lawn. There was nothing there. "It sounded like it was coming from out front. Maybe you should go take a look?" Little did Hale know that there was also a back door through which Fleet could make his getaway from the crazy freezy-cub-eating pegasus. He'll find somewhere to hide and come back tomorrow when his parents come back and get them to take care of the crazy ice-pegasus. For now, he needed a distraction, and if nothing was going to happen, he was going to pretend that stuff was happening until she believed him.
  8. ((I can't help but think "You're going to make it snow in my house?" When I read your line "a demonstration of what would happen..." I get what you mean, just felt like I should share)) All Fleet did was stare as the hail landed on his face, his face changing from a terrible smile/scowl to just flat-out shock. Okay, scratch that. This mare's INSANE! I'm definitely not taking her with me! I gotta get out of here before she breaks everything! How? When? Uhhhh... stick to the plan. When she gets distracted or something, leg it. "M-my adventures?" He had trouble getting his voice, still in shock over the possibility of this crazy pegasus doing not-good things. "Well, I got really lost once. And, uh..." Oh, YES! I know how I can distract her! He stopped and looked around. "Did you hear that?"
  9. "I'm an explorer. I go places and explore them. But they wouldn't let me go with them to explore Canterlot. And now I'm stuck here." He had nothing against the pegasus, it's just that he really wanted to go to Canterlot and his parents didn't take him. Not that there weren't places nearby left to be explored by Fleet, but how often does a cub get to go to a new place as far as Canterlot? Well, at least Hale seemed nice enough, maybe he'll even take her exploring with him. But first, he needed to test her, see if she really is explorer material. What do explorers need again? Uh... right! Speed! She's gotta be able to keep up with me! Can't have her slowing my expedi... expedi... slowing me down. Okay, as soon as she's distracted, I'll make a break for it. If she can't catch me, then she can't be an explorer. Fleet tried to keep a scowling mask on, to give the impression of him still pouting, but his face betrayed a glimmer of expectation and devious cunning to anypony keen enough to see it. Meaning, his face was a terribly veiled smile behind an unhappy face.
  10. Okay, cool. Can't wait for this to start picking up steam!
  11. While I'm completely okay with your interpretation of what happened, I was more thinking that I ran around you, spinning while doing so, rather than literally spinning you around. I'm okay with spinning you around though. It's funnier that way. Also, is there going to be a posting order or is it just going to be a sort of "wait a few posts until you post again" type thing?
  12. The young cynogriffin let out a small "hmph" still upset and pouting about how he can't go. His mother stood beside Hale. "Oh, give him time, he'll come around. Well, if you're all set, we should be going now." She leaned in to whisper into the pegasus's ear "Keep a close eye on him. He likes to wander. Thinks he's an explorer! Don't let him stay gone for too long." She began to move towards the door. "Have fun Fleet! And be good to the nice mare!" With a smile, the parents left, leaving a small pouting puff of feathers and fur alone with the blue pegasus. If he could possibly look any less happy about having to stay home, it just wasn't coming to him.
  13. ((Don't worry, I forgot about this too. It's all good.)) Soap? Check. Toothbrush? Check? Normal brush? Check. The piece of work we're supposed to be delivering to Canterlot? Check, otherwise we're out a lot of bits. The cynogriffin couple was ready to depart! There was just one last thing they had to take care of: their cub, Fleet Paw. "But I really wanna gooooooo!" The young cynogriffin complained loudly, trying his hardest to get his parents to take him on their business trip. "Oh trust me, Canterlot is so terribly boring. You wouldn't want to go, trust me." Fleet's mother hugged him tightly. "Now we have someone coming to keep you company. If you need anything, just go ask our neighbors." Immediately upon finishing her sentence, there was a knock at the door. "That's probably her." She opened the door to reveal a blue pegasus standing there with a saddlebag on her back. "Ah! Perfect! Welcome, welcome! Come on in!" She moved aside and motioned for Hale to enter.
