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Status Updates posted by SunsetSombra

  1. http://t.co/zlFRXuAy - This....might just be the greatest piece of Fanfiction I have ever read! :P#ALLofthepuns #SeriouslyHilarious

  2. https://t.co/jdIew2SyMH - Oh god, Nintendo, you cray cray SOB's! XD

  3. Sometimes, the world is not enough!~


  4. Watching both Ghostbuster films today since it's been years away from the last time of seeing them...if anyone hasn't seen them before, I definitely would say it's worth the time to enjoy them. 

    { Ghostbusters 2 isn't really that 'bad' - just don't compare it to the first and let it tell its own story! :P }

    1. Parker_Izing


      oh my, on 2, there was a scene on "Pneumatic transit" witch actually  depicted the Pneumatic transit by Beach (name, not the beach)  an early proposal of underground using air pressure to push cars along the tracks. this was from mid 19th century, really this system was found on 1912, but sadly demolished to make a bank safe. (really on the net are pictures of the complex when found in 1912)

  5. :3

    1. XanXeto


      Robust, bold, the ability to drown in water when Rosewind gets her hooves on him.

    2. SunsetSombra


      I'm clearly best pony!

    3. XanXeto
  6. ...I AM SO GLAD I DON'T CARE ABOUT TOBUSCUS! This guy is a moron. XD

  7. 'Sup, Ponies? Having a fun night...? Aaaaalllright, that's cool! <3~

  8. 'Switched lives with Gilda' - http://t.co/gfa64VCP - What Pony activity does YOUR birthday relate to, eh? XD

  9. " I never asked for this! "

  10. " I'm not destroying the world, I'm saving it! " - Wise words indeed...:3

  11. " Well here we are again. It's always such a pleasure. Remember when you tried to kill me twice? " Ahh, Portal 2...I still love you to death! xD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Monochrome


      I love Portal! :D

      Hey, if you're interested, I have a pony-Portal rp going on in Free-for-All~

    3. SunsetSombra


      I'm more of a structured RP type, I'm not really big on teh FFA sections as much...just not where I'm at, so to speak. xD

    4. Monochrome
  12. "A part of your soul ties you to the next world - Or maybe to the last, but I'm still not sure!" Glorious music! <3http://t.co/NEoWsZik

  13. {{ @MLP_Apollo ...GOD I love that game series so much. XD Apollo's adorable as an attorney - nice choice of adaptation! <3 }}

  14. {{ @mlp_csteward D'AAAAAAW! XD Those feels, you have them bad! }}

  15. ****ing Cancer is a piece of ****...

  16. *Boops everyone on twitter!* Gotcha! 8D#pointlesstweet

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      You just want me for my lumps!

  17. *gazes longingly up at the hanging sign! Must be the #RoyalRumble!

  18. *looks at something and grins* It is not perfect yet, but soon....soon it will be ready~ *cackles ensue*

    1. QuickLime


      -knowing smile-

  19. *Looks at twitter feed* Deadmau5, ponies, WWE, more ponies...huh - I love it! XD

  20. *Lurking in the shadows!* Tssssssssss.... [D:]

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SunsetSombra


      You're a silly pony. :P

    3. tacobob


      Sniff...My old poopaw used to call me that...Ah, my dear poopaw, I miss you so.

    4. ShadowWalking18
  21. *The music box plays!*

  22. #FlashSentryisinnocent - Find out if he is as the court case of Equestria V Flash begins!

  23. #PoniStark4CC - Ya'all know it would make sense! :P

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