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Everything posted by SirShadowdeath

  1. Once more, the man specifically does it to make a mockery of government. He literally told people NOT to vote for him and waste their vote. He just likes poking fun at government and mockibg it. I find it hilarious actually.
  2. Inkblot dropped the quill onto the desk once more, and turned to Quantum Flux. "I was writing a fictional piece actually. It''s called "Through the Daybreak", and it's about a lone unicorn who becomes lost deep within the Everfree forest. Over time, the unicorn meets many interesting creatures, but must also cope with his fears in order to survive the harsh wilderness." Ink picked the quill back up, and looked back to his writing. He then squinted for a second, and then called to his raven. "Corvus! Fetch me a book on the geography of the Everfree forest please." Hearing this, the bird perked up from atop the bookshelf and fly over to the shelf at the far left. Once there, he pulled out a book and carried it over to Ink. He then dropped it on the desk, and then perched himself on Ink's back once more.
  3. I created a battle clone of fluttershy. 0.o (June 12)
  4. "I see you've found a book by Hoofing, Miss Flux. I've read the other two, you know. Interesting reads. Anyway, enjoy youself. If you would like to buy that, I'll be over here by my desk, working on my book." Inkblot, seeing that Quantum Flux was deeply interested in her book, slowly walked back to his desk. He then continued to pick up his quill, and get back to work on his latest novel.
  5. I'd actually be interesting to interact with Fluttershy...maybe I shall...
  6. Vermin Supreme specfically had crazy policies because he wants to make a mockery of the US government.
  7. Hearing the unicorn, Ink stopped writing and dropped the pencil. "My name is Inkblot, but you can call me Ink, miss." The black pegasus turned back to his writing, feeling that he was forgetting something. He suddenly dropped the quill again and look backed to the unicorn. "I'm sorry. I was a bit distracted by my writing. What is your name, miss?"
  8. "Nonfiction? Of course! What kind of bookstore would only carry one type of book? We have books on mythology, history, lore, astronomy, nature, animals, even science! I believe nonfiction is the bookshelf on the far left. Have a good look and tell me if you need help." The raven hovering above the black pegasus's head stopped staring at the ferret and flew back to the top of the bookshelf. The Black Pegasus proceeded to head back to his desk, where he took a pen from a drawer and started writing on a blank sheet of paper. "Once again, let me know if you need help finding anything."
  9. This is awesome on millions of levels.
  10. Inkblot heard the chime of the front door opening. He immediately turned to see a pony standing in the doorway. Ink ran up to her immediately, waking up the raven perched on his back. The raven crowed slightly, and gently flew upward. He then flew around until he was gently hovering over Ink's head. "I'm so sorry about Corvus's behavior! He can be a bit jumpy at times. Anyway, welcome to the Raven's Quill! What can I help you with, miss?" All the while Inkblot was talking, Corvus eyed the pony's ferret closely.
  11. I'd read this everyone... http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/or8ag/ive_read_the_final_version_of
  12. Liquid time is time that follows no logical line. For instance, three role play threads at one time, or being in Ponyville at 3:30 and StallionGrad at 3:31.
  13. I hope so, but it just seems that politicians have no common sense at times.
  14. Simple question, is the RP here in liquid time or not?
  15. As Inkblot walked into his humble bookstore, his pet raven flew down from a bookshelf and perched himself on the pegasus's back. The store had a musty smell, and bookshelves lined every wall. The crimson carpeting reflected the lights of the lanterns hanging in the aisles in between the bookshelves gracefully. Papers littered the floor, and a mahogony desk sat at one end of the store, near the front door. Ink walked around the store for a short bit, making sure everything was in order. "Corvus, would you mind doing me a favor?" he asked his raven. The raven, now fast asleep, ignored him. "Nevermind then, I'll do it myself." Ink flew up, taking a book off of the top of a nearby bookshelf. He flew back down, and put the book back into its rightful place. "Okay! That should be all!" Inkblot said, heading toward the front window. He then turned the sign hanging in the window to "Open". He was prepared for a day of buisness, and hopefully other ponies would have interest in some books.
  16. Would you surprised if they did?
  17. Alicorn is not a name originating from fanon specifically. It originates from mythological stories and legends about winged unicorns. Similiar names include "Unisus" which Has more obvious meaning. Other names include Unipeg, and Pegacorn. The word itself, alicorn, originates from the 1984 novel "Bearing an Hourglass" by Piers Anthony. Since Celesitia and Luna both have the features of unicorns and pegasi, they are referred to as Alicorns because that is the correct mythological term for them. In fact, the term in used in many shows, like She-Ra. While the term given to them is given BY fanon, it does not originate FROM fanon.
  18. I actually watched the first episode of season 1...
  19. This isn't true in the slighest.
  20. Pinkamina is a logical style. I've seen many people with it in fact.
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