  14. They even have an ARCADE here!? And an auction block!? Is there anything this carnival DOESN'T have!? "Hay! Look out!" Focusing back on where he was running, Fleet quickly noticed he was on a collision course with an orange pony. Quickly changing his course with a few flaps of his small wings, he spun around the foal with a loud "Whoop whoop whoop!" What he was not expecting was a sudden high-velocity face-to-face greeting with a tiny pink unicorn carrying a yellow stuffed bear. Too late to change course! PREPARE FOR IMPACT! Fleet plowed right into the second foal, sending both tumbling to the ground. The cynogrif groaned in pain as he tried to stand back up. "Owww..." ((OOC: If the color is too similar to Snails's, feel free to yell at me to change it.))
  15. Can I safely assume we're going to be using this as the OOC for the adventure as well? Because right now I'm confused. Supposedly, I'm about to run into both Valen AND Pinchy. Snails is about to witness me running into Valen, which I'm okay with, but am I going to hit Pinchy too? I could come up with a way to make that happen, I just want to double check before I collide with both of you to make sure that I'm reading this right.
  16. Most likely: DJ-PON3. She's getting her own toy. There's a high chance she's gonna get at least another scene, if any spoken dialogue. Derpy is a close second, and I say this because of the giant hooplah that happened when she got her own scene with dialogue. Less likely she'll get another shot, as opposed to DJ getting her first. Least likely: Doctor Whooves. He's basically Doctor Who, except a pony. There's simply no way they're going to give him anything unless he's completely different from the Doctor. Then at that point he's a completely different character with the same name. Which one I want the most: Octavia and/or Lyra. Both of them are music ponies, and this show needs a character that a big music nerd. Because music is awesome.
  17. I think Valentine's Day is lame. On that note, probably Twilight. Nothing romantic, unless you count book-talk, moderately intelligent conversation, and maybe some star gazing at night to wrap it all up. Wait, star gazing is romantic isn't it? Well, whatever, it'd still be fun/interesting.
  18. I kinda agree that being "in the closet" kinda has a negative tone to it, but that's not the point of this topic. The point of this topic is for me to say "Congratulations" to you. So... Congratulations!
  19. I'm okay with you being two characters, especially considering 'Tia only shows up a grand total of five times in the show, although personally I would like a one-person-per-role kinda thing. Or at the very least taking two minor roles (like 'Tia and Zecora, both of which show up five times each)
  20. I think it's a perfect start. Woo! LET'S GET THIS GRAVY TRAIN ROLLIN'! TOOT TOOT!
  21. Traveling was always exciting for Fleet Paw, even if it was a "business trip" for his parents. New places! New sights! New adventures! As the family approached the town of Trottingham, one of the first things Fleet noticed was a huge carnival going on. "Oh! Oh! Oh! A carnival! Can we go? Huh? Can we? Huh? PLEEEEEASE?" If the small cynogriffin could have been more excited, he would probably start vibrating. The two parents exchanged a glance, before responding "Alright, you can go. We still have to deliver the order though, so don't go too far." Almost as soon as the sentence was finished the cub took off. "Meet us back at the entrance by sunset!" So much to do! So much to see! Fleet was an orange blur amongst the crowd, running from stall to stall, wanting to see it all! Dart throwing? Water-gun shooting? Apple bobbing? Where to start!?
  22. I thought it was already decided that there was going to be an Equestrian Grand Fair going on, so that all our foals could get together. Maybe our first destination could be to Trottingham, so that we can include you on the way. And that just gave me a brilliant idea: We start with only a handful, like maybe three, and then as they travel around more jump on with them, until all seven are traveling around. Each stop, the the group gets into some sort of trouble, the new one is included somehow, then they run away to the train, which takes off with them to the next town. Rinse, repeat until we either go everywhere or get sick of it.
  23. Alright, I think for the sake of speed, we should stop allowing people in. Not trying to sound mean, but there's now seven people who want in. Me Davroth Imagination Firebolt SteelEagle waterhippo Boss_Hoss1 If we allow any more, it's going to take so long to get anything done. Also, we're finally starting.
  24. I'm korok132, and this is my favorite store on the Citadel thread on Canterlot.
